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I am back back back below 85 kgs! After all the crazy fluctuations this last week it seems like the needle on the scale (figuratively speaking as my scale is digital) is finally starting to behave. I am back under 85 kgs, which was my last goal.

Last Saturday I had an Indulgence Day that went through the roof top. It was a conscious choice and I was aware of the consequences. I'm still okay with it, just not happy that I haven't lost any actual weight for weeks. I have definitely seen that the Indulgences NEED to be controlled - I do not want this to happen again. On the day that my weight peaked, I was at 89.5 kgs - that's 9(!) lbs over what I am today, and that was 4 days ago!

If I am to reach a new low this week, I will need to drop yet another 1.3 kgs by tomorrow morning. It's not impossible, I have done it before, but there is no way I can do that just out of pure will power. If it happens, it happens.

Normally, I drop a lot of weight on my Saturday Morning weigh-ins. I think it's because I play with my band all evening. I stand up for HOURS, carrying my bass guitar. This burns calories. At the same time I drink tons of coffee - which dehydrates. I am probably low on water those Saturday mornings.

Well, tonight there is no band practice. Too many people are occupied with Christmas parties, so we decided to skip. I'm curious to see how this will affect my weigh-in tomorrow.

I'm still sick, the cold/flu is slowly dying out but it's still there holding on tight. I have made a compromise with work today. I have one meeting that I can't cancel, so I will go and do that one, and then the rest of the day I will work from home. It's great that we have these options. I have basically taken home all the paper work that I need, and I can log on to our systems online and do it all from here. I just save documents in a separate place, and I can print them Monday. This way I can stay in, have coffee, be under the covers with my laptop and still do my work so I don't fall behind.

I really hate this cold. It's kicking my butt.

Yesterday, Wife made Indian food. It was the best! I think she's gonna try out another dish tonight - Tandoori chicken. We both love Indian cuisine, but we never really cooked much of it ourselves. Here in my little town is no store where we can really find the ingredients - the special spices, the right chutney etc. Well, a few towns over, we found a place, and it's very affordable too! So now, we're gonna try out some things. It's not terribly difficult to cook, and it tastes awesome. Can't wait for dinner tonight.

Tomorrow is Indulgence Day again. So what to do, what to do? Well, my first thought is to skip it. I really want to get to the 83's and under, and I really want to get there now. I am so close again, and not having met a new low in weeks really makes me hungry for that success. However, I know I have to be careful not to stall too. I know this. So I am thinking that I probably SHOULD do it, take the beating that comes with it and hope it'll dive under at the end of next week. It's so frustrating when you get close to your goal and then have to Indulge and the weight goes up. I really want to be done with losing weight and start on maintenance.

Which reminds me - Now that I have dropped a lot of the re-gained weight, it's interesting to see that my body fat percentage is back up to normal. It's about 10 today, and that sounds much more reasonable. Dropping a huge chunk of weight will do this to the percentage, and I am actually glad to see it back up like this.

So, today is gonna be a different Friday. I'm really excited to spend the evening with Wife. I am sure I will have lined up a couple of good movies for the evening, and this combined with Tandoori Chicken and a good low fat ice cream for dessert (Oh, how I love these - they truly help me staying sane in the evenings), it will be an awesome day.

No exercise yet. I simply don't have the strength. I'm a little worried that the medium level workout that I started doing Monday and Tuesday will be too tough when I start again. We'll see. I will try it out, be stubborn and just pause if it becomes too tough. I will see it though until I can do it again. Boy, I hate being sick.

Today I am thankful that:
- I can (mostly) work from home today.
- I get to spend the evening with Wife and her awesome cooking. :)
- I found an awesome wallpaper for my phone - my favorite movie!

- It's weekend and we're going to another Christmas market tomorrow (I hope I am well enough to go!)
- And finally, for all my buddies out there who actually manage to read my lengthy journals: I love all the comments and support that you guys give me. Sometimes I feel that I don't do enough for you guys - you keep me going, you inspire me and you make me smile every day. I hope I give you all the support you need. I love that I get messages in my inbox asking questions - I hope I answer them to your satisfaction. I love the little personal chit chats. You guys are the coolest people I have ever met. So many interesting personalities. So many people here only wanting to do good and help each other. If only we could implement this into the real world. No more wars! :) As a little thank you - I made you this!

Have a great weekend, folks! Life is good!
84,9 кг Потеряно до сих пор: 70,1 кг.    Еще предстоит сделать: 0 кг.    Следовательность диеты: 100%.

1535 ккал Жир: 45,24г | Белк: 103,54г | Углев: 167,73г.   Завтрак: Egg. Обед: Indian Flatbread Naan, Mixed Vegetable Curry, White Rice, Chicken Tikka Masala. Ужин: Chicken Breast (Skin Not Eaten), Ranch Salad Dressing (Fat Free), Lettuce Salad with Assorted Vegetables, White Rice (Long-Grain, Cooked). Перекус/Другое: extra lean ham, chocolate, kakaois, caramel candy, halls. подробнее ...
2991 ккал Упражнение: Сидеть - 10 часа и 30 минуты, Стоять - 1 час, Спать - 8 часа, Игра на Музыкальных Инструментах - 4 часа, Ходьба (Умеренная) - 5 км/ч - 30 минуты. подробнее ...
Потеряно 6,3 кг за Неделю


1 до 20 из 23
Will give u a tip on indian cooking since I am an indian..find a ready-mix spice for whatever u are cooking..its difficult to balance spices stand alone..take a already mixed up spice powder..there are all kinds available- for tandoori, curry, biryani etc  
08 дек 11 написано членом: ruchi0112
Thanks, ruchi! I will definitely look into these. You are right, it can be very hard to mix right. Wife does an excellent job though - she gets pretty close to what we have tasted at restaurants. Sadly, this is my preference. I would love to one day try a real, home cooked Indian meal.  
09 дек 11 написано членом: kingkeld
I would love to learn more about cooking curries. :) 
09 дек 11 написано членом: kingkeld
Oh Keld, will you hate me if I don't have a clue what movie the wallpaper represents? it's very cool. I first thought it might be a photo of you statnding there. I could so see you in that hat. Well, congratulations on your loss, getting back to where you were and on your Indian food supplies discovery. So mad not to be able to check out your link on my iPad (no flash)' but I agree with you whole-heatedly: we COULD end wars. Cheers to FS buddies. Yay! 
09 дек 11 написано членом: Helewis
Oh, btw, I'm going to PM you a Vegetable Curry recipe.  
09 дек 11 написано членом: Helewis
Good drop... Fingers crossed for that 1.3kgs + Sorry to hear you are not 100% yet, on the plus side, great that you can work from home - particularly if you can do it "under the covers" LOL. Maybe you should start back on the "easy" routine, on your DVD, you can always swop up the next day if you are ok. Ultimately, it is about "making the effort" to exercise that is important when you re-start, not about killing yourself.... That may put you off. Enjoy your Indian and the evening with your wife :-). I will go on my main computer, to look at the link later - can't get flash player on my iPad 
09 дек 11 написано членом: Sk1nnyfuture
Helewis - don't worry if you don't recognize it. It's a great movie, that in MY opinion has never been surpassed in its genre. Sadly, the teen generation will not agree with me. This movie demands that you actually watch it and isn't doing a million other things at the same time. --- and I would LOVE a curry recipe from you! Thanks! 
09 дек 11 написано членом: kingkeld
Can anyone else pinpoint the movie? It's not THAT hard... :) 
09 дек 11 написано членом: kingkeld
Btw, what's the app that registers 77 kg and says 130 days left?  
09 дек 11 написано членом: Helewis
LOL that's my surgery countdown. I have 130 days to reach 77 kgs. That's when I do the weigh-in to qualify for surgery. :) Keeps me motivated to see constantly. 
09 дек 11 написано членом: kingkeld
I love it. Nice. I'd like to countdown to my goal. I found that, after 100 lbs, without a trip to my full journal, I kind of lose track of how much I've lost and how much there's left to go 
09 дек 11 написано членом: Helewis
that is a f**** awesome gift king ---- now we know what you have been doing on that medium difficulty exercise routine :) 
09 дек 11 написано членом: JenKatja
Wow Keld ... you really are feeling better ... look at you move!!! LOL!!! I'm pleased you had another decline in your numbers on the scale again today. A buddy of mind recommended maybe a pure protein day ... right before indulgence day ... as a way for me to maybe get a new low. I think I'll try it today ... sure couldn't hurt!!! Oh I had a drop too ... I'm back to what I was the day before indulgence day last week (but I gained on indulgence day BEFORE I ate anything!!). Glad you could mostly work from home today. Dinner sounds wonderful. Take care buddy!! 
09 дек 11 написано членом: madaboutmoose
It is The Exorcist, right? I've never seen the movie but I seem to remember that particular scene from somewhere. 
09 дек 11 написано членом: awshucks
Also, you have an Android phone, right? How did you make it so that the bottom toolbar (phone, contacts, messaging, etc) is transparent? Sorry for hijacking your blog with my questions! 
09 дек 11 написано членом: awshucks
Awshucks, you win GRAND PRIZE! Yes, it IS The Exorcist. One of the movies I have to watch without Wife, because she is a sissy! :) And yes, I have an Android phone. I use LauncherPro as my platform (you get get it in the market) and it's highly customizable. Not only does it have an option of 5x5 icons, which is what I use, but the bottom toolbar is scrollable, so I can choose between different ones that I can set up myself. It's super neat. It'll cose you a buck or two, but it's definitely worth it. I think there's a free version also, but this is so good you should definitely sponsor the developer. 
09 дек 11 написано членом: kingkeld
Woohoo! I won! :-D Thanks for the LauncherPro information. I will look into it! 
09 дек 11 написано членом: awshucks
Ha ha ha.... Love the link..... We often do a "family" one - so funny :-). By the way - your splits are awesome he he he 
09 дек 11 написано членом: Sk1nnyfuture
@skinny - can you tell I've worked out? :D @Awshucks - You're welcome. I'm an android addict. Not sure exactly what I did before I got my smartphone. lol. 
09 дек 11 написано членом: kingkeld
That pic freaks me out because that movie freaked me out! Scariest flick I ever saw. and whats weird is....my daughter treats it as a comedy...never fazed her a bit, even as a youngin'. Sorry dude, didnt even read the post, just saw the pic and had to comment! ps: is that 5 degrees celsius?  
09 дек 11 написано членом: mikecontos


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