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12 июня 2014

not starving again. w00t.

my husband and i went to the theater to see dr. strangelov. he asked me if i wanted to take the train and i said no. i didn't want to walk to/from the train on both sides of the trip. i felt like a baby. he said we could take the train home, so i agreed. we took a cab. it was cool to see the movie on the big screen. the theater had real butter for the popcorn, so i had some of that. and beer, so we had some of that too. it's an old theater. there is actually a curtain that comes up and down over the screen. unfortunately, the chairs were way uncomfortable. and narrow.

after the movie, we were going to walk to endgrain. i wasn't sure i could make it. it was a little over 1/2 mile to get there. we started out and my back started hurting almost immediately. i had to stop midway and sit on a bus stop bench. i told my husband the pain was an 8, and then i think he realized how serious it was. he wanted to know what we were going to do. i said i'd walk the rest of the way now, but i couldn't walk home from the train later.

at endgrain they had 1/2 off wine by the glass. so i had some pinot noir. it was very good. i ordered a salad and some flap steak with potatoes. also a biscuit since their biscuits are so good. i ate the salad, had a little steak and then basically ate the whole biscuit. yum. i brought the rest of my food home for today. i was quite full with the biscuit, and stayed full the entire night. i was surprised when i got home that my carbs/fat/protein were still about 50/30/20 since i had a french bread pizza for lunch. i only went over my calories a bit. we took a cab home.

i do not feel guilty about eating out and having wine. i want this diet to be sustainable, and i don't want to give up our dinners. i just want my day time eating to be much better. and so far it has been.

10 июня 2014

i went to water aerobics. it wasn't very aerobic. the instructor wasn't moving along to the beat of the music, so that was frustrating. then she kept taking breaks, so i couldn't find the beat when she wasn't moving. it wasn't that enjoyable. but i felt good that i did it. the rest of the day went quickly.

my husband made us a great dinner again. he mixed salad greens with heirloom tomatoes, buffalo mozzarella and basil. i picked the basil. then he made a balsamic vinaigrette to go over the top with freshly ground black pepper and some sea salt. i was pretty hungry when he was putting that all together. actually, i had snacked on cashews before he went to the kitchen, i was that hungry. dinner didn't fill me up. salad never does, even with that cheese. i think fruit and veggies actually make me more hungry. i looked up the usda recommended ratio of carbs/fat/protein. there was a range. i looked it up on sparkpeople and they had simplified the range to 50/30/20 with at least 60 g of protein. i was definitely not eating enough fat. so after dinner i had two hard boiled eggs. that filled me right up. i was so happy i wasn't hungry! i felt like i had discovered something miraculous. just eggs. the perfect little snack.

10 июня 2014

i wasn't hungry yesterday. i was hungry before meals, but not starving like the day before. what a relief. i ate some more starch yesterday than the day before.

i cooked chicken with mushroom cream last night. just a little cream. i felt bad that it was so pedestrian because my husband cooked a great salad the day before. it was grilled grass fed beef, grilled peaches and mixed greens with a little balsamic vinaigrette. so good. he was just happy to have something hot to eat. he never complains about my cooking, but i know it can be dull.

i only slept 4 hours last night. i couldn't fall asleep and then my mother called at 7. now i am up. i am hoping to get to the pool today for water aerobics. my husband took the car to an interview and said he would be back in time. i have told myself that i would swim if i miss the class, but i'd really prefer to be at the class.

does anyone have a good spice recipe for asian stir fry?

08 июня 2014

boy am i hungry! i feel like i keep going to sleep hungry, waking up hungry and not being able to get full throughout the day. i know that if i stay hungry i will have a panic attack, and i'd like to avoid that. in the past, it has taken a little while to get used to eating less. the hunger will go away. i just don't remember how long. right now i'm in quite the state. i ate my 2000 calories, got plenty of protein and drank plenty. all day long i was kind of hungry, but i felt like it was more that i was missing carbs. my stomach feels all liquidy when i try to fill up on fruits and veggies, and it feels like it needs carbs to sop that up. of course, i know that's not what's happening, but that's how it feels. i gave in around 4 and had some toast. i'm not trying to go low carb, but i have been trying to eat more fruits and veggies. the toast didn't hold me until dinner and then dinner was salad with peaches and beef. i was still hungry after that and ate a diana banana. that usually fills me up. it did not. i finally decided to eat a bunch of carrots instead of some cookies. it seemed like the right choice. i ate the whole bag. my husband was amazed. and probably annoyed since i was crunching so much. that was a lot of carrots! but i'm still hungry. does this happen to anyone else? it just seems that fruit and veggies do no fill me up.

08 июня 2014

i went over my calories yesterday, but i was full. not too full. i read a bit on this site and someone there said the calories the app gives you are not right, that i should check calculator.net. fs was giving me 2600 calories. according to calculator.net, if i am sedentary and wish to lose a pound a week, i should have 1743 calories. so i reset fs to that. that seemed like hardly anything. i reset the calculations for active 1-3 times a week and i can have a little over 2000 calories. so i reset fs for 2000. then i looked at the bmi calculator. it said i was obese iii, which is as obese as you can get. no morbidly obese. this was a shock and got me quite worked up. my husband is obese ii. i'm a little sad that he weighs less than me.

my goals are moderation, moderation, moderation. i'm not giving up anything i can't sustain. and i'm trying not to go hungry so i don't panic. it's a delicate, fragile balance inside this head. i'm going to start journaling my weight loss here in hopes of getting some support. i'm going back to the pool, and i have to work really hard to get the motivation and energy to do that. then i have to take it easy so my fibromyalgia doesn't flare. moderation. i am trying to get to 190 so that i am merely overweight, according to the bmi. i have to get down to 255 to be obese class ii. that's what i'm shooting for first.

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