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I know it's been a minute since I've truly checked in. But, the active season has indeed begun and also my return to work. Which, happened about 2 weeks ago.

There comes a time in every year (and, it's usually spring) when refection ends and "the doing" begins. One just has to look outside at every thing that is "doing" and "blooming" to know.

So, this entry won't be too long or reflective but hopefully enough to let you know I'm still being accountable and committed to health and weight maintenance.

Let's start with Erq's question. She wanted to know in the last weigh-in yesterday if it was a Beastie Feastie day (a.k.a Egull's surplus calorie day). My dearest, that day comes next Saturday and this beast's feast of choice will be an abundance of as much Sushi as I can eat!!!

All that rice is going to make for a STELLAR session in the gym.

Oh, oh and Mom and I are going to share a chocolate Sundae together.

I don't even want to say how many cals that is going to be, but likely well over the 4,000 mark for sure.

Biggest question is what appetizer do we get? And, do I go with the Bento box or Sushi Rolls?

Okay, now for the second order of the day. This MS'er had her blood draw on Friday for T-cell count, metabolic panel, and anti-body test.

I haven't received results for the anti-body test, yet. However, the result did come in for T-cell count and the metabolic panel.

drum roll please....get ready to applaud for this girl's t-cells.

My T-cell count is not only stellar, it jumped from 1.6 --> 2.2


That's more than enough to create anti-bodies for the Covid vaccine!

Oh, and the the over all white blood cell count decided to have its own PR and went from 4.0 ----> to 5.5.

So, yes indeed my immune soldiers are letting this girl know they are alive, well, and ready to serve when needed. I love those guys.

And, for the record I absolutely never hold it against these t-cells for attacking my Central Nervous system. There are a lot of factors about the immune system that are still a huge mystery and there are more times than this girl can count in her life when those soldiers protected me when I was very sick.

Bottom line, we need each other and we do our best to collaborate, communicate and work together now.

As for the metabolic panel. It was pretty stellar as well...


it looks like the BUN/Creatinine ratio is pretty high. If the highest part of the standard is 23. Mine is 34.

It's not so "off the charts" that liver and kidneys are tanking. But, they're being taxed. From what I've read, the range I'm at suggest dehydration. And, though my protein intake is high - an average of 140 grams/day is actually moderate compared to many female pro physique recompers who often take in upwards of 160-170 grams/day.

However, those girls are likely drinking wayeeeeee more water than I do.

So, I'm not reducing the protein intake at this time. However, I'm DEFINITELY starting a regimen of getting in more than 32 ounces of H2O/day.

At this point 64 ounces is my requirement and after that I can do what I tend to do with water, which is sip.

I confess, yesterday I had upwards of 96 ounces and the difference was astounding. Some unusual symptoms I've been having lately that I mistook for MS symptoms (not hard to do) immediately resolved themselves.

It was so immediate I really had to apologize to these kidneys, because these poor guys have been taking a hit the last few months. And, that lower back pain I had been experiencing for the past several months suddenly dissipated by the end of the day and is still gone this morning.

Who knew it wasn't the squats? ---> typing this as I guzzle water.

To that end, my sodium and potassium were stellar! I just need to remember they kinda need those 2 molecules of Hydrogen and 1 molecule of Oxygen in order to work :-) hehehe.

All that being stated, everything else is on the up and up. Glucose was 84, which is perfectly normal especially after a breakfast burrito. I woulda thought it might come out higher, but it's well within range.

Oh, blood platelets are up and finally my red blood cell count is up. It's been on the lower end for a while. I think it might be the increase in cals. Either way, it's good to see.

Now, we just wait on the anti-body test. But, given these results I feel very confident I was able to create anti-bodies from the Pfizer vaccine.

Still, ya know I wanna see it in writing...LOL.

Anyhow, it's time to start "doing", go upstairs and get my omelette scramble and guzzle more water. Sending much love to all of you and hope every single one of you enjoys some bliss in your own "doing" today.

Now be the flower you are, and go bloom :-)
51,1 кг Потеряно до сих пор: 44,2 кг.    Еще предстоит сделать: 0 кг.    Следовательность диеты: Достаточно Хорошо.
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34 Сторонников    Поддержка   

That has to be a big change A Battle to be won 🏆 
25 апр 21 написано членом: ridemariel
awesome!! so happy for you. amazing as usual.  
25 апр 21 написано членом: HeBrewZ
Yay for water! Congrats on your labs! 💕 
25 апр 21 написано членом: davidsprincess
Great keeping track of everything, monitoring that ratio and upping the water for your kidney health, and yes! to sharing a sundae with your mum. I wish I could share one or a cheesecake with mine. 
25 апр 21 написано членом: LaughingChevre
Great write-up as always 🦅! Glad your numbers are great. And I can only guzzle water b/c otherwise I just let it evaporate. 💦 
25 апр 21 написано членом: sk.17
Water is truly a miracle elixir all on its own. Glad you're on a good path overall. I'm really enjoying the insights you include in your posts. Have a great week.  
25 апр 21 написано членом: Katsolo
Egull, I think I feel my best when I drink a ton of water and it always makes me feel great! If I have a beloved Diet Coke mixed in, I am no longer thirsty for my water, so I have eliminated it. A lot of people say be careful, not too much for your electrolytes will be washed away, but somehow the body knows what’s doing and I never have had a problem and feel terrific and I am never sick, so go figure! Have a Wonderful Sunday!🌸 
25 апр 21 написано членом: Shrewdness
Oh, yes, dehydration masks as many types of symptoms. 32 0z certainly was not enough for your level of activity - glad you are going for 64oz. I used to easily do a full gallon but am older and end up in the bathroom too much! Now I am at 64oz daily and will move up as the weather gets warmer here to 96oz. Be well,friend!  
25 апр 21 написано членом: HCB
Thanks everyone! @HCB - you ain't kidden. Since, I have sciatica and hip pain in addition to all manner of nerve sensations in my upper back - I never would have guessed the pain I had in my lower back area had anything to do with my kidneys. It really just felt like "achy" muscle pain. But, no manner of stretching or massaging seem to relieve it. Ironically, 64 oz of water hit it like motrin. I already drank at least 96 oz today and sipping when needed right now and this back hasn't felt this good in months! I confess, I'm thankful my neurologist ordered that panel, because I never would have known otherwise. And, things might have become really "dicey" had I let it go longer. @Shrewdness - after all this I have to concur the hype on "over-hydrating" is just as bad as the hype on drinking water to lose weight. The thing is if one is active whether it's moderate or intense, focus on potassium and sodium (i.e. electrolytes) inevitably becomes a priority if the individual is interested at all in progressing within their fitness level. And, it is my contention after all this if I'm am making the concerted conscious effort keep an efficient level of potassium and sodium in my system then it stands to reason - it is definitely not "hype" to consume more than the standard recommended amount. In fact, I think this girl's kidneys just confirmed it's paramount! The results of the metabolic panel say as much because my potassium and sodium were perfect - they were just missing one last element. The relief in symptoms speaks for itself. My urine stopped being "foamy" after the first 64 ounces. Something that has been going on for weeks now. My ankles have not swollen up one time in the past 48 hours, and they had started to do that over the past 3 months. I never get swollen ankles. It was happening so bad, I had to bring a different pair of shoes to work because my tennie's were painful. I just thought it was middle age creeping up. And, the random itchiness around my ankles has completely stopped. BTW - these are symptoms of compromised kidneys and/or liver. Little nicks and scratches from my kitty were becoming puffy and didn't seem to want to heal, and after 2 days of full hydration - you can barely see them! And, my energy level has been so significantly improved, I've actually lessened the amount of coffee scoops I put in. So, yeah - it ain't no joke. If drinking a lot of water means I'm a "sheeple" in order to keep my kidneys and liver in check. I'm a proud badge wearing sheep whose drinkin' her water! LOL. @Sk - I'm totally the same way. I have to guzzle the first 64 oz, because if I don't - I will sip my way into dehydration. But, after those 64 oz, I just make sure to sip anytime my mouth feels dry or I'm inclined. @LC - I do hope you're able to share some cheesecake or some scrumptious treat with your Mum! Now, I'm craving cheesecake! I love cheesecake among other things! LOL. Thank you DP, Hebrews, and Ride - I am very happy about the labs as well. We have one more to go - I'm ready to make it 3 for 3 with good news! 
25 апр 21 написано членом: Egull1


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