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Welp! Looks like we get to increase cals again by another 2%. This will officially bring me over the 2000 cal/day mark regardless of the surplus day.

I'm not complaining! No one likes to shovel food into their mouths more than this girl! LOL

Actually, I did gain .2 lbs from the surplus day last Saturday. And, if I'm frank, that is exactly what I calculated last Sunday. Only this time with regards to calculations, I not only took glycogen stores into account, I took into account calories lost to "thermic burn" thanks to Diablo :-)

What surprises me is that:
1) I was spot on - so the math is perty dang good
2) It didn't take all that long to see this low reflecting the .2lb gain.

It usually takes a couple of weeks before I see what all I gained or lost from a surplus day.

Keep in mind folks - I only do the surplus day once a month.

However, it does kinda make sense I see this low so soon because I *have* been approaching recovery differently. And, since the body now has proper time to rest and recover, there's not as much inflammation, and thus not as much water retention.

Kinda cool how that works :-)

It needs to be noted - weigh in will be skewed tomorrow, because I have to take my medicinal arsenal for allergies today. I can feel that headache drumming away in the background.

Anywho, here are the new calorie targets starting tomorrow:

On Average 2004 cals/day (Reverse diet increase by 2%). This accounts for maintenance cals and activity level for age 47.
Monday - 1974 --> 2013
Tuesday - 1994 --> 2033
Wednesday - 2251 --> 2290
Thursday - 1974 --> 2013
Friday - 1797 --> 1836
Saturday - 1797 --> 1836
Sunday - 1974 --> 2013

It needs to be said here, this may likely be the last time I raise for a while. Yes...yes, I know I've said this before. However, the active season is beginning.

Looking out the French door window from my bed, I can already tell the lawn will need its first mow by next weekend.

When lawn mowing begins, it also means the active season has begun and I officially stop increasing cals on the daily when I hit lows that are below my weight range.

But...but WHY!?!?

LOL - The active season also includes other activities like swimming and sometimes extended walking circuits. Because, these activities don't happen in the fall or winter - I don't like to increase calories I'll just have to take away when September arrives.

Why don't I like to take away daily calories when September comes?

Because, it makes this mind feel like it's going into "deficit". It's a mindset thing. And, I don't want this mind to feel like it has to subtract anything.

What I *do* as some know is add in an additional surplus day in the Spring/ Summer. I usually insert it after I start mowing the lawns (believe me, you burn some cals mowing lawns) and I see that first weigh in that brings me below the 112-114 lb range.

It works out great because if Mom and I want to go to a social gathering where lots of food will be available or eat out more than just one night a month, I have a second surplus day I can arrange those things around.

Sometimes, it's just getting to enjoy some IPA with the engineers on Beer Thursday and taking myself somewhere fancy for lunch.

Since, I am approaching recovery and workouts differently this season, it will be interesting to see if I'll need the second surplus day. But only time will tell.

All that being said, it's much less challenging for me to cut out an extra surplus day when the active season ends in September than it is to subtract cals on the daily. And, that is why I approach it this way.

We'll just have to see how it pans out.

Anyhow, it's time for breakfast and protein pancake day! Yay! By the way I love pancakes AND waffles, but I will only do either if they're a protein pancake or waffle. I've come to love the "protein" laden version so much this palette doesn't like the carbed up version. LOL

What can I say, I guess I like my waffles and pancakes to taste like a cake and sit like a steak! LOL

Have a beautiful and abundantly blessed Saturday, everyone!

P.S. Wifey - I do plan on doing a write up on the recovery techniques I use in addition to what I do to wind down at night that seems to help extend the time I'm in "deep sleep" mode. I haven't forgotten your request {{Hugs}}
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Same on the pancakes and the waffles. They do taste better. Weird, huh? 
10 апр 21 написано членом: Katsolo
I took the time to read this, and some of it twice! 😂 I must confess, that I don’t understand the strategy, but I am happy for you! 
10 апр 21 написано членом: LISfifty
LIS, since I’m not sure what about the strategy your confused about. All I can say is if you’re all that intrigued - use google and search calories in calories out, reverse diet method, maintenance calories- and have a ball! 😂 Either way, thanks 🙏 for the support. And Kat - it is weird about the protein pancakes, but somewhere along the line my tastes shifted and that’s what I prefer. I also think it’s because they don’t give me that sick to my stomach feeling the real pancakes sometimes do. 
10 апр 21 написано членом: Egull1
You made me make a waffle for breakfast this morning. Thank you. Delicious. 🧇  
10 апр 21 написано членом: Katsolo
Awww, I just finished mine too ☺️❤️ 
10 апр 21 написано членом: Egull1
Congratulations 👏🏻👏🏻 
10 апр 21 написано членом: Woremelx
Very interesting read as usual, especially the rationale behind *not* increasing calories despite falling below the range due to a temporary increase in activity.  
10 апр 21 написано членом: LaughingChevre
Thank you, LC - glad you found it interesting. Although, it needs to be noted that technically cals *do* increase, hence the addition of a second surplus day. I only do *one* surplus day during the fall/winter season. But, have often done *two* surplus day per month during spring/summer since 2018. Adding an additional surplus day per month in the spring/summer is increasing calories in. So, I may see initially something lower than the weight range I set when spring/summer activities begin, but with the addition of the second surplus day, I can usually successfully maintain my range. I'm just taking cals I might normally add in on the daily and investing them in an extra surplus day. Ya know...like a savings account only it gets spent, LOL. 
10 апр 21 написано членом: Egull1
Ah yes, I understand better now. So they do increase, just get used one one day, rather than increasing the daily average to avoid the feeling of deprivation later. 
10 апр 21 написано членом: LaughingChevre
YES!!! Absolutely, you got it girl! I know, I don't discuss my jedi mind tricks often. Its mostly technical stuff I put out there. But, I'm aware most of this journey is 99% mindset. Believe it or not, I actually like to eat a lot of food, just not as calorie dense. My issues regarding obesity were were centered around over eating because I had a "scarcity mentality" when it came to food as a result of growing up in a situation where we were always worried whether or not we could even make a gallon of milk last 2 weeks among 3 people. When, I started this journey - I knew that obstacle was the first one this heart and mind were going to have to find some workarounds for...and the one workaround I realized helped was "delayed gratification" which is another thing I had to master as a youth since nothing was ever guaranteed immediately or conveniently. Using this approach helps this mind to realize it always has enough AND a little something else to look forward too. It's worked so far, although I realize as I get older and/or things change with the MS, there will come a time when I need to readjust and lessen the cal intake. I often try to think of workarounds for that one, too. LOL 
10 апр 21 написано членом: Egull1
Totally get the scarcity mentality and I like the discussion of mind tricks.  
10 апр 21 написано членом: LaughingChevre
Very fascinating, thanks for sharing! 
18 апр 21 написано членом: EAMFIT
The jedi mind tricks are EVERYTHING! I can be so good on my diet and then blow it hard by getting brain-lazy (i.e. bored, social, eating in a restaurant, etc.). It's the reason I fail, and knowing that is 99% of the battle, as you pointed out. But hey -- welcome to Active Season!!! 
18 апр 21 написано членом: JustBananas
very proud hard work deserves rewards 
19 апр 21 написано членом: ridemariel


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