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05 августа 2023

WoooHooo! Day 3 of this weeks fast, worked this morning then came home and grabbed the hubby and we went on a 300.00 grocery shopping trip. I had meal plans for my eating days, found a buncha good sales they actually had food on the shelves this time. Today being the 5th they had time to restock. Folks around here live mostly on SS and Disability, so the 1st through the 3rd they completely wipe out the stock in the one real grocery store. We have a Super Walmart in Swainsboro, but it will be a cold day in Hell before I walk back into one of those, I have boycotted them since Mother's Day 2022, Lowe's is next on my "I'm gonna do business with small family owned businesses because they actually give you service list" I have issues with being forced to use self-checkouts, and not having anyone to assist reaching things stacked on 10 foot shelves or to answer questions. We pay high prices anyway, what's a few more bucks to have a human check you out and bag your groceries or load something heavy for you. Anywhooo, nother soapbox rant there. I feel good, we went through the store twice....Hubby bought Doggo ice-cream 🤣🤣🤣, I've never seen such. They don't get treats often, so I don't begrudge them a cold treat. He did not throw any snack cakes or chips into the buggy, I was surprised so I asked him about them....he says "We don't need that crap in the house." 💕💕💕 I love that man! So tomorrow morning is break-fast, I'm stocked up, refrigerator is humming along, part came in yesterday, he installed it last night and it's working great! So a peachy day! Ya'll have a good one!!!

04 августа 2023

Good Morning FS Warriors! Day two of my weekly 84 hour fast, I woke up in a good mood this morning, almost fell out of the bed because somehow the leg elevation pillow and I had managed to move all the way to the edge and swinging my feet off the pillow had too much of my body extended over thin air!!! I managed to get my feet on the floor before the rest of me crashed down....nothing like springing out of the bed in the mornings!!! Even if it was not on purpose! So, once again I had a good sleep legs swelling free and super easy to pull on my compression socks. Had a nice ride on the bike. I'm not moving past 25 minutes at the moment, I am doing about 9-10 miles in that 25 minutes depending on how upbeat the music is on 70's on 7, for some reason, disco makes me pedal faster LOL! I have that lovely empty feeling again, I cooked Hot Wings for hubby, unbreaded with homemade buffalo sauce. I use butter, Franks hot sauce and vinegar to make a tangy tasty sauce for them. I had no hunger or urge to sample. This is amazing for day 1 for me. I am thinking that I am finally becoming Keto-adapted now after doing this for nearly two months. I got my keto meter in yesterday and it is consistently showing me at 2.6 mmol/l. I'll take it 😍 Mine is a breath meter, not as accurate as blood, but I did not want to have to be constantly buying testing strips. I don't need to know exactly how many ketones I'm producing, just that I am producing them 😉 TaTa for now! Ya'll have a Fast-tastic day!

03 августа 2023

Good Morning FS Warriors! Day 1 of this week's 84 hour fast, sipping my black coffee and actually enjoying it! I slept great last night! As some of you know I am having circulation issues in my lower legs and I have been wearing compression stockings to keep the swelling down. Well to take it another level, I ordered a leg elevation pillow for my bed and it arrived yesterday. It's 24 inches long, 20 inches wide and 10 inches in height and it is VERY comfortable. Laying on the bed my legs are well above heart level. I was certain that getting used to the feel of my legs in the air would keep me awake, but I made adjustments to it for about 5 minutes or so, then fell right to sleep and did not get up at all in the night. Woke up about 5 minutes before my alarm went off and WOW!! Both legs were completely unswollen, I could see vein definition in both feet and ankle bones in both legs. My left knee was also not swollen, interesting because I assumed the knee swelling was due to my injury, but apparently the injury is not causing ALL of the swelling. So my knee, hip and back seem to agree with the overnight leg elevation because none of them are complaining as much this morning as they usually do. I ordered it off of Amazon for 40 bucks, well worth the price in it's sturdiness and comfort. I had no idea one little thing would alleviate so much discomfort. Our refrigerator is on the fritz, hubby has determined that it is the defrost timer that is the culprit so a new one should be here in a few days, so a cooler in the house for ice and drinks and trekking next door to Mom's house for foods for the family. We should be fine for a few days!! Ya'll have a great day!!!

31 июля 2023

OK, I'm not recording my rebound weights here anymore, but I am posting them. This mornings weight was 269.8, which is a 1.2 pound refeed rebound. I'm sure after eating 127.5 g of protein yesterday that a lot of that is food mass in my digestive system and a modest amount of water gain. I'm happy it was not higher, I kept my carbs below 10%. I had considered going strict keto and dropping them to 5%, but...I need to try to keep this sustainable and I have to fight the urge to see bigger, better results from more restrictions. This is a marathon, not a sprint and I need to keep it in my mindfulness practice. I actually need to make more of an effort to HIT my 2200 calorie mark on my eating days because right now my average over the entire month, combined with my fasting schedule is 964 calories per day, which is lower than what I would like, but I get so full and can't seem to push it any higher. Perhaps with my increase in protein, I will balance out better, all I can do is go another month with that in mind and see what happens!!!

30 июля 2023

This was the best I could do to get my body tracker snippit on here. I cannot figure out how to get my stuff loaded in here where you can see the entire thing, even with the progressive columns hidden I can't make it small enough to see the weight and the row header so you can see what the data actually is. So it is as follows

Bust/Chest 42.5 - 1.5 😢
Waist 42 - 0
Hips 53-1 😍 Total of 7 inches lost here to date!! Yes!
Thigh 29 -0
Neck 15 - 0
Knee 22 - 1 😁
Calf 16 - 0
Bicep 14.5 - 1 😁
Under-bust 39 - 0

For a total of 4.5 inches for the week, a Grand total of 38 inches, it only counts one bicep, one thigh and one knee, but that's fine it gives me a general idea of my progress and that is GREAT!!!! Total weight loss since 6/7/23 is 28.4 lbs. I'm pleased with my progress and I am doing well enough with the eating and fasting that I believe I can keep it up for a while. No great feelings of being deprived other than my bread, but I have come to the conclusion that I have to avoid it no matter what. It's always been my weakness and it's a super-charged trigger, like a door-way drug for pizza, pasta, dumplings and just plain ole hot buttered biscuits. Guaranteed derailment of this healthy living plan each and every time. Best thing I can come up with is avoidance. I have tried portion control, I have tried once a week and once a month cheat days. The only thing that works for me is to not touch it at all. It's in the house, hubby eats it often. I just can't.

debrafrederick-Изменение Веса

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