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202.5 this morning (day #49). WOOHOO!!! Down another pound and a half after yesterday's stall. Only 8 days to go and 3.5 pounds left to lose. BUT, it may be more than that :-(

My son's scale weighs higher than mine by about a half a pound. I ordered a new scale from Amazon yesterday and it should arrive today. That will become the official weight-keeper. At least it should give me the SAME weight each time I step on it instead of changing it each time, as my son's does. I just hope it isn't TOO far off from my home doctor's scale. It will also give me weight down to the 10th of a pound, instead of having to record in 1/2 pound increments.

I've had some interesting NSV's from the fasting and/or weight-loss in general.

1. My urinary incontinence has been greatly improved! Used to have 5-10 episodes a day, but now even one is a rarity.

2. In the mornings, I would always blow my nose and get a bunch of dried up gunk out of it. Now, when I blow my nose, it is just clear liquid.

3. I can get up much more easily from my recliner.

4. My hair is not falling out as much as it was before I started fasting.

5. I'm much more motivated to do things around the house!

6. My stomach hernia hasn't been bothering me at all. Usually, after I would have a big meal, it would stick out as much as having a third boob.

I know all those are weird (or too graphic), but I've been thinking for days about sharing them with you, so I just went ahead and did it instead of deliberating any more.

Looking forward to grandkids coming back late tomorrow night. (I have to pick them up at the airport sometime after midnight Monday morning.) I don't know when I'll be able to have them over, though! On Monday, I have a dentist appointment and physical therapy. On Tuesday, I have my 1pm phone call Bible Study (which has been going very well - I'm learning a lot!). Wednesday is the colonoscopy at 8:30am. I know I'm not supposed to drive for 12 hours afterward, so it is probably not a good idea to be in a swimming pool, either. Thursday anytime is open, and Friday after 1:15 (the Bible study is twice a week). SO, I guess it's Thursday and Friday then for the pool! Fortunately, weather is supposed to be good ALL week, with only a 50% chance of thunderstorms on Tuesday.

Yesterday, I got a sign from God about the bean plants. In one of them, the whole entire pole (with the vines growing all up it) fell completely over, out of the pot and onto the ground. It was like it was saying, "I'm DEAD! Put me out of my misery!" My Royal Burgundy Bush Bean seeds arrived yesterday. The Kentucky Wonder green pole bean seeds are supposed to arrive on Sunday. It will be good to get a fresh start!

OK, that's the news in my life for today. Thanks again to everyone who keeps up (puts up?) with me! Especial thanks goes out to Debra Anderson (not sure of spelling of whole user name), who told me yesterday that she looks forward to getting home every night to find a FS email waiting that gives my update. That made my day!
91,9 кг Потеряно до сих пор: 25,6 кг.    Еще предстоит сделать: 23,8 кг.    Следовательность диеты: 100%.
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47 Сторонников    Поддержка   

Well done, Debbie. The autophagy from fasting really does heal. 
19 июн 21 написано членом: ruthe1213
Well done, Debbie. The autophagy from fasting really does heal. 
19 июн 21 написано членом: ruthe1213
I'm glad you chose to share this! It's inspiring to see people overcoming difficulties, even if it's hair falling out or a third boob. Thanks for the smiles. 
19 июн 21 написано членом: liz-andra
Very happy that your health is improving from unloading the heavy fat off your organs! It's also better for the joints, like hips and knees. Do you plan on having the stomach hernia operated on to remove it? 
19 июн 21 написано членом: JustBananas
No, @JustBananas, my GP says as long as it isn't bothering me we'll leave it alone. 
19 июн 21 написано членом: Debbie Cousins
Your body and internal organs are communicating to you a great big Thank You! You've prob lost visceral fat which presses in the bladder etc., now that pressure is relieved. Amazing our bodies. 
19 июн 21 написано членом: Cajor
Whoa!!! Your list of NSV's, with the exception on #1 and already had surgery for hernia on 12/8/20) are most my reasons for trying IF!!! I played around, doing a dirty fast for a week and started 16/8 yesterday... will bump to 18/6 when my body tells me to! I already feel much better and my digestion has greatly improved with fermented foods to break the fast! Thanks for sharing!!! Heal Thy Self = Healthy Self 
19 июн 21 написано членом: catwmncat
I like that "Heal Thy Self = Healthy Self" 
19 июн 21 написано членом: Debbie Cousins
I've actually never mastered Intermittent Fasting. It's easier for me to fast completely than it is to only eat during certain windows of time. I also have no experience with Maintenance. I'm always either gaining (mostly gaining) or losing - nothing in between. 
19 июн 21 написано членом: Debbie Cousins
Am thrilled you are down a pound and a half today. Thanks for sharing your NSV's whatever they are. Yes, the autophagy of fasting is healing. It's the easiest part of dieting to just skip breakfast and not have ANY calories from after dinner till noon. I am no good at maintenance either, never were. Usually on my up or down. Except I did go for 6 years once upon a time without sweets. I also wonder what I will do when this challenge is over. We are both planning Anniversary dinners and a couple other special occasions. Which day this month is or was your Birthday? 
19 июн 21 написано членом: Snowwhite100
9pm and finely got it. It's like I won't be able to sleep if not knowing how your weigh in went today. After your stall yesterday. I says oh lord please let it be a pound or more. Thank god it was. Perfect on the name.  
19 июн 21 написано членом: debratrachta anderson
that's great to hear how your weight loss is positively impacting everything else!  
19 июн 21 написано членом: patches.mcgee
Loving the NSV's. 
21 июн 21 написано членом: meonadiet
Excellent work!  
22 июн 21 написано членом: jimmiepop


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