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Two Hundred Point Zero! Only one pound away from meeting my HealthyWage challenge, and three days to get there! Today is Day #54 of my fast. Since the first of the year, I have lost 59 pounds. I can see and feel it in my neck and face, and I've had to go down a couple sizes in underwear, PTL. In January, I was too big for my britches and had to go out and buy some Size TWELVE, because my 10-11 were actually cutting into my sides. Now, I'm back in the 10's, and they feel great. Enough booty-talk.

What I've learned from this 6-month challenge: (1) I've learned to not give up when there is still plenty of time ahead to accomplish your goal. (2) I've learned to not goof off for two months of a six-month challenge! (3) I've learned that God's ear is always attentive to our cries, and that when I got myself into trouble, He was there to lift me out of the miry clay and set my feet upon a rock. (4) I've learned to have to depend on God DAILY - even hour by hour sometimes. (5) I've learned (AGAIN!) that "God Has Perfect Timing!" (6) I've been reminded that God's ways are not our ways - He does things a lot differently than I would do them - but His way is the BEST way! (7) I've learned that there is a whole community of folks on FatSecret who support and encourage me, even when they don't always agree with the way I am going about things. (8) I've learned a lot about fasting (from reading 7 books, and from personal experience now). (9) I've learned that even a tiny bit of faith (a mustard seed) can yield amazing results! (10) I've learned that my new WOE will include all of the bounty that God's hand has provided - I will not eliminate whole food groups (e.g., fruits, starchy vegetables, bread) because that's what a certain WOE require. I don't have to go along with the crowd or "fit in" to anybody else's plan. God will tailor my own plan to my own body.

Even though I will likely reach the 199.0 goal by Sunday, I will probably continue with the fast, at least until HW has verified my weigh-out video. Just in case there is any problem with it and I have to re-record for any reason, I want to make sure that I am still at/under 199.

Thanks, all of you who have been walking beside me on this journey. May God bless you for the love, care, and encouragement you have shown me!
90,7 кг Потеряно до сих пор: 26,8 кг.    Еще предстоит сделать: 22,7 кг.    Следовательность диеты: 100%.
Потеряно 1,3 кг за Неделю

52 Сторонников    Поддержка   

Oh, and (11) I've learned that when satan throws a curve ball (like finding out that my scale weighs a pound heavier than a digital one, and that I needed to get to 199 POINT ZERO instead of just 199-point-anything-else) God is not taken off guard, surprised, thwarted. He knew from the beginning that those things would crop up, and He planned for them all along and factored them into the rate at which I would lose weight. 
24 июн 21 написано членом: Debbie Cousins
Excellent work.  
24 июн 21 написано членом: jimmiepop
24 июн 21 написано членом: liz-andra
Congratulations. Still on pins and needles till it happens. You've worked SO hard by fasting for so long. I'm still praying. 
24 июн 21 написано членом: Snowwhite100
You're inspiring me. You just lost 30 pounds in 50 days! Remember to stay safe and healthy. 
24 июн 21 написано членом: LilBitCrunchy
What an AWESOME job you've done! I'm also being very careful with my food until I 100% hear that I'm verified. They said by the 27th and haven't heard anything yet. My account is still online but no info on the challenge that I finished, no history or anything...you would think there would be somewhere on their site showing it. Makes me VERY nervous 
24 июн 21 написано членом: Rckc
Woo Hoo!!! You have done an incredible job!!! I absolutely love the list of things you learned... great lessons! 
24 июн 21 написано членом: catwmncat
Thank you, so much Debbie for sharing your journey and your lessons learned along the way. Your inspiration has kept me going. Bless you 
24 июн 21 написано членом: PattiOB
You inspire me! Well done! 
24 июн 21 написано членом: kclab
Debbie, what does "fast" mean exactly? Have you taken in zero calories in 54 days? I'm fascinated by your ability to do this. 
24 июн 21 написано членом: larilyn
Yes, @larilyn, I've only had water, Diet Coke and in the morning a cup of hot tea with Truvia and a dash of heavy whipping cream. There are lots of kinds of fasts. What I'm doing is referred to as a "water fast," as opposed to a "liquid fast," which can include juices, broths (and for some people, milkshakes!) IF means "Intermittent Fasting." I've never done that - it means going for a period of time each day without eating - for instance, 8 hour eating window with 16 hours of not eating. 
24 июн 21 написано членом: Debbie Cousins
@Rckc, maybe you should find and call their Customer Service number. I'd be interested to know the answers to your questions, too. You have some "play room" since you submitted your video before your weigh-out deadline. I'll be right on the wire, so if they delay, it would put me past mine. There were SOOO many positive reports about this program on very reputable TV programs, so I don't think we have anything to worry about. Besides, I had total peace about joining the program - and USUALLY if there's something "off" about something, the Lord will give me an uneasiness. Hang in there!  
24 июн 21 написано членом: Debbie Cousins
Debbie, turns out it’s still on the app but not on the computer. I’m waiting til the 27th and hopefully have heard from them 
24 июн 21 написано членом: Rckc
Hey, Debs....I'm a size 7 undies!!! LOL Anyways, all undies aside....I'm proud of your accomplishments and that you walk w/the Lord always as I do too. ATM, I'm watching The 700 Club to whom I have been tithing to on occasions when I"m not donating to PetSmart or random ppl in need on the streets of my community. We all do what we can to help each other, right?! Praise God for all he does for U.S. all and may he continue to bless us all in our journeys...Amen  
24 июн 21 написано членом: Slow Meta
Debbie--Update about HealthyWage...It has been confirmed (although no notice was sent to me). There was a $7 charge for a check so I went ahead and chose paypal as it's just a little bit more for me. If you request a check it says it takes 1-3 weeks to receive. 
24 июн 21 написано членом: Rckc
What is your plan after you get your $? 
24 июн 21 написано членом: LambiePi
Haven't checked in in a bit. Coincidentally Joyce Meyer had a series on out church radio station last week and this week about being busy. Oops. Debbie your a great encouragement and inspiration to me. Watching you "live move and have your very being" in Christ strengthens me too. Thank you so much for transparency and just being awesome.  
25 июн 21 написано членом: HeBrewZ
HOORAY, @Rckc!!! So, you got the news about three days before they said you would. SO glad. I'm still debating about whether to get the money put into PayPal or whether I want an actual paper check (that I can take a picture holding, LOL). For me, the PayPal fee would be about $40. I'm sort of an instant gratification type of person, so I might have to go with PayPal if it is going to take up to three weeks to get the paper check - plus there is the remote possibility that it could be lost in the mail!  
25 июн 21 написано членом: Debbie Cousins
@hebrews1036, it blesses ME to be a blessing to you. I have by no means "arrived" when it comes to being all I can be in Christ. Looking forward to getting my glorified body in heaven so these earthly struggles with weight will be over. @LambiPi, I'll answer your question about what my plan is after I get my $ in two ways. My plan as far as what I'm going to do eating-wise is to be more mindful, eat smaller meals more often, limit dessert to once a day (and make that fruit most of the time), record everything I eat, not watch tv while eating, PRAY before I start each meal (I often don't remember until I have already halfway finished eating), limit "fast food" to once a week, try to cut down on Diet Coke, continue drinking 10-12 cups of water a day, make healthier eating choices (try to avoid "junk food" - probably some other things too, but I can't remember them at the moment. As to what I'm going to do with the actual $1,369 - I will tithe $140; buy "The Chosen" DVD's, Bible Study, Devotional Guides & Children's Book (a little over $100); possibly buy all new potting soil and replant green beans since all mine were duds this year - but I'm leaning toward just calling it a bust and waiting until next year to do this; getting a massage (a BIG personal "reward" treat, at over $100); take my husband out to eat at Spoonbread Bistro (a really fancy restaurant I went to with a rich friend once - will probably cost around $100, but it will be a twice-in-a-lifetime adventure); I'm entertaining the thought of getting an air fryer lid for my InstantPot ($80) and we're going to not hold back on our Great Wolf Lodge trip on July 22nd - let the kids play as much as they want to in the arcade, order the outrageously expensive food instead of trying to bring everything from home, etc. I also want to check on the price to get some florescent light fixtures in our home replaced (I'd REALLY like to be able to see in both halves of our kitchen!)  
25 июн 21 написано членом: Debbie Cousins


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