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13 мая 2024

I have a doctor appointment in a few hours. Not eating before the appointment. Will weigh myself with clothes and shoes before leaving the house so I can compare my scale with the doctor's scale. I haven't posted my weight here for at least 2 months. Didn't want to see anything in the 180's after working so long to get below it. But on May 6th I stepped on the scale. 187. I consoled myself that it was after 2 cups of coffee and whatever else I ate or drank that morning. First thing in the morning on the 7th I weighed 185. Don't remember the fractions of pounds. This morning I was exactly 180. Looking at the calendar that is 5 pounds in a week! Not sure if it is because of the big reduction in carbs or just water. But the last time I lost 5 pounds in a week I had hyperthyroidism.

I will post my weight when it gets back to 178.5 or Sunday, whichever comes first

12 мая 2024

Dag 4 of trying to eat more protein than carbs. Yesterday really hard. I was hungry most of the day and really tired. Working outside with a weed wacker probably is part of the problem. I did take a bottle of water outside but only drank about 8 ounces. Got too hot and sweaty so stopped after maybe 30 minutes.

I don't plan on eating much today because I see my doctor tomorrow and would like weigh less than I did last appointment. I'll ask him about carbs. If staying between 60-100 carbs is healthy for me with protein higher than carbs. Although looking up dietary guidelines it sounds like more carbs, up to 50% of your macros is okay. But not from processed foods. Just adding the Oikos triple 3 yogurt adds 15 grams of protein. I know it is a processed food, but it's also dairy and for now I've stopped drinking fat free milk which has more carbs than protein.

I did buy beer battered cod in the frozen section of Costco a few days ago. Not the best idea but I can work it in. The rotisserie chicken was great for me (white meat) and the cats and Bobby (dark meat). I seem to remember being able to just a bag of rotisserie chicken breast meat a few years ago. Will look for that on my next visit.

No one has looked at my house since last Sunday and they were the only one in a week. I've noticed on realtor.com some price reductions and new listings that seem low. With the high interest rates I may have to lower the price of my house. Right now I'm reluctant since according to my realtor nothing is being looked at. I am planning on spending some money now for some kind of deck cover. The deck is crazy hot once temps go over 80 degrees ever since I had a huge oak tree cut down. There is no shade and the master bedroom is the hottest room in the house. I can see nice sunsets from the deck but it's so hot. I got a brochure from Costco for awnings and am waiting for an in home consultation. Probably expensive. I had talked to a contractor about building something but what he suggested was $15k.

10 мая 2024

A few days ago I heard someone on TV talking about things to do to live longer. One of the things he said was to have more protein than carbs. I wondered how I could possibly do that. I don't eat much meat although I have been having chicken more often. I usually try for at least 60 grams of protein (more than enough for me per my doctor) and to keep carbs below 100 grams (took a break from that for a couple months). So I googled what can I eat that isn't meat that has more protein than carbs. Eggs, cheddar cheese (I snack on low fat mozzarella sticks which has the same amount of carbs and protein with half the calories), pumpkin seeds (another frequent snack), and Greek yogurt. I used to eat yogurt when all there was was Yoplait. I know I wouldn't like plain unsweetened yogurt. On my trip to the new Costco which I wrote about yesterday, I bought a box of Oikos triple zero yogurt. 18 servings so I better like it. 15 grams of protein and lower carbs. I ate it for the first time yesterday and it wasn't as sweet as the yogurt I buy once in awhile, but I'll get used to it. I now have some hard boiled eggs in the refrigerator. So for yesterday and what I plan to eat today carbs are in the 60's and that includes blackberries. Instead of 2 tablespoons of pumpkin seeds I've had 4. Protein has been around 70-80grams. It's motivating right now. Of course, the hot dog from Costco the other day ruined that day for carbs!

09 мая 2024

Yesterday I went to a Costco about a half hour away that opened in the past year. I had let my membership expire in 2020 after Covid hit. I remember my last trip to Costco was about a week before the lock down began and I bought enough cat litter for a year! I enjoyed yesterday so much. The new Costco is in an area that isn't a big population area. The parking lot wasn't crowded and neither was the store. I didn't look everything to avoid temptation. Spent $100 on 8 items. Just bought 1 box of cat litter, a rotisserie chicken (same price but much smaller than before), blackberries and the frozen triple berries I used to buy all the time. There was no line to buy gas and it was cheaper by nearly $1 than it is in my area. I never bought gas at Costco in the past because of huge lines. I remember during the Covid years people would get upset at "hoarding". It's good now to buy in bulk and stock up and not feel guilty. I did get a hot dog and soda at the food court. I'm not supposed to eat processed meat, but I love Costco hot dogs. Bobby kept bugging me for more rotisserie chicken. I only eat white meat so share the chicken with Bobby and the cats. I can't give Bobby too much because he will get sick if he has too much fat.

So far the reset on my eating is working. I'm almost back to the last weight I posted, 3 pounds and then I can really focus on getting past the 170's. Now I'm just hoping to get below 180. Even though I had tacos on Tuesday and the 560 calorie Costco hot dog yesterday I am staying in my calorie range. Now I will try to stay below 100 carb grams consistently.

07 мая 2024

Day 3 of reset number 250 (estimate resetting approx once a month at least for the last 20 years!) My neighbor came over to fix a heavy drawer in my kitchen under the oven. He tried a little over a week ago but I needed to replace some parts for metal tracks and plastic hinges. Last week he also worked on a sliding screen door that was impossible to open. Today I still needed to find a different length track. I told him I'd call him when I got home. Went to the hardware store in my town and they didn't have it so I texted my neighbor I was driving to Grass Valley to look at the hardware stores there (30 minutes away). Called him from the 2nd hardware store and told him no one had a bigger size so could we just use the size we have. Told him I was getting tacos from Jimboy's and did he want some. He said Sure. I owe him at least 2 meals out for all the stuff he's been fixing for me around the house. Long way to say I had 2 tacos and a large coke today but worked in to my daily calories today. Way over on carbs again though, but I wanted the coke! I did have to have a protein bar because I was too low on protein for the day. My neighbor has a 2nd home here and spends a few days to a week here a couple times a month. Bobby loves him, he loves company and my neighbor has been here maybe a dozen times. I bought a 6 pack of tacos but only ate two and gave him the rest. My neighbor, not Bobby.

So hopefully my CICO for today will be okay. Want to get back 100 or fewer carb grams a day.

Spent about an hour this morning weed wacking raking and pulling weeds,so much easier after the heavy rain on Saturday. Felt like good exercise because it tired me out.

Wild turkeys visit me while I work outside. I put sunflower seeds all over my bank near the pond for the birds and turkeys although the deer come running if they know the seeds are there. One of the bucks turns and looks at me when I say "hi Buck". He knows his name! One of the girl turkeys, a little hen has babies she brings to the bank around 4pm. First saw them Sunday and again yesterday. I went to ask my neighbor to please try to keep her cats inside as much as possible so these babies have a chance. Ever since she got 2 young cats about 2 or 3 years ago there haven't been chicks around my house. These cats are hunters!

Fritzy 22-Изменение Веса

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