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My over all average has me sitting around 113.4, and oh yes I do think we've had some gains :-)

A couple of things I want to note that I observed this week since increasing cals by 37 per day for the last 2 weeks in addition to using "time under tension" in all resistance, weight, and strength training exercises:

1. This body is definitely holding onto some water

2. All soreness around neck and shoulders areas has subsided in addition to any abdominal soreness I had earlier in the week.

3. I observe increases in muscle "bulk" around the typical areas (i.e. biceps, triceps, and my oblique area.

New Observations:

1. I now have a nice defined line going down the middle of the abdominal area. There is NO six pack, 4 pack, or even 2 pack...LOL. But, the line down the middle of the abs is definitely there now.

2. The flank or "saddle bag" area of my glutes has definitely become tight and dare I say it, "lifted" since altering approaches to squats and ensuring I keep shins parallel to each other on the way down and on the way back up.

p.s. it's actually this part of the glute area where I can see a definitive increase in muscle mass. YIPEEEEEEEEE!!!!

3. And, for whatever reason this metabolism is running high right now. And, hour and half weight session that might normally produce an approximate 200 cal burn went over 220 cals last night.

That burn in addition to a typical 23 minute 327 cal bike warm up ended the evening with over 547 cals.

I ended the day having burned close to 2400 cals.

That's a lot for a weight session day. So, something threw a log in to this girl metabolic fire.

All weigh-ins after today are going to be skewed. I just had to throw my medicinal arsenal of allergy medicine at yet another sinus headache, which means water retention.

And, we have a surplus day tomorrow. I'm thinking between allergy meds and Thai food, I'll put bets on a 117 lb food baby weigh in?

Actually, if I bet on that I would likely lose. Looking at my weight log, this girl has never gone over the 115 mark post surplus day. But, Thai food has a lot of sodium so maybe...

Okay, I'll change the bet to 116.4. We'll see how close I get.

Oh, and one last thing I almost forgot to note. Around 2 weeks ago, I did transition from using the 19 lb weighted backpack to the 20 lb. weighted vest for push-ups. The backpack was really messing with my rotator cuffs.

I'm still doing 3 set of 20 pushups with the 20 lb. weighted vest, however I am splitting sets right now and have been practicing "time under tension" while doing the push-ups, which of course is why the sets get split. This is in part why it's not surprising for me to see a bit more bulk in biceps and tri-ceps.

However, the glutes were definitely a pleasant surprise! Who woulda' known just keeping the shins parallel made such difference!
51,7 кг Потеряно до сих пор: 43,5 кг.    Еще предстоит сделать: 0 кг.    Следовательность диеты: Достаточно Хорошо.
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I read all that but my biggest takeaway? Your butt looks better!! 😆 Congrats Egull 🥳🦅 
26 фев 21 написано членом: GibJig
Lol gib. Too funny. The self awareness is impressive. Too few take the time to figure what works on this deep of a level. Hey I'll try this. Maybe that. Life really is a journey. Ups downs. It's all one big trial error learning process. Always a blessing to read your posts.  
27 фев 21 написано членом: HeBrewZ
LOL - Gib, to be sure I am excited about the "minor" butt lift. I certainly worked hard enough for it! And, thank you Hebrews - your encouragement is always a blessing to this gal as well as many others here. I am definitely the "try a little of this or try a little of that" kinda gal. Or, even let me take that tip "jimmy rig" it a little so it works for me and see where it takes us :-) I'm 47, but this mind's curiosity is still that of a 4 year old, LOL! And, you are critically correct when it comes to exploring on a deep level what works for this body. Not all these parts work together, or rather they have to work extra hard to collaborate in order to get their message across so I can be mobile and functional. Having a deep connection with this body and expanded level awareness helps to reduce the challenges this body faces to the greatest degree possible, so we can continue transcending and manifesting bliss. It's such a sweet short time we're here in these forms, this body and I just want to make the best of it to the greatest measure of our health and vitality :-) {{Hugs}} 
27 фев 21 написано членом: Egull1
Yes, time under tension is s great thing to keep your mind on. I do myo reps to keep TUT high. 
27 фев 21 написано членом: -Diablo
D - I never knew what myo reps were until you just mentioned it. And, of course you know I had to look it up. LOL! Thank you! I realize I've been doing my own "jimmy rigged" version of it when I split up the sets. I'll do as many of the 20 as I can in the first set, making 20 the end goal. Really, the first set is like a warm up, anyhow. I don't push it to failure. I kinda follow Nippard's approach and let their be a few left in the tank - take a minute break (I time it) and then go back and finish the set under TUT and then start on the next set. Lately, I've been attempting do do all the reps with TUT. To be frank, it's been more about rehabbing the rotator cuffs and focusing on form, because nothing will damage a rotator cuff more than momentum and bad form when lifting or doing strength training exercises. You might say this is the KSA portion of my body recomp journey where "knowledge, skill, and ability" come into play. The muscles are conditioned enough to engage, but now the focus needs to be on "how" and "in what way" they are engaging so as to optimize their maximum strength, capacity, and well in my case - mobility without injury. There's unfortunately a lot of wear and tear this body endured Pre body recomp and pre MS diagnoses. I'm managing, but as the weights increase, I know it's important to be mindful. 
27 фев 21 написано членом: Egull1
Time under tension—- just doing reps in a slow manner and track gat time? Think I’ve noted this talked about on AtheanX.  
27 фев 21 написано членом: 66Pack


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