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29 мая 2022

It's taken me an entire month to lose 1 pound. Yeah, yeah, I know it's better than putting on a pound, but I did that too. Up and down, up and down. At this rate, I'm not sure I can live long enough to get back to normal for me. My husband just got out of the hospital. At the best hospital in California UCLA after 3 days in Emergency, they couldn't figure out what was (and still is) causing his oxygen saturation to go so low. I stayed with him, but couldn't sleep sitting on that hard little chair. He is now on oxygen 24 hours a day but it still keeps dipping. This is a whole new ballgame. He talks about moving downstairs and putting a twin bed in the living room. He doesn't want a hospital bed, so maybe we will buy a used twin. My girlfriend asked if I would still want to sleep upstairs and be that far from him with his breathing problems. Wow, I guess not. So it seems I may be sleeping on the couch.

We were in "Emergency" so long because UCLA is so busy. Emergency was entirely full with 105 people plus the ones not checked in yet plus Urgent Care upstairs. There were 32 people waiting for a room. They called my husband's problem an Emphysema Flair. His ankles were not swollen, so he had just taken 1 diuretic. This just crept up on us but has not been resolved with even taking 2 diuretics a day now. He had taken a 14-day course of antibiotics 3 weeks ago for his H-Pylori infection in his stomach. During that 14 days, he had ocular migraines for a week and a half. Those antibiotics are brutal and they didn't even work.

This is day 39 for me not eating any sweets or desserts or wine. Plus it is day 3 with no bread, although I'm not sure I can keep that long term. Maybe I will allow it once in a while. I need to do more to lose some weight. Ninety percent of my clothes are for a different "person", a smaller person. Since my bones are so thin and I have so little muscle, I look 20 lbs heavier than the scale says.
Вес: Потеряно до сих пор: Еще предстоит сделать: Следовательность диеты:
60,0 кг 0 кг 8,7 кг Достаточно Хорошо
   (7 комментарий) Потеряно 0,2 кг за Неделю

08 мая 2022

It's been 10 days since I've recorded my weight and it has taken me that long to almost get back to what I weighed 10 days ago. My husband has had many doctor appointments and then we go out to eat afterward. Yes, yes I know I could be having a salad, something light, or practice portion control at the restaurant but I don't have that much discipline. The bad news is that 90% of my clothes don't fit me, and I'm not sure I'll ever be able to get back to a normal weight for me especially since I've shrunk down to 5'. Since my bones are so thin what would be a normal weight on someone else is way overweight on my small frame. I am discouraged about losing. The good news is today is day 18 of not having any sweets or wine. I did have about 1/4 of a bite of Creme Brulee without the sugar topping to taste my husband's dessert. I don't feel guilty not counting that tiny bit of custard in the grand scheme of things. Also good is that my husband is doing well considering all his many problems. Next week he will have a PET Scan to see if his cancer is attacking his organs. The lymph node where it had spread has still shrunk and he isn't sick from the melanoma yet. There is no chemotherapy for this aggressive cancer, so it's incredible that it has been 10 months since he was diagnosed. I believe the Lord is giving him every chance possible to "come" to Him. So many people are praying for his salvation but he seems indifferent. I'm thankful to the Lord for so very many things! I have a comfortable place to live, a warm bed, a dry roof, money to buy food, and there is food in the store to buy (for now). And nobody is shooting at us yet.
Вес: Потеряно до сих пор: Еще предстоит сделать: Следовательность диеты:
60,6 кг 0 кг 9,3 кг Достаточно Хорошо
   (3 комментарий) Набралось 0,1 кг за Неделю

28 апреля 2022

Today is day 8 going without sweets or wine. Perhaps I shouldn't count my chickens before they hatch but last Sunday was the first time in months that I didn't bring home sweets or croissants from the church “free give-away”. Our church has a very large food ministry on Fridays which I do not go to, even to help since I broke my back. They fill about 150 boxes for our neighborhood plus give bulk food to other churches in the area. There used to be a government-sponsored one on Wednesdays too but that stopped about a year ago. Wednesdays were the ones I worked on for a few years. Now, not only should I not be lifting, it just tears up my lower back (where my original problems are) to just be standing. What I am able to stand the pain of doing, I reserve for my own house and yard. Sundays after church they give out the left-overs from Friday, plus what comes in on Saturday. Originally it was just for our church family but more and more people (about 20 or 30) are dropping by without coming to service to take things too. It has become so crowded many parishioners don't even try to compete. The funny thing is many of them are not interested in things like Brussel sprouts, chard, broccoli, kale, leeks, mushrooms, fancy cheeses like goat cheese, buffalo mozzarella, or things they don't know what it is, or maybe even damaged things. There are usually around 20 big boxes of bread and sweets like all food ministries get. There are usually boxes of overripe bananas, last week 2 pallets. Most people don't want things like berries if there are several spoiled ones in the box. Many items are marginal or blemished, actually, some are spoiled. After the main throng goes through there are still things left that are useable if one is willing to go through them. There is so much bread and sweets that probably about 60% of the sweets and 70% of the bread is left.

I do take a few things for my 1 friend that had part of her intestines removed and is doing so poorly. She now has kidney stones and is in a great deal of pain from that and sciatica. She is on a special diet now so can't use most of what I used to take her. Her son (DIL and granddaughter) and her 2 caretakers and sometimes a nurse have to handle her needs as best as they can. My heart aches for her but I just can't handle getting more involved in her care but I always feel kind of guilty. She needs someone to change her bag, bathe her, cook for her, and clean the house. I've never changed her bag and she's never asked. I've never washed her kitchen floor and she's never asked. She is just grateful for what I do but it breaks my heart to see her condition. Sometimes I stay away just not to see it. Have you done that? There just isn't that much left of me, I can't even handle my own house. She lives about 10 or 12 miles from me. It isn't worth spending the money on gas driving that far for a loaf of bread or a head of lettuce. She can't cook most of the time. I only take groceries about every other week now.

I keep telling myself I am content to put up with my lack of keeping up my house because of my bad back and age (80). My husband is not satisfied but strangely is not complaining as much lately. I sure have been busy lately but do some things sitting in front of the TV leaning back on pillows in my lower back. He has been pulling some weeds lately, and transplanting some plants that I don't think will live because there are no roots on them but his working in the yard is good for him and it sure keeps him out of my hair. He is from Europe so always believed the house and yard “belong to” the wife to take care of. For my birthday years ago he bought me a used push mower for our 4 lawns.
Вес: Потеряно до сих пор: Еще предстоит сделать: Следовательность диеты:
60,5 кг 0 кг 9,3 кг Достаточно Хорошо
   (1 комментарий) Потеряно 1,3 кг за Неделю

24 апреля 2022

Yesterday was day 3 for not having any sweets or wine. However, I probably ate too many grapes in the afternoon because I was hungry and they were so delicious. I was suggesting to Debbie Cousins that she watch "Robbie & Gary Gardening Easy" on YouTube to build your own soil for free by burying most of your kitchen waste and yard waste. I'm not good at gardening but things are going to get so tough we all need to start growing whatever we can. It's worth watching YouTube "Alaska Prepper" for some of the facts about what's happening out there or "City Prepper" for a sensible plan.

I care about all you wonderful people here at FS so I feel the need to share with all of you as a warning to prepare as best as you can. Each of us are in different circumstances but if we just do a little something every day to prepare ourselves for a tough future it won't seem so overwhelming. My neighbor said she does not want to hear “anything” negative. There are statistics of only 1% or 3% doing any “preps” for the future. Or are people just not talking about what they are doing, in fear of protecting themselves in the future?

The powers that be want to eliminate gas cars. I'm not buying an electric car and most of you won't either. Our electrical grid can't handle that. It's old and they are destroying the backup plants. Now they are killing our poultry. How long will beef be available? Without fertilizer, the farmers can't grow grain. We can learn to make fertilizer for our individual gardens without kitchen and yard waste. I have a compost tumbler but I can't turn it my myself so I am going to sell it. I can't turn compost but I'm learning from YouTube to just bury the scraps and leaves and never have to stir it. I am lousy at gardening and my progress in that area is very, very slow.

But I am saving canned goods and dried things. I do not buy complete freeze-dried meals because they are expensive for what you get. I prefer to save individual ingredients. I can speak of these things because I am anonymous on FS. Each of us have our problems against “prepping”. I live in a hot inland valley and have limited space to store anything. The garage or attic are the worse places. Much of Southern California is just basically a desert when water is not piped in. My husband does not want me to save water for an emergency like an earthquake and he pours it out. Perhaps, just perhaps I could barter for some from a neighbor that has a pool, but all the neighbors would probably want to do that. One neighbor told me he saves 10 gallons of water, but does he know how long that would last? It is said that we should have a gallon a day per person. In an emergency, I would only have water for drinking and cooking so I don't plan on any laundry whatsoever.

I have canned tuna and ham but I sure didn't want to get into canning. Now as of last week I see that if I want to have beef and poultry I better learn to can. Walmart still had some pint jars at the lower price and those should be big enough for meat for just the 2 of us, maybe even for 2 meals if we need to stretch it. My husband was raised in Europe and they didn't have an abundance of meat so he can get by without a lot of it. During the war, it was almost used as a condiment. His health is doing better than the last couple of years so maybe he will be around longer than appeared. Some say you can pressure can in 4 pints in the largest “instant pot”, others say it's not safe. Some say a pressure cooker is not a pressure canner. I need to learn more. Someone said a pressure canner used to be about $33. and is now $150. I need to dig out my pressure cooker from the back of a closet and see what it is and how it works. I hear there are 2 good brands of pressure canners: Presto and ???. I'll study. While I am studying and helping my husband I'm not gardening. But I cut up a lot of tulle and tied most around the outside of my 14 filled storage container raised beds hoping the slugs won't crawl in. And I bought small plants (tomatoes, peppers, and zucchini) a week ago since I never started any of my seeds but haven't planted them. Also, I'm taping the tops of cardboard boxes "up" to grow potatoes and sweet potatoes in. They will deteriorate during the season and the potatoes will be easy to pull out and the junky boxes will just be put into storage totes to make more soil to grow in. Time to get ready for church.
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61,2 кг 0 кг 10,0 кг Достаточно Хорошо
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21 апреля 2022

Вес: Потеряно до сих пор: Еще предстоит сделать: Следовательность диеты:
62,0 кг 0 кг 10,7 кг Достаточно Хорошо
   (1 комментарий) Набралось 0,7 кг за Неделю

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