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10 марта 2024

My weight is actually higher but I don't want to see it in writing! I really haven't been eating right. I remember saying I'm either gaining weight or losing it, never maintaining. I'm in the gaining mode now. Trying to start over again. Bought 2 bags of the salad mix I like so plan on making salad with chopped up chicken breast for the next few days. Had it yesterday. I'm also planning on using up the 10 cans of tomato soup in the pantry so won't keep carbs below 100 grams for a week or 2. Will post my weight on Sundays, adding a pound until I reach my actual weight. Hoping I'll be losing though.

Had a realtor come look at my house the other day. But she didn't tell me what price she thinks I should list it at, which is all I really want. I can find all the comparable sales myself online, I actually see homes on Realtor.com that I found more comparable. I plan on going with another realtor, but she also doesn't give me a listing price. Probably because she knows what I'm hoping to sell it for and doesn't want to hurt my feelings. But when I list it, I want it to sell right away so I know it needs to be priced right. I was able to reach the guy who painted kitchen csbinets 2 years ago and he agreed to touch them up (lots of nicks and chips that are my fault). He will also stain my front porch and paint in 4 spots in the house where I had drywall patched. With him doing all that there isn't much more that needs to be done before selling.

Went outside this morning and threw a ball for Bobby to bring back to me about 5 or 6 times since I'm not supposed to walk him with my bad knee per the physical therapist. I see an orthopedist on Friday so I will ask him about that.
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81,0 кг 0 кг 7,5 кг Достаточно Хорошо
   (12 комментарий) Набралось 0,2 кг за Неделю

01 марта 2024

Still not doing good. The "reset" on the 25th didn't hold. Don't even think I made it through the 26th. Not sure what's going on in my head, because it is in my head. I think it's a combination of 2 things - the realization I do need surgery of some kind on my knee and the new house I plan on buying and moving to in Oregon. Both for me are major life events and are happening at the same time. And neither is going well. I have no idea when the house will be built. Originally I was told it would be done in April. So I should have put my house up for sale (a 3rd major life event for me and major stressor).

I have been eating stuff I didn't even know I wanted. Way too much ice cream. I finally threw out a half carton of ice cream yesterday. A least they aren't half gallons any anymore. Thanks to shrink-flation the containers are now a quart and a half. I do know that when I am ready to get focussed it just clicks in my head and I don't care about chips or ice cream or crackers with butter, etc. Nothing is clicking now but at least right now the only bad thing in the house is less than a half box of Ritz crackers. And the weather is lousy so I don't want to drive anywhere let alone to the grocery store. It was so windy all day yesterday. I put bird food out on the deck and could see dozens of sparrows, and tiny bright yellow gold finches. In the tree branches holding on for dear life. There are blizzard conditions "up the hill" and people are being cautioned not to drive up to Tahoe, the ski resorts are closed anyway because of the blizzard and crazy wind and potential for avalanches. Down the hill, where I live we just have rain and the crazy wind. There may be some low snow at elevations of 2000-3000 feet, but I am around 1500 or so.

I did walk on the dirt trail 2 days in a row because it is a quick easy 20 minute loop. But my aching knee is reminding me my doctor said not to walk on dirt trails. I go to physical therapy for my knee Monday. It's just an evaluation. I don't want to be doing anything that could hurt me more. Okay, I know it was my decision to walk on the dirt trail.

26 февраля 2024

Yesterday was the first day in over 3 weeks that I actually followed my WOE for the whole day. I was feeling hungry early in the evening and thought about having a small bowl of cereal, but I didn't have anything because I was at my max for carbs for the day. I'm trying to figure out a weekly meal schedule. I actually do better when I eat the same thing all the time so I don't have to think about it. I really only have one meal to think about - lunch. I don't eat dinner and breakfast is usually a hot cup of coffee or tea with something toasted. Right now I am having Cheerios, just for a change. I buy a salad mix to make my favorite salad and that is good for 3 days. I have leftover taco meat in the freezer so will have tacos for 2 days. Then probably half a tuna sandwich for the remaining 2 days. Not big meals but enough for me. I have pumpkin seeds and mozzarella string cheese for snacks to add more protein and usually have a 16 ounce glass of fat free milk. Hoping I have success on this 2nd day! Dentist appointment later this morning.

25 февраля 2024

I think I am ready to start eating right and losing weight again after about a 3 week pause. But I probably won't step on the scale until next Sunday! Not sure what caused me to lose my motivation, except it was probably several things. I really wanted to lose weight before moving to my new house. I don't want the first impression of my new neighbors to be a fat lady with a cute white dog. I thought I'd be moving around April. Now I have no idea. They don't even have the street in yet. And then the knee thing happened. I can't take long walks or even short walks right now. And like always, I hate cooking!

But after getting a call from my doctor's office that all my lab results were fine, I actually reviewed the results and everything is normal (thyroid, blood sugar, etc) except for CRP which was very very high. It always is. The optimal result is <1ml 1,2,3 mil indicates average to increased risk of heart disease. Or it CAN indicate that. Mine is over 10. It's been the same the last 4 or 5 times tested. It indicates lots of inflammation in my body. My doctor really doesn't seem worried about it anymore. Nothing indicates heart problems. The inflammation is now obvious to me with my knee problem and 2 puffy, fluid filled areas by both ankles. I know that losing weight will help, but the 20 pounds I lost since the previous lab test didn't make a difference. My doctor wants me to follow an anti inflammatory diet. I try, but don't like to cook. Today I plan to start logging food again and to try to stay under 100 grams of carbs. At first it was fun and challenging then it got too hard thinking I can't even put dried cranberries in my salad or 2 tablespoons of applesauce to help me swallow pills unless I cut carbs somewhere else. But I'm motivated again. I'm hoping if I lose 30 pounds the CRP results will be better.

24 февраля 2024

Yesterday I got a call from my doctor's office about the results of my lab tests. I had them done on Wednesday. They told me the doctor says everything is fine. I asked "even the cholesterol?" Some numbers were not quite normal last time. She said it fine. After I got off the phone I remembered I had asked my doctor to check CRP C Reactive Protein. It has never been fine. It's always off the charts high. I don't think they really know what it means and I think my doctor has stopped worrying about it. The number dropped a lot a few years ago when I lost 50 pounds but was still high. Both my doctor and I
thought maybe it would go down after I had my gallbladder out, but it didn't. Now I can actually see areas that have inflammation, in both ankles and my knee. So I'm sure CRP can't be normal. CRP indicates inflammation in the body. I can review the results online with the lab but they don't have them posted yet. That happened last time, my doctor got the results right away but I couldn't see them for about 3 days. I noticed this time he requested the test for high sensitivity CRP.

Fritzy 22-Изменение Веса

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