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Oh yeah, you're seeing it right. That is a spectacular 4 lb post surplus day gain. We rounded yesterday's surplus day around 4700 plus cals.

Both Mom and I did sushi and then some. We split a calamari appetizer, a combo appetizer, a Seattle spring roll, and each had our own Bento box. For dessert we split a chocolate brownie sundae. And, I rounded off the evening with 3 glasses of wine to boot!

This week has been full of variation. I had not just one, but TWO "no load" days. This means my recovery score came up under the red line and on these days there is no exercise, just active rest and movement through NEAT.

On the other hand, I did have one full maximum, full capacity day and took full advantage, managed to hit another 3X20 push ups with the 20 lb weighted vest, no split sets.

However, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday were "half load" days or what I call Yellow light days. Where I halve sets and reps and use minimum RPMs on the bike.

Then again, Saturday came and my recovery score allowed me a full load (all sets, reps, and moderate RPM's on the bike) and I had one kick ass workout that incorporated among other movements;

101 weighted sit ups
51 Goblet Squats
50 Sumo deadlifts
50 Burpees

By the time it came for us to dine out for our surplus meal - I scarfed every single bite down. Mom laughed and said, "I don't know where the heck you put all that...but go with your bad self girl!"

This morning called for the second "no load/no exercise" day of the week. Needless to say, every single muscle in this body ached. And, with only 36 minutes of deep sleep, full of lactic acid, muscle fatigue, and water from the meal - I took heed and took the day off.

In the 4 weeks I've incorporated using a recovery score to approach workouts, I've only taken 3 whole days off of exercise. This last week accounted for two of them.

It still feels weird, but I like the effect. "No load days" do not mean I don't get movement in. In fact, on Friday I still clocked in over 16,000 steps and burned over 2000 cals in the day through chores. I also appreciate that these days allow me to get so much done I'm often not able to accomplish or rush to get done because I'm getting ready for a workout.

I can actually use these days to plan ahead, get things out of the way so I can fully devote my focus and attention to workouts without constantly thinking, "oh, I need to get this done or don't forget that..." or waiting to the last minute.

Another thing I still make sure to do on "no exercise days" is some kind of warm up or cool down stretching. Mobility NEVER gets skipped no matter what my energy levels are.

This week, mobility training has been critical. The barometric pressure dipped up to 30.2, which may mean little to most of you. But, for this MS'er it's a whole other reality to adapt to. The arthritis in that right hip immediately becomes inflamed and puts pressure on that sciatic nerve. Legs that deal with stiffness spasticity do not like high pressure environments, and these legs will become so tight and still, it can be so difficult to bend the muscles that these legs will immediately go into muscle spasms the moment I even attempt to go "Indian Style" or even stretch my calves when I wake up in the morning.

Because, these legs become contracted and stiff for long periods of time I get actual knots all over the place. I'll get them in my calves, quads, and glutes. The massage gun become essential during this time as the soreness and muscle fatigue is just as real as a full leg day at the gym.

So, even though my recovery scores gave me a few "half load" days, I can readily see why they were needed.

By the by - increased muscle tone in stiff limbs is a common result for MS'ers that deal with spasticity. As most of you fellow body builders know, contraction is in part how muscle is created. It's just in this case I can't control it. But, I do make it work to my advantage when I can.

Unfortunately, as a result the right leg will always have more muscle tone than the left because of where those lesion lay on the dorsal part of T-11 in my spinal cord

Needless to say, I have been all shades of uncomfortable and was so relieved when the barometric pressure dip back down to 29 this morning - a beautiful sweet spot that means "RELEASE" for these muscles. But, ohhhh they were sore and fatigued - everything is sore.

But, it's all good - believe you me hypertrophy took place one way or another, LOL!!!

The workout today was scheduled to be strength training day and the goal is to get it done tomorrow after work if I can get a decent recovery score and a good nights sleep, which may be less challenging now that these limbs are less stiff and pliant again.

I have been very good with keeping up with my 64 ounces of water and some days even clock in 96 ounces. I have to say it's made a world of difference and again, I am thankful I had that metabolic panel done. I would have never known I needed more H2O had it not been ordered.

Other than that, life has been blissfully sweet. It always is really, even discomfort comes with its own deliciousness even if it comes from the knowledge that it will pass and at the very least help this mind to explore ways to adapt.

The below picture is a belated "flex Friday" pic right after my surplus dinner and the second is of course, Mr. Flynn on the yoga mat reminding us all that mobility matters! LOL

To that end, note all those claw marks on the mat. I just ordered a new mat and trying to come up with some creative ideas on how to keep him from clawing up the new one. My thought is to lay the old one next to the new in hopes that he will gravitate to the mat with his scent and claw marks and leave my new one alone! Haha - we'll see how well that works!

Have a beautiful week, everyone. Don't forget to take a deep breath and allow the mind to get lost in the deliciousness of a peaceful moment. Even if it's just for a few seconds, it will invite the kind of clarity and calm one is looking for when they need it most.
53,4 кг Потеряно до сих пор: 41,8 кг.    Еще предстоит сделать: 0 кг.    Следовательность диеты: Достаточно Хорошо.
Набралось 12,7 кг за Неделю

30 Сторонников    Поддержка   

Put catnip on the old mat, citrus smells on the new one. on the massage gun, which attachments do you really use? I'm trying to decide whether to go simple or the one with a bunch of different ones. I usually lean towards simple. The pic has notes of 'the starry night' in it. One of my favorite paintings.  
02 май 21 написано членом: Katsolo
Mr. Flynn will more than likely want to ‘own’ the new mat too 😉 Maybe you can wrap the old one around the new one. 
02 май 21 написано членом: LambiePi
I think you very much have this 
03 май 21 написано членом: ridemariel
Beautiful Egull :) 
03 май 21 написано членом: MysticQi
Cute cat 🐱!!! I don’t own a cat, so I don’t know how to help with the scratching, but cats are cute! Great workouts, too. I wish it were socially acceptable to have massive surplus days without drinking or going out lol! I don’t drink or go out, so if I eat like that, people will think I’ve lost my mind 🤣🤣🤣! Introvert problems hahaha! 
03 май 21 написано членом: NewNameNewMe
Flex it for us, Grrrlll! Had to chuckle about your surplus at the Japanese restaurant. That's just an ordinary day for a lot of people. 
03 май 21 написано членом: JustBananas
Kat - that is a great idea. Mom even has a citrus spray she uses to keep her cat from clawing the furniture and heck knows we have cat nip on hand. Billy's a total "nip head"! LOL - Lambi - that might work, but also kinda refutes the point of getting a new mat. But, thanks for the suggestion! Thank you, Mystic & ride - trust me I still learn something new every dang day in this journey :-) @NewName - believe it or not if I didn't couch in those surplus days - there would be no flex Friday pics because there would be no muscle to flex. LOL. @JB - it did occur to me when we were ordering that our amount might be standard fare for some folks. I enjoyed it for sure, but always end up feeling thankful I only do these once a month. The food coma alone carries a 2 day food hangover...and let's not even talk about all that sodium!!! I'm pretty sure I almost qualified as a "bloatation device" due to water retention. @Kat - I use the Sonic Handheld Percussion Massage Gun. And, it does come with 8 different attachments. It's motor works pretty darn well and I do like having the attachments. There's mainly one I use on the legs, but all of the other parts can be great for different areas depending on what needs work. I would say take a chance on one with different attachments. Besides, it really is fun trying all of them out :-) 
03 май 21 написано членом: Egull1
I don't understand how the Japanese can eat sushi daily and not walk around like human water balloons. I don't eat fish often, but when I do, sushi is a fave. I tend to consume it only on vacations, thus limiting it to just a couple times a year (and none this past year 😥), when I'm also being naughty and also eating pancakes, french fries and unlimited gallons (I mean, glasses) of wine. 🍷🍷🍷 
03 май 21 написано членом: JustBananas
LOL - yeah JB, I kinda wondered that, too. Do you know that was the first time I've had sushi in literally years. I can't even remember. It might have been back in 2017. It was good to be sure, but definitely not a normal "go to" unless I'm prepared to float down a river for a few days! 
03 май 21 написано членом: Egull1
Love Mr. Flynn...and you! 
03 май 21 написано членом: HCB


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