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I cannot emphasize how much this body genuinely needed last Saturday's surplus day. I actually ended that evening consuming around 4800 plus.

Mom and I had pushed that surplus day out a week this past month so we might celebrate her birthday. Usually, by the time a surplus day rolls around this body is ready for it. I'm usually tipping the scale around 110-111 lbs., my workouts are less stellar, and even if there is no muscle loss, there seems less of a pump and minimal to no gain in strength.

And, even with an average consumption of 1965 cals/day - I start to feel a desire to eat more even after a full meal.

Post surplus day is a whole other story. Beyond the proverbial glycogen pump, a feeling of grounded, solid steadiness returns, the workouts are stellar, and I smash through previous personal records. This has been especially true since incorporating new approaches to adapting workouts based on recovery.

I've since modified my current categories even further based loosely on "whoops" recovery breakdown. AND, added an additional category of my own because...well, life is full of variation as is our body's ability to recover.

The categories I've created are as follows (these are still based on deep sleep scores taken from fitbit):

Blue - 50%-65%
Full exercise load at moderate capacity. Do all reps, sets, and lower range of RPM on bike at highest resistance.

Green - 66% and above
Full exercise load at maximum capacity. Shoot for new records with reps, sets, and highest range on bike at highest resistance.

Yellow - 26%-48%
Half exercise load at low capacity. Cut all reps and sets in half and focus on TUT. Take it easy. Only do lower part of RPM range on bike at highest resistance.

Red - 25% and below
Take the day off, focus on recovery and rest, and light cardio through walking and NEAT exercise.

Dialing it back on certain days is still weird to this brain and yet, the results are phenomenal. Last Monday, I hit an all time high PR on the recumbent bike, pedaling 16.2 miles in 45 minutes at level 18 resistance in 4 intervals for a record breaking burn of 617 cals!

It was only a "blue" recovery day!

I wasn't even trying to pursue a PR and only pedaling at about 51-52 rpms at the highest resistance. In fact, I didn't allow myself to go above those RPMs even if these legs tried to. I let myself pedal as fast as they wanted at lower resistance, but dialed back if I started to feel the lactic acid build up.

I'm now officially ready to increase weights to the 30 lb kettlebell for rows.

One day I managed to do all 60 pushups in 3 split sets of 17 & 3 with the 20 lb. weighted vest. To date the closest to a full 3X20 I've achieved.

The 3X15 ab busters with the 8 lb leg weights now feel comfortable enough to increase reps to 48.

Even my little 23 minute bike rides are busting new PR's with this new approach. How can I not buy in, LOL?!

And, though there are days when the total cal burn might be less than it usually is and the total weekly burn has been less than before, the irony is it's not actually impacting my weight. In fact, todays weigh-in at 113.0 lbs is exactly the same weigh-in I had LAST THURSDAY. And, that's before I consumed 4800 plus calories?!

But, what I'm appreciating the most out of this new approach is I *feel* so much less exhausted. There's a definite distinction between feeling fit, healthy, and tired and feeling fit, healthy, and ALIVE! LOL

And, I confess it's kinda cool to open up the fitbit, wait for the sleep score to download and wonder what the days activities are going to look like. Will I be doing it all but taking it slow and easy? Is it going to be a "balls to the walls" and a "new PR" kind of day? Or, will it just be laundry, a short walk, and changing the kitty litter. It gives my day variation, and more importantly trains this mind to adapt to a change of priorities and expectations quickly.

It also emphasizes the importance of making "recovery" just as much a priority as working out. It's very clear to me just how far I can progress in a short period of time with the proper sleep and effective approaches to cool down, warm up, and muscle/joint care. If I want that next PR, which who doesn't?! Then I best make sure I do the work so the energy and strength is there to reach it. It actually makes working out a genuine privilege, not just a chore or a habit.

And, though it can be said this girl likes her habits - I don't mind enjoying some bliss along the way. Anyhow, I hope everyone has a wonderful Thursday! Three cheers to adding a little variation into our lives!
51,3 кг Потеряно до сих пор: 44,0 кг.    Еще предстоит сделать: 0 кг.    Следовательность диеты: Достаточно Хорошо.
Потеряно 1,3 кг за Неделю

38 Сторонников    Поддержка   

You are spectacular. Truly. And i need to remember the importance of recovery days. I forget sometimes. Thank you, Egul. 🙃 
08 апр 21 написано членом: Katsolo
💪🏻🏋🏻‍♂️ So in control!  
08 апр 21 написано членом: davidsprincess
You're doing a great job! Better than me 
08 апр 21 написано членом: morganstuart
REST is essential - I think this is why you are seeing such gains because you are rotating the intensity of your workouts and actually taking rest days...  
08 апр 21 написано членом: HCB
Every time I read your entries, I learn so much from you💪 
08 апр 21 написано членом: ocean_girl
awesome again!! we're very similar. I surplus some days just because I feel like my body is eating itself. and I've also had to make a more focused effort on recovery this week. easter week really messed me up at the gym. think I just overdid it. thanks for all the great focused information. i learn a ton from you.  
08 апр 21 написано членом: HeBrewZ
Thank you Hebrews, ocean, HCB, morgan, DP, and Kat. I confess, towards the end of 2020 up until now - exploring, researching, and applying optimal recovery techniques has become a very essential part of my health and fitness goals in 2021. There comes a point in your body's conditioning where it can't advance any further unless rest and repair are given just as much priority as the quality of ones workouts. I'm also not going to lie about the fact that I've spent a considerable amount of time following and researching pro athletes dominant in their sport who have excelled from making R&R an essential part of their workout regimen. The irony is how tough it is to "dial it back" when one needs too. It's a total "mindset" thing. It brings to mind an excerpt from my Hatha Yoga book with regards to progress in our physical strength. Our bodies often work a bit like a rubber band when it comes to advancing further. There comes this moment when it pulls back and to our minds it feels like we're not making progress or doing enough. But, if one is consistent - there comes this point when all of sudden it just propels forwards and goes further than you ever thought it could or would. Learning how and when to dial it back so I can propel forward when the time is right operates on the same premise. And, the amazing thing is - IT'S WORKING!!! :-) 
09 апр 21 написано членом: Egull1
Thank you. You just answered my frustrations. Hit a wall and haven't been able to make progress for a couple weeks. Now I know.  
09 апр 21 написано членом: HeBrewZ
I saw this earlier but didn’t have time to read it. Made sure to remember to come back. Your techniques and strategies are admirable!! I wish I know how to figure all these particulars out for myself. Any tips?  
09 апр 21 написано членом: wifey9707
I’m addicted to closing my rings and getting challenge badges. Which poses a problem when trying to include rest. Going to have to figure it out. Again, thanks for the insight.  
09 апр 21 написано членом: Katsolo
you are inspirational egull🙏 
09 апр 21 написано членом: ▪L€anQu€€n▪


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