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26 мая 2015

Вес: Потеряно до сих пор: Еще предстоит сделать: Следовательность диеты:
94,8 кг 13,2 кг 31,3 кг Плохо
   Добавить Комментарий Набралось 0,2 кг за Неделю

14 мая 2015

I'm going to see my DH for the first time in 2 months today! :D
I don't know if he'll notice that I have lost 9 pounds since he left to go help his parents sort out the mess with the Alzheimer's & legal stuff, but I kind of hope so.

I stayed up crazy late last night/this am cleaning and tidying up. (He's a compulsive neat freak and I am a total mess-maker LOL talk about opposites attracting right? He's also a foot+ taller than me and built like a beanpole).

I had quite a bad chill last night (I couldn't get warm and had to use the heating pad) but to be fair it did dip down and we got frost. So hopefully it was just that and anxiety and not a cold coming on!

Ok gotta finish up my tea and do some more last minute vacuuming and stuff! :D

PS: Does anyone know if I change my "diet plan" type does it wipe out all my info? I've not been doing Weight Watchers since 2010, and would like it to reflect that it's my own diet)? I don't want to lose all my info and stuff because that is a big part of what keeps me motivated.

12 мая 2015

Ok: went to the Doctor's today (actually I went to the vet first, then later in the after noon to my doc's). First the good news that the white bits in Jess's hairball were _not_ worms like I had feared. Apparently they are dander and misc stuff. the vet said "Wash your cat. They aren't worms." and he left it at that. Ok, that's fine. I'll have to look into washing her though I doubt I will do it until after her sutures have healed so as to avoid any infection. Spent 70$ on flea and heartworm meds to get 6 doses (4 cats, 6 doses=not quite 2 months supply. Grrr...)

My visit to the Dr's today: as usual they took my blood. It's great, right? I mean they never bother to tell me not to eat before I come in--I just _know_ that they're going to want my blood with a fasting blood sugar level so I know better than to eat. LOL. So _that_ made the Doc happy.

She's not happy with my drop in blood pressure.
Apparently, even though I've gone from the 170's and 160's to the 130's she's still not happy with that and wants it down another 10 points. So she is upping the dosage of lisinopril. Ok, we'll go with that and see how it works.

She had absolutely nothing at all to say about my weight loss.
Do I sound disappointed? Yeah. I am. This is the woman who told me to try to drop at least 5 pounds so we would start seeing a difference. I did better than that. Really!
I've gone from 222 the last time I saw her to 208 today. You would think she could find it in her to say something --even if it's just "you're on the right track." But no.
So 14 pounds and not a blink. Eh.
At least my Gyn commented on it when I saw her and said that was great and asked me how I was doing it. (Therein lies the difference I think in the two doctors' bedside manner, eh?)

So along with the increase in the BP meds, we discussed the results of my MRI (completely normal, no signs of previous infarctions or strokes or tumors or abscesses), the fact that my neuro-verbal issue is still extant and what could be causing it. Stress.

Then we discussed what I can do re: my anxiety and depression.
I explained to her that I am taking the anti-anxiety meds she prescribed, but that I am still very stressed and anxious and frustrated. I am having to self medicate with large doses of diphenyl hydramine (benadryl)to get to sleep and that even so I wake up on the average between 10-17 times a night--which leads to me still being tired and fatigued all the time. I did note that I was aware that it can raise my blood pressure but I was using it anyway in the search to actually _go_ to sleep.

So she decided that I could be started on Amitriptyline which is an old school antidepressant. I'll still take the lexapro in the AM. (IIRC this is what the doc in the UK put me on and it turned me into a total zombie and my husband had me ditch that). Her thought is that if I take it at night it may allow me to shut my brain off long enough to relax enough to get restful sleep. I can but hope. I'll give it a try and see what happens.

All the other meds are the same, and I need to keep exercising and trying to lose weight. She wants to see me between 130 and 138 at a max weight for my height and age. Ye-ah. I think the last time I weighed in that range I was...11?12? uh. Well, I can try. All I really want these days is to have some energy to be able to live life without always feeling drained and overwhelmed at the thought of walking across the room.
Yes. Sometimes it really IS that bad.

But tomorrow is another day. Let's just see how it goes.
Вес: Потеряно до сих пор: Еще предстоит сделать: Следовательность диеты:
94,3 кг 13,6 кг 30,8 кг Достаточно Хорошо
   Добавить Комментарий Потеряно 0,8 кг за Неделю

08 мая 2015

Вес: Потеряно до сих пор: Еще предстоит сделать: Следовательность диеты:
94,8 кг 13,2 кг 31,3 кг Плохо
   (1 комментарий) постоянный вес

07 мая 2015

As you can probably tell I have been putting off getting the scale to see how fat I am right now. I haven't really been eating correctly although I have been trying (and failing) to limit the amount of crap (and all food really) I am eating.

I think right now the only saving grace is that the weather is better and I am over the nasty cold and sinus infection that I had right on top of each other. So I have been doing some moderate yard work (hauling field stone from one end of the paddock to the front yard to make a raised bed for my wild flowers and clover to get planted in. I know my DH will complain about it when he gets back from being away since it isn't perfectly in square (hey, I am happy it's generally rectangular). I completely underestimated the amount of stones I would need for this project -- and he would like me to ring the small saplings in the front yard too. Yeah. I need some strapping six pack abs and a constitution of steel to get as many moved as needed (it's an acre and a half walk to where the stones are and then back again, and let me tell you, they are _not_ light. However, I want to do this while I can, while I have the energy and wherewithal to do it. I never know how long it will last so I have to keep at it.

Other news: Harley is completely recovered, Jess came home from the vet's this am after having been spayed. I am so glad that I won't have to hear her suffering through heat anymore! Yay! And yea. That is good.

I have a bunch of cleaning to do in the house since honey will be coming home and it would be nice if he wasn't greeted by my random piles of fabric, miniature projects and random things that get set to the side. *sigh* so much to do, so little time!

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