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20 июля 2014

Вес: Потеряно до сих пор: Еще предстоит сделать: Следовательность диеты:
117,9 кг 3,4 кг 31,8 кг Достаточно Хорошо
   (8 комментарий) Потеряно 0,1 кг за Неделю

10 июля 2014

it's my birthday. i weighed in today rather than sunday because we are going out to dinner. just to a steak house, so i don't think the damage will be too bad. the portions are small. last night i weighed in at 2 pounds less than now. it's a little weird to weigh more in the morning. but it's still a loss, and i will take it.

i haven't been really hungry lately. i'm hungry for breakfast, and that is it. so i've been eating lightly. i can see now how people can survive on 1200 calories. simply not hungry. i'm not going to change my rdi yet. i want to see if this lasts for a while. plus, if i change my rdi, won't all my previous calorie counts say that i was over 100%??
i'm actually starving for breakfast and can barely wait the hour that i have to wait between taking my synthroid and eating.

i've done well with exercise and eating this past week. i didn't exercise yesterday, but the day before i went to the more energetic water aerobics class and i was very happy not to have a fibromyalgia flare. so i will do that again. it was hard. today i'm going to the arthritis aerobic class, which is easier. most of the instructors do not keep the beat with the music in the arthritis class. it's a lot less fun when you don't have the beat to work with. today's instructor makes it feel more like dancing.

i'm not too happy with my age now, 49. it's too close to 50. i remember turning 40, and that was sad for me. i think 50 will make me sad too. and today's birthday makes me sad. besides dinner, i think i will get a mani pedi. that should be nice. i kind of want a massage too, but i have been having a lot of trouble with them lately. because of my weight, it is hard to lie on my stomach. the last place i went laid down pregnancy pads for me, and that was a lot better. the last place was in wisconsin though. i haven't called around to find a place here in chicago that will have and are willing to do the pregnancy pads.

mostly today i'm not going to do anything that i don't want to do. this includes dishes and cleaning the cat litter. that can all wait until tomorrow.
Вес: Потеряно до сих пор: Еще предстоит сделать: Следовательность диеты:
118,1 кг 3,3 кг 31,9 кг Достаточно Хорошо
   (31 комментарий) Потеряно 1,0 кг за Неделю

07 июля 2014

i walked a full mile today! i know that's nothing for most people, but for me it was great. and my back didn't hurt. i'm so proud of myself. now to make it a habit. i got out right after i made breakfast, so i couldn't be derailed by facebook and the tour de france. what a sense of accomplishment to do it right in the morning. it was a little hot. and for some reason my ipod wasn't working.

i have no idea what to make for dinner tonight, so it looks like it will be freezer food. that's what we call frozen weight watchers meals. or healthy choice, or whatever. i do not really consider them to be very healthy, and i'm usually hungry afterwards. but the only meat we have here is for the grill, and my husband doesn't like to grill after work. he likes to have the day off and then grill. so sad.

i have been having peanut butter for lunch every day for the past several days, and it really fills me up. it's good not to be hungry.

i slept through the more energetic water aerobics class this morning, which is why i took the walk. i'd like to try for tomorrow. the class starts 1/2 hour later than today, so i hope i will be up. i don't use an alarm clock.

yesterday we had to clean up after our flood. it was heartbreaking to have to throw things out. i was exhausted afterwards. i didn't even do that much. i counted it as housework. i think we have everything up and out of the way for next time. we got a couple of inches this time when there was a lot of rain, and water came back up through the drains.

06 июля 2014

i'm not too disappointed. the last two weeks i felt i lost more than i should have. so this just brings me back up to the real weight i should be without those excess losses. also, i drank too much beer. and i went over my rdi several times. i still had a net loss or deficit, but i wasn't really moving that much. yesterday i went on a very short walk. it was a little less than 1/2 a mile at a little less than 10 minutes, 2 mph. right now i am charging my ipod so i can take a longer walk. i wanted to walk before the tour de france started, but since the ipod is out of juice, i will have to walk a little later.

the important thing is that i'm eating healthier. and i am moving some, even though there's a lot of room for improvement. my macro ratio hasn't been too off too. i am eating less carbs. the last time i had blood work, my triglycerides were very high. i already take meds for that, so the doctor and i were surprised it was that high. she said to eat less carbs, not low carb, just less carbs. so i am doing that.

i am still lonely when my husband goes off to work, so it has been nice to have him here for the long weekend. i've been feeling down about that and it has been affecting my motivation. i think i am more motivated again.

i found an app to record my measurement. i think it is track your body lite. the lite was free. i don't av emuch of a wasit. but i'm glad i finally took them so i can compare with time.

ok, i am totally falling back to sleep. have a good weekend!!
Вес: Потеряно до сих пор: Еще предстоит сделать: Следовательность диеты:
118,7 кг 2,7 кг 32,5 кг Плохо
   (5 комментарий) Набралось 1,4 кг за Неделю

03 июля 2014

i am losing my motivation, already. tuesday i ate a ton of food, including tortilla chips, cookies and ben& jerry's ice cream. yesterday i did better but was hungry all day. today i couldn't make myself go to the pool and i just want to snack. tuesday and today i'm not really hungry, just in the mood for snacking. my husband has been off work for a month, and he just went back on tuesday. i am finding myself depressed without him here. and also i think that is part of the reason why my motivation is lacking, because he is not here.

just this morning i was reading other people's journals, and snacking on tortilla chips at the very same time! i kept it to one serving at least.

i guess i wanted to lose more weight before these kinds of problems arose. i don't think i've lost anything this week.

the exercise is frustrating. i keep reading about all of you exercising, and it seems like just such a good idea. i am supposed to exercise for my fibromyalgia, but i really have a hard time motivating myself. i don't know why i can't just pay for the gym and then be fit!

i really do want to change my habits this time around. i think i am on my way, but i'm getting a little lost now.

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