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05 февраля 2024

The wind was crazy last night! Today is garbage pickup day. I was surprised at how many of my neighbors put their containers last night. And sue enough when I got up this morning to take my containers to the curb I saw all the neighbor's containers had blown over and there is trash everywhere. Just took Bobby for a quick walk since the rain has paused. Didn't see any tree had fallen but lots of branches, including from 2 huge pine trees on each side of my driveway. Other than that just lots of puddles. We didn't get as much as rain as the coast did. My rain gauge shows under 2 inches.

Hope to get back to eating right today. Scrambled eggs this morning with mushrooms and a little cheddar cheese. Will probably make the Asian chicken salad for my 2nd and last meal of the day. Will also make oatmeal for tomorrow and Wednesday although I might have that instead of the salad later today.

Right now I am trying to ignore my knee issue. It just aches a little and I had no problem walking Bobby for 20 minutes. The thought of any surgery just upsets me right now, so denial it is!

I haven't seen Porch Kitty for about 3 weeks. I've been feeding him/her for over 3 years. In all that time she never got tame. She would wait at the top of the porch steps on the other side of the gate and not come get her food until I came back inside and shut the door. She started missing breakfast about 3 times a week awhile ago and no longer seemed to like the canned food I gave her for breakfast and dinner. Instead she waited for me to put out Temptations cat treats and half and half. The she stopped showing up during rainy days. I had a feeling someone else was feeding her or if she was actually someone's cat (probably only allowed in the garage), maybe they moved. I hope nothing happened to her. I still have a little rug on the
porch that she would lay on sometimes.

04 февраля 2024

I have had a bad couple of weeks. I didn't even weigh myself last Sunday, just entered the same weight. I bought molasses cookies before my appointment at the orthopedist on Friday and then afterwards I stopped on the way home and bought more bad stuff, including Hawaiian dinner rolls and things I won't confess to. Hope to get back on track tomorrow. I did get Brussels sprouts, mushroom, onion, and spinach for a stir fry and a bag of Taylor Farms steakhouse wedge salad mix. That's good for 3 Asian chicken salads next week.

Waiting for a huge storm later today with "damaging" winds overnight. I've moved everything off the deck. Don't like sleeping in front of the sliding glass door when it's that windy, when trees are blowing down and branches go flying. I may sleep on the sofa, the family room has no window. It's raining now, nothing else.

On my knee issue I change my mind every 5 minutes. Although I need a 2nd opinion and talk to my primary care doctor (my doctor for the last 10 years) before beginning to make a decision. Right now I'm at the "if I have just a little pain sometimes, why do anything" phase. If it becomes clear I have to do something the next step will be to call the sales agent at the new home development to see where things are in getting the street in for my new house and if I need to delay the process, can that be done. But I'm getting way ahead of myself which is so typical for how I deal with life
Вес: Потеряно до сих пор: Еще предстоит сделать: Следовательность диеты:
80,0 кг 0,7 кг 6,5 кг Плохо
   (2 комментарий) Набралось 2,8 кг за Неделю

04 февраля 2024

I have had a bad couple of weeks. I didn't even weigh myself last Sunday, just entered the same weight. I bought molasses cookies before my appointment at the orthopedist on Friday and then afterwards I stopped on the way home and bought more bad stuff, including Hawaiian dinner rolls and things I won't confess to. Hope to get back on track tomorrow. I did get Brussels sprouts, mushroom, onion, and spinach for a stir fry and a bag of Taylor Farms steakhouse wedge salad mix. That's good for 3 Asian chicken salads next week.

Waiting for a huge storm later today with "damaging" winds overnight. I've moved everything off the deck. Don't like sleeping in front of the sliding glass door when it's that windy, when trees are blowing down and branches go flying. I may sleep on the sofa, the family room has no window. It's raining now, nothing else.

On my knee issue I change my mind every 5 minutes. Although I need a 2nd opinion and talk to my primary care doctor (my doctor for the last 10 years) before beginning to make a decision. Right now I'm at the "if I have just a little pain sometimes, why do anything" phase. If it becomes clear I have to do something the next step will be to call the sales agent at the new home development to see where things are in getting the street in for my new house and if I need to delay the process, can that be done. But I'm getting way ahead of myself which is so typical for how I deal with life
Вес: Потеряно до сих пор: Еще предстоит сделать: Следовательность диеты:
80,0 кг 0,7 кг 6,5 кг Плохо
   Добавить Комментарий Набралось 2,8 кг за Неделю

02 февраля 2024

01 февраля 2024

I had 3 tacos for breakfast yesterday around 7am. Planned on tuna fish for a late lunch but since half the taco meat was in the refrigerator I had 2 more tacos! Can't say I've ever had 5 tacos in one day. Since I had thawed about a pound of lean ground beef and only cooked 4 ounces I need to figure out what to do with the rest of the beef. May cook patties on the George Foreman grill, if I haven't packed it. Also may make a skillet meal with a box of rice a roni or a small meat loaf. Will finally have the tuna today though.

Didn't walk yesterday. I had 2 guys from a junk removal service pick up stuff either too big to put in the garbage container, like a huge area rug and some furniture I can't give away. The futon is finally out of the house, also a big over stuffed chair that matches the sofa I will get rid of before moving. They also took a desk and 3 lounges from the deck. The house is getting emptier! Still trying to figure out whether to take or get rid of an entertainment center. They are obsolete now, but I keep my CD changer, receiver and speakers in half of it, use the other half for wine glasses and bottles of wine. Haven't played the CDs in a long time, but maybe will again.

Since I went up and down the porch steps about 30 times while the guys were here my knee was really hurting last night. I felt bad, just before the guys left I got a call from my financial advisor about some changes I wanted to make with my IRA. I forgot to tip the guys and they did an amazing job. I couldn't believe the one guy lifted the desk up over his head to put in the truck! Anyway I called the owner of it he company and figured out how to get the tips to the guys.

Today should have nothing going on. It rained all last night and was very windy.

Fritzy 22-Изменение Веса

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