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Good morning, FatSecret!

Phew. Yesterday was a looooooong day.

Up at 4 AM, and getting ready, having breakfast, chatting with Wife and writing journal before my morning walk.

Off to walk at 6 am, and getting to the gym at 7.

Work at 8:00AM to 3:30PM. Then a 90 minute break at home, before heading back to the gym to teach my weight loss class, and stay until close to learn more about the new job. I was home at 9:30 pm, and up again at 4 AM this morning.

Yeah, I'm tired, but not too bad. It was a fun and good day yesterday, and I feel great about it.

I got to chit chat to a bunch of nice people at the gym, many asking about the weight loss class. I probably need to do some serious considerations about expanding opening hours on that. LOL.

Being at the gym is fun work. Sure, there are some chores that probably aren't my favorites, like the clearning and picking up and stuff like that, but it's not something I really mind doing either. I think the rest of the work really will compensate for it.


Yesterday was great when it came to food. I managed to go a little higher on my calories, 2200, but not really as high as I should. I ended up feeling bloated and stuffed, and then it gets really hard going further.

I had several protein bars to up the calories through the day, along with a high protein chocolate milk. Had it not been for those, I would have been at least 700 calories lower!

Oh, and I did take the liberty of having a small chocolate bar! I felt like it, and I felt so much in control that I knew I wasn't gonna take it any further. I was on my way to the gym (to work), and I would have no option of aquiring more candy, so I figured I'd take the liberty.

I had absolutely no craving for more afterwards.


Today I am down in weight, at 82.6 kilos. That's pretty okay with me, though I think a new drop will ring through tomorrow.

Today is Low Cal Day, and it's very welcome. I do feel stuffed from yesterday, and I'm looking forward to lighter meals and feeling better from it. I really really like the way I feel on these days. It's a whole different world from the high calorie days.


I have discovered something "magical" over the last days.

Back when I reached goal the first time, and hit the 75 kgs (for one day!) and generally was in the high 70's, I experienced a well-being that I never had before, and never after I gained weight again.

Back then, I felt super light on my feet, and I felt that I had an extreme surplus of energy. This made me move around a lot easier and a lot more, and jumping up and down staircases, etc., was nothing to mention whatsoever. If I was to go from one place to another with just a little bit of distance, I would simply run or jog it just for fun.

Well, I am finding that spot again. I truly believe the last few kilos have done that for me. I think that I am hitting that sweet spot that I have been longing for and hoping to find.

If this is the case, then this is definitely the weight I should be at/under. It's a truly amazing feeling, and I can fully relate to how this is a "normal" weight, and that this is what I should be weighing.

I would even say that if the compromise is gonna have to be between lots of muscle and the agility of this, then agility wins, as long as the muscle training and strenght still is there. I won't wanna become a weakling like I felt I was last time. No way.

So, I will try to maintain the weight where I am now, and see if these benefits prevail. I will not change anything in exercise or anything else drastic, but just keep doing what I am doing. I will, however, not try hard to get back to 85 kilos where I was. I feel a difference in those few kilos. Weird, huh? 2-3 kilos can actually make that much of a change, it seems.


So, what is the menu on Low Cal Day today?

Ooooh, it is NOT interesting whatsoever. lol. Actually, it's very uninspired. Maybe because I'm sleepy, maybe I'm just lazy.

Breakfast was Keld's Tomato Soup. 60 calories.
Lunch will be MORE of Keld's Tomato Soup. 60 calories.
Wife will do dinner - Chicken soup. lol. Estimated 300 calories for a nice, large portion. This leaves 180 calories for something else if I get hungry through the day. A protein bar is 191 calories, so that might be the solution if I can't handle it. Or simply another one of my soups. We'll see.

This is the thing about optimizing the calories like this. I can go as low as I like. I could most likely easily to under 200 calories for a day if I liked to. I know this would be nuts, and I won't - I'm just sayin'. The soup I make is very nice and deliscious, and I don't really feel that I miss out on anything - this makes Low Cal Days so easy, but of course also kind of uninspiring, if I only eat three of those in a day, with nothing else. A little variation is nice.


Today is a little more calm than yesterday. Basically I have my walk, no gym, then work. Then home to watch some of the shows that we're behind on. Probably relatively early to bed. Easy day.


Today, I'm thankful for:
- Finding what I feel is the "optimal" weight for me. It is a little lower than I expected, but I feel very very good where I am.
- Morning coffee. I REALLY need it today! LOL.
- A great day at various jobs yesterday. I'll be looking forward to doing more.
- Low Cal Day.

Have an amazing day, everyone. Life is good!
82,6 кг Потеряно до сих пор: 72,4 кг.    Еще предстоит сделать: 0 кг.    Следовательность диеты: 100%.
Потеряно 3,5 кг за Неделю


I love that I get to read your journal right before I go to bed almost everyday. Means I get to be the first to comment too! Always such a great motivator. :) 
29 апр 13 написано членом: iamachristianjesusfreak
This journal could have been titled: 'Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels' 
29 апр 13 написано членом: Cthulhu
Cthulhu, you're absolutely right. Skinny DOES feel great, as long as it's not confused with "starved and underweight". LOL.  
29 апр 13 написано членом: kingkeld
very true 
30 апр 13 написано членом: bonthronm
Morning Buddy - hope you have a great day :-) 
30 апр 13 написано членом: FullaBella
Likewise, Bella! :) 
30 апр 13 написано членом: kingkeld
Thanks for continuing to journal even though you've hit your goal weight. It gives the rest of us hope and encouragement. You aare a good man Keld! 
30 апр 13 написано членом: Sherillynn
Sherillynn, I would hate to not be journaling. This is my therapy. This is where I straighten my thoughts and this is how I work out any obstacles I meet on my way.  
30 апр 13 написано членом: kingkeld
So, the food journey of the day has ended. Mission:Low Cal Day is complete. I ended up at 561 calories. Not bad at all. I'm even low 39 calories, that I won't spend on anything. Dinner today was awesome - I love Wife's chicken soup! 
30 апр 13 написано членом: kingkeld
Very inspirational! Thanks for helping us through your daily routine! Love it! 
30 апр 13 написано членом: Neptunebch
Funny... you say that you found a surplus of energy when you had gotten down to 75 kilos. I've actually noticed that with my weight loss, I feel more draggy/sluggish which is the complete opposite of what I should be feeling, right? Maybe it is because I don't have that carb overload like I used to? I guess I used carbs to fuel my day (in the past). Hopefully in time, I will self-correct my current non-existent energy level. :) Nice reading your post as always! 
30 апр 13 написано членом: KatieTyrell
I too am thankful for coffee today! Sounds like you have a full day ahead of you, enjoy it buddy! :] 
30 апр 13 написано членом: Shae206
Katie, I don't think you should feel like that. I took a look in your food calender, and the last month you have had an average intake to 1600 calories, and exercised an average of 3600. Are you sure you eat enough? Fatigue is usually a sign that you're not getting all your body is asking for. The ONLY time I have truly felt tired and famished, or draggy/sluggis without being sick, was recently when I did three full weeks of 600 calories per day. If I were you, I'd try to up the intake just a bit - maybe to an average of 2000? This actually might speed up your weight loss, as your body will have a higher energy level and make you burn excess fat more efficiently. Just consider it.  
30 апр 13 написано членом: kingkeld
I will definitely think about it, Keld. I never thought about it being that I don't consume enough calories. I usually stop eating when I'm full of my portion... I guess if I ate more portions/mini-meals throughout the day, that would also help with my overall energy level. So far, all of my calories are in the form of lunch and dinner (even though sometimes it looks like I have snacks - I just lump little extra lunch/dinner treats over in that category). So, basically, I only eat twice a day. Thanks for the advice! I will try and incorporate it for a week and see how it goes! 
30 апр 13 написано членом: KatieTyrell
Well, I'm right in that same boat, only I don't experience any fatigue. Once you have refined eating lower calories it can be really hard upping the intake. It's what I am working on right now.  
30 апр 13 написано членом: kingkeld
I love this reminder of finding that sweet spot where you feel so fantastic physically. I remember that amazing feeling and it is the greatest motivation for my journey back to that place of strength. Thank you for inspiring me KingKeld! 
30 апр 13 написано членом: joyfulgirl


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