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The beginning of every journey – takes commitment. And a willingness to Change.

Not the easiest thing - to CHANGE. But change is good for you. And it’s good for me. But we are all weak, and change is HARD. By the time you get to the middle of this journey you start to figure out this is not so much about a ‘diet’ or ‘losing weight’ as it is about CHANGING your life. Adapting to the changes, embracing them – makes the whole process go more smoothly.

Since getting to the maintainance level…I have pretty much figured out I am fairly intolerant of going up the carb ladder too high…or too often. I lowered my weight goal to 135 lb…because I would like to have the flexibility of that 3-5 lb range of 135 – 140 to live within.

I have added additional veggies, I (very seldom now) have nuts…(they seem to call my name when I have them in the house.) I have fruit now and then, perhaps the random additional item here or there, like yogurt or cottage cheese – split peas in a soup I made – but they are random and very rare. But mostly I eat Bkfst, Lunch, Dinner, and perhaps one snack – all in the lower carb range of everything – and – then on the once every two weeks, to once a month basis…I have a splurge.

This past month, my splurge ended up being peanut M&M’s. Didn’t plan that…but caved. The month before it was a low carb dinner out, then a movie, and some theater popcorn! (yum). I think the month before that it was a low carb dinner out…and tortilla chips w/ cheese dip at the Mexican restaurant.

But each of these are well planned – and as I said – very rare. But basically since I started allowing myself these extra indulgences…my weight has stayed the same. Up one, down one, up two, down two…but I am no closer to getting to the 135 mark I was shooting for.

So, much like the rest of you…I am going back to a two week – strict induction menu. I am going to try to commit to log all of my food, and track every item. I will measure again. I will count my ounces of water again. And I will see if I can’t get to where I wanted to be – and then I will work on leveling off again. No more indulgences or splurging – until I have reached my new goal.

Very few people will end up being this intolerant to carbs, that they can’t climb further with more variety, up the carb ladder. (so don’t let this scare you.) But I thought I would share all of this for any of you getting closer to your goals, and wondering what to do when you get there. Start your climb on the OWL ladder at least 15-20 lbs before your goal weight. (and no, it won’t hurt you to eat at the lowest level of carbs for a long time.) It takes a number of weeks (months really) to add back 5 g’s / day…for one week…then assess…then repeat…that’s only adding maybe 4 things a month…so you can see, it takes a little effort. It’s kinda like a puzzle…it is interesting to see how you can mix and match more foods to make different meals and recipes once you start adding back carbs slowly.

p.s. I would normally put an entry like this in a forum post...but it doesn't seem like anyone is using them anymore. sorry it's so long...but I had lots to say... Love.

1664 ккал Жир: 132,44г | Белк: 104,17г | Углев: 18,48г.   Завтрак: bacon (9AM), water (6-10 AM), I can't believe it's not butter, eggland's best eggs (9AM), coffee (8oz) black. Обед: boneless chicken thighs, romaine, Marie's blue cheese dressing(2 tbsp), real bacon bits (1 tblsp), hidden carbs. Ужин: cheddar cheese, hamburger patty (6 oz), Hellman's Mayo, shredded cheddar, marie's blue cheese, (2 tbsp), hidden carbs, iceburg lettuce, water (4-6). Перекус/Другое: pistachios, olives. подробнее ...
1801 ккал Упражнение: Силовые Тренировки (Умеренные) - 30 минуты, Тренажер (Быстрый) - 10 минуты, Отдыхать - 15 часа и 20 минуты, Спать - 8 часа. подробнее ...


Paula, you have done so well and to be honest with you I think that when I reach my goal weight I will properly do the same thing that you are doing, playing with the 5 pounds! I can understand the peanut m&m thing as that's what got me into this weight problem to begin with so now they are not allowed in the house! Since I started atkins Andrew and the kids have chocolate in the house for them and I have now found it's snickers bars that's the problem and have fallen once for them! So with me I think it's a nut thing as well! So nuts are banned from the house now in any form! At least I know they are a big problem for me and I can't eat them! 
03 янв 11 написано членом: Mccmad
Knowing...is more than half the battle! LOL!!! And thank you! 
03 янв 11 написано членом: jsfantome
Paula, I too do long journals, its kinda like talking to myself, and its helpful for me to look back and see where Ive been and what issues Ive faced and solutions etc. Part of me thinks its sad that we can't indulge in little extras very often, but the majority of me accepts it - food is fuel and not the emotion charged thing it has become. Food has been many things to me but seldom just its basic fuel. You are right on so many points. I am six months into this journey and only now starting to think/realize that its not a game, its serious stuff and I need to get serious and start making some mental changes. I've lost this weight but haven't really changed in my head. Hard to put in words. I appreciate your posts though, you always seem to hit the nail on the head. Sorry if my comment is too long. 
03 янв 11 написано членом: sarahsmum
Paula, that's for the great advice. I have 69 pound to my original goal. That would be 1.32 pounds to lose per week for a year. Hopefully I will get to that goal sooner. However, I am not in a race to a number, but need to focus on eating right the rest of my life. Thank you for your continued support friend. I live in two different places and don't have control over much of what is at one place and some control over what is at the other. So, I have to take control of what I eat. Have a fantastic day! 
03 янв 11 написано членом: Cindy Thompson
All this is so helpful; thank you for sharing. After tons of diets and lost/gained weight, I am thinking I too have a carb intolerance. Just a look at an English muffin and I am doomed. BUT, I am in induction at the moment and happy with my limited choices...keeps me out of trouble. sarahsmum, I totally get what you are saying about it being real. I was in the game stage for a while...figuring if I did this and that, checked off the little boxes, then I could pass go and collect 200 M&M's. But it is NOT a game; it is my life. And we all have bodies that react differently to different situations. No one can do it for us. So thanks for sharing THAT, sarahsmum, itis something I need to remember as I play with my Atkins numbers. I am so grateful that you all are part of my life! 
03 янв 11 написано членом: rockseer
Is - honestly, it took awhile...but transitioning my thinking to learning about food as fuel - how it operates in my system, how it fuels my demands at the gym, how it feeds my muscles, sustains my desires to do things...it all becomes very important. Not so much an emotional draw anymore...as a mental awareness of what will keep producing good energy and good health. Grateful that my emotional needs are being met through my husband, and my relationship w/ God...because otherwise I don't think I would be where I am today. 
03 янв 11 написано членом: jsfantome
Paula - you are a success. You have done an amazing job. I cannot wait until I get even close to my goal, let accomplish it as you have. Kudos to you. 
03 янв 11 написано членом: kmartin
Cindy - You most DEFINITELY can reach that goal...and succeed in transitioning to a lifetime of maintaining it. Focus is key. Staying in your mental groove until all things are habitual...very important. I don't know about your living arrangements, but I do know no matter where we live, who supports us or not...we are always fully in control of our own choices. Even if you have to shop separately for yourself, or make two meals...extra work? sure. Worth it? ABSOLUTELY! And others will come on board over time as they see the new lifestyle you've chosen become a WAY OF LIFE for you...not a passing 'diet'. Hope you DO have a fantastic day too!!!  
03 янв 11 написано членом: jsfantome
thanks Keli - love ya! You'll get there...one day at a time, darlin' ...and OH I LOVE that Lysa TerKerst book/website! Going to order this...and hopefully lead a small group study! That is good stuff!!!! So, THANK YOU! 
03 янв 11 написано членом: jsfantome
Rockseer - you are so right...nobody can do this for you...but YOU! And you CAN do this! Rock on, Girl!!! 
03 янв 11 написано членом: jsfantome
That would be wonderful. I truly think you have found your calling. 
03 янв 11 написано членом: kmartin
Keli - I think you might just be RIGHT!!! Love Ya! 
03 янв 11 написано членом: jsfantome
Thanks so much for your insights. You are one of the very, very few who has made their goal by doing Atkins according to the plan and has continued to journal, letting all of us know how that looks, how it all works, and what the challenges are at the latter stages. (I'm being optimistic saying you're one of the few, because I'm only aware of you.) Anyway, please keep sharing, as it really helps. 
03 янв 11 написано членом: Sandy701
Sandy - :)))) You just made me spit my coffee out while LOL! (I'm not sure I know anyone else either...but lots of you on your way!) So, I'll hang in here and help out...til others join the FREEDOM club! That's what I call it - I'm FREE of ever having to think about being 205lbs again!!! EVER! 
03 янв 11 написано членом: jsfantome
Paula, another great post! You're still my hero! Happy New Year! 
03 янв 11 написано членом: wildflower3051


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