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23 марта 2024

I've decided to try to take it easy this weekend, if I can. I'm usually so lazy and don't do much all day so this burst of activity trying to get the house ready to put up for sale is a big change. I keep a pedometer in my pocket and have been getting in well over 10k steps just around the house with some trips to the grocery store, etc thrown in. Yesterday was the lowest in about a week at 12k. Today I need to rest my knee, ice it several times and do the physical therapy exercises. I really felt the pain overnight and had to take Ibuprofen around 2am. I had furniture taken away yesterday. I don't have a sofa now. The one I had was shredded by the cats on all the corners so don't want that when people are looking at the house. The idea is to buy a new sofa when I move in a material they are less likely to scratch and to buy more cat scratching posts and towers. They will use those and leave the furniture alone but I had a moving company come out to my house 2 years ago and they said not to move the big towers because they add cost to the move. I also had the bed in the guest bedroom taken away. There is carpet in the 3 spare bedrooms and I'm having the carpets cleaned soon. Even though the carpet is less than 3 years old, there was nothing but cat hair under the bed. They love being under beds! I don't like carpet and put the luxury vinyl plank flooring everywhere else 3 years ago. The carpet was a mistake. I gave my kitchen table to my sister a couple months ago. So all I have is one bed, 2 o!d kitchen table chairs (I think they were my grandparents'), and wooden trays for meals. Basically I will just rest with a wedge pillow on the bed, have coffee on the front porch or deck where i still have some chairs. Other than that I will be working in the house. Today I will vacuum the guest bedroom and clean the floors where the sofa and entertainment center were.

My eating was good again yesterday with the Asian chicken salad, blackberries, 1/4 bagel and I logged everything. Last trip to the grocery store I bought a bag of Kraft caramels which can be dangerous. The idea always is to have something like that in the house when I want something sweet, but I usually eat too many. I thought about them yesterday but didn't open the bag. That is a victory for me! The goal is 0-2 a day and I hope I haven't finished the bag before I go to Oregon in April so I can take 1 for each day I am gone.

21 марта 2024

Today is not quite as crazy as the last 2 days because no panic about someone coming over to see the house. But I've scheduled the a junk pickup tomorrow (a bed, a sofa and various things that won't fit in the trash including the weed whacker), the lawn care service will come back for a little bit tomorrow to week whack in Bobby's yard area. And the owner of the service assured me everything will be fine when the house goes on the market. Carpets to be cleaned Tuesday morning and the Hospice Thrift store will pick a dresser and coffee table. Possibly the entertainment center I can't give away. So far only 11,000 steps and I probably will stop for today.

Decided to spend one more day on my trip to Oregon. If I list the house on Sunday instead of Monday my real estate agent or maybe someone in her office will do an open house. My wonderful, wonderful pet sitter has agreed to give Marco his insulin shot on Sunday night even though she is on another job. I owe her so much for making this happen. She is always booked but is able to run over to my house twice a day to deal with the cats.

Did good so far with my eating. Made the Asian chicken salad I like so much, forgot to eat the 1/4 bagel I had logged for breakfast. Not sure if I'll have the tomato soup.

21 марта 2024

The last 2 days have been super busy, something I'm really not used to. Tuesday I got in over 16k steps and yesterday it was over 17k. So far today I'm already at 4k at 8am! Tuesday I went in to town, 30 minutes away and ran many errands (paint store, hardware store, Staples, et) and picked up Jimboys tacos before heading home aroun 12:30. Shortly after the realtor I am going to list my house with on April 15th called and said her partner in her office has a client who is in a 30 day escrow wants to see my house and is that possible and when. She also told me what price she gave her client (much more than I thought by looking at comparable properties on line). I said noon the next day. I spent the rest of the day cleaning and moving boxes from all over the house to one empty bedroom. Tried to sleep and usually go to bed by 9pm but at 10pm I was vacuuming. Briefly slept but woke at 3am and was using the bona mop to mop the master bedroom and landing to the garage all while doing at least a dozen loads of laundry. I washed every throw rug in the house at least 10-12 because I have one by every door and under litter boxes. Worked until 11:30 when I took Bobby to my sister's house until 1:30. I can't believe the work! Washed out all 3 litter boxes (one in guest room, 2 large in on of the 2 master bedroom closets) outside on the side of the with a garden hose and the dawn dish soap I keep there with a sponge. Put one litter box totally clean along with the walk in closet floor and put the other cleaned boxes in the garge. Put all pet carriers and all the pet beds and other furniture in the garage or another walk in closet in a spare bedroom. Took nearly everything off the kitchen counters, bathroom counters. Broke the bona mop before I could finish the master bathroom. Couldn't do anything about the cats, they had to stay in the house. I knew they would probably hide. Opened up all the blinds and windows and the 3 sliding glass doors to the deck so fresh air could come in and the house wouldn't look dark.

I was starving at my sister's house but didn't eat until later, not the wisest choice, the rest of the loaf of french bread with butter!

By the time I got home was knee was very painful and my back was hurting me. The realtor had closed all the sliding doors for me. 10 minutes after getting home one of my cats, Tony threw up a hairball on the hard floor(thankfully not on carpet) by the guest bathroom. I'm glad he waited but what about other times.

Got an email from my realto this morning thanking me for letting her partner show it. The lady really likes the house but it is too big for her. But she said her partner agrees the price is good. If my house can sell for that, it will really make buying a house much easier.

Today, a can of tomato soup just to try to use the 10 cans up before I have to move. I am thawing about 6-8 ounces of chicken breast to bake so I need to run to the store for a salad mix.

18 марта 2024

The last 2 days haven't been great. Well, I was sick starting about 7 or 8 days ago. I started with chills, very low fever, coughing, etc. I called to cancel my PT appointment without 24 hours notice. They told me that was fine the first time otherwise they have to charge me. So I had an appointment today. They sent me an email to remind me. I planned my whole morning knowing I had a 1pm appointment. Went to the pharmacy, and the grocery store, stopped to pick up a form AARP needs me to fill out for my tax appointment. I left a message for the window washer to set up an appointment, left a message for the owner of my lawn care service asking him to call me after 2 or tomorrow. Went to check my calendar to see if PT was at 1 or 1:15. It was 11!! I had missed it! I called them and the office manager said she tried to call me this morning. She called my cell phone, I told her that is only for texts, you have to call me on my land line, but I got the email on the weekend. She said "I called to tell you Molly is sick so we are cancelling all her appointments". Long story to say I don't have to pay for missing an appointment! And I'm sorry Molly is sick but if she has what I have to expect 2 weeks before she is better. Now it's after 3 and I'm still waiting for the calls from the window washer and the lawn care service. I have a huge yard. Over 1/3 acre and it's all weeds. This time of year after lots of rain it's time to start weed whacking. 2 guys come every 2 weeks for an hour and they can't take care of my whole yard in that time. There is an area fenced in off the deck for Bobby to " go potty". Otherwise the HOA doesn't allow fences. The weeds are so high, right now it's miner's lettuce growing. I can't find what I need to in order to pick up after Bobby. It's like an Easter egg hunt. Anyway, I figured the guys did weed whacking back there on Friday. They didn't, they were back there with a lawn mower that didn't touch the weeds in Bobby's area. I was so frustrated yezterday when I saw that. So I got out my weed whacker even though I had sworn this year I wasn't going to spend hours weed whacking. Well, I got my gardening gloves, a mask and goggles. Went out back, plugged in the darn thing after untangling the electric cord. Then I checked to made sure there was enough string and there was. Put the orange cap back on the spool and turned on the whacker. Immediately the orange cap flew off and across the deck and the spool broke with line all tangled. It was broken so I couldn't do anything! So 2 more weeks of Easter egg hunting. It took me awhile to calm down but then I knew the PT Molly would not want me doing that anyway. Trying to stay calm and I'll feel better once the lawn care owner calls me and tells me when he can come over so I can show him what needs to be done before the house goes on the market and to remind the guys (there are always new guys) that I don't want weeds mowed with a lawn mower, they grow back quickly and always weed whack Bobby's area until summer when there is nothing but dust. Sorry for rambling! This is when I stress eat. I bought a loaf French bread at the grocery store but resisted ice cream and chips. Oh, and I cancelled the rest of my physical therapy appointments until I get back from Oregon next month. I have too much going on to risk missing appointments

16 марта 2024

I've decided to put my house up for sale the day I leave for Oregon. I'll be gone for most of 6 days. The cats will be here, I'll keep them in the master bedroom. Someone will come in at 6:30 or so am and pm to feed them, scoop the litter box and give the insulin shot. So real estate agents can look at the house. The cats will hide whenever anyone comes inside. So now i have so much to do to get the house ready to sell. Things are scheduled now but need to schedule the window washer after the porch is painted. Also need to have the carpet in 3 bedrooms cleaned. And I'll need to find a place to hide all the pet stuff, dog beds, cat furniture, pet carriers, etc. If I price the house right maybe I'll get an offer while I'm gone! Crossing my fingers. My realtor told me she had buyers in my neighborhood who put an all cash, full price offer on a house the day it was listed. There were 7 offers and her buyers didn't get the house! All cash! Of course my house isn't on the lake like that house and there usually aren't bidding wars for the homes in the woods!

I've been doing too much. Have been going up and down the garage stairs, at least 15 times so far today. My physical therapist agreed with me when i said I rest my knee most of the time but spend about 15-20 minutes each hour up and doing things around the house. I don't think I've rested for 20 minutes total today. Keep thinking of something I want to put in the car for the thrift store or something else I can throw away. Asked my brother in law if he wanted a bag and a half of charcoal so he came over and got that. It's funny, I spend most of the time doing very little but I seem to feel better when I've got a project to work on. Now I need to ice my knee and try not to use the stairs until tomorrow.

Eating is not good again. Bought a container of fruit slices candy for the first time in my life! Nothing else bad in the house. Making a chuck roast later today or tomorrow. Will cook it in the crock pot over night probably.

Fritzy 22-Изменение Веса

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