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Good morning.

It's 5 AM. I've been up for about 3 hours, as has Wife.

Neither of us could sleep, so we got up and have been watching awesome monster movies. Last one was Frankenstein Meets The Wolf Man. Gotta love these classic horror movies. :)

So, I'm another kilo up in weight.

Since I weighed in at 2 AM - because I wanted some coffee - I don't think it's a very useful number. It's in no way accurate, and I am pretty certain that it would be significantly lower had I weighed in around 5 AM as I normally do.

Still, it's a number to record. If I am "technically" lighter, it'll reflect tomorrow. No biggie.

I (almost) made my exercise goals yesterday. I met my step goal and my distance goal. I'm 50 calories short of my calorie goal of 2800. IT's all good for a lazy Saturday.

We really enjoyed the day yesterday. We had no plans.

All we really did was to do a nice, long walk (about 7 kilometers!) through the shopping streets and the general surrounding area, went for the lunch buffet and then home to hang, relax, put our feet up and watch movies. Not bad.

I picked ONLY the smart choice foods from the buffet, skipped the candies and chocolates completely, and went for sugar free ice cream as a dessert/snack. I probably had too much of it, but it didn't affect any numbers. I stayed within my RDI and all. Not bad for an Indulgence Day.


Today will be more of the same. Obviously, there will be a little more activity since we were up ridiculously early, but we're not gonna be moving a whole lot.

My legs are STILL tired. I'm trying to have them recover a little, but I still want to do my walks.

Wife and I are gonna go repeat the walk from yesterday.


Tonight, dinner is pizza!

Lunch will be leftover ribs from last night's dinner.

Food wise, it's gonna be a tasty day.

Yes, I know that pizza messes me up for some days. I'm okay with that. I've been wanting pizza for a while, and today is the day. I'm looking forward to it.

In my preparation of it, I found a Danish body builder forum where they are talking about pizzas from the typical Arab/Turkish pizza houses that are the most common one here.

This one guy actually went around to numerous pizza houses and got their recipes for the dough, general amount of tomato, cheese, and meats. With this, he created a "Generic Pizza House Pizza" calculation, giving me a much more accurate calculation of the damage such a pizza does.

Of course, it'll never be 100% accurate, but at the same time I think it sounds very reasonable and something I can use for my calorie calculations.

The numbers for a generic pizza, with about 50g of beef and 50g of lamb (kebab), along with some onion and bell pepper, and whole wheat dough (to slow those carbs down a little bit) - the pizza that I generally prefer - is approximately:

Weight: 600g

Calories: 1280 calories
Protein: 74g
Carbs: 76g
Fat: 77g

Mind you, this is a pretty large meal, so it really isn't all that bad. If I wanted to, I could be satisfied by having half a pizza. I'm not sure I'll be settling for that, though.

I have 2500 calories available per day, so it's absolutely no problem fitting this in. I have pre-calculated both lunch and dinner, and I have 800 calories left for whatever I'd like. I have already met both protein and fat goals, and as long as I don't get into the heavy carb territory, I'm golden.

This is one of the perks of Intermittent Fasting that I really like. Skipping meals give me the opportunity to fit in larger meals. What is there to NOT like about that? :)


Today, I'm thankful for:
- Wife!
- Classic movies when we wake up early!
- Morning coffee. MUCH needed. :)
- Sunday!
- No plans!

Life is good!

EDIT: A good Sunday is a Sunday where one doesn't have to put on pants! :)
I will skip my walk today, and just give my legs the rest they're asking for. I have zero plans, and I am 100% okay with taking a hit on my fitbit calorie burn indicator today. I will simply go for a lower RDI today, to compensate for the lack of exercise. Life is STILL good!
85,5 кг Потеряно до сих пор: 69,5 кг.    Еще предстоит сделать: 0,5 кг.    Следовательность диеты: 100%.
Набралось 7 кг за Неделю


Have you tried making your own pizza from cauliflower? Instead of the normal pizza dough, it is cauliflower, which has been broken up into very, very small pieces, that resemble rice, (best done in processor) before being cooked in the microwave for 3 minutes. You then mix it with egg and cheese, spread it on a baking sheet and stick it in the oven. Once it is baked, you add your normal toppings. I made one a couple of months ago, half a cauli made a pizza that was really too big for us (one egg and about 1/4 cup cheese in the crust). I put tomato, ham, peppers, onions and a sprinkling of Parmesan on top. It gave us a REALLY filling meal - served with a side salad. Plus, gave us loads of veggies. 
06 окт 13 написано членом: Sk1nnyfuture
Pam - I've seen the cauliflower suggestions before, and I really like the idea. The thing with pizza in our household though, is that we usually eat it when we don't want to cook. :) This will definitely not be an option today, but I will copy the recipe - it sounds really good! I just might go with it sometime. Thanks! 
06 окт 13 написано членом: kingkeld
How about a hot soak with epsom salts for the legs? Works wonders for a sore body.  
06 окт 13 написано членом: ClassicRocker
Still the cutest thing ever,your wife is a lucky woman- Today, I'm thankful for: - Wife! - Classic movies when we wake up early! I love it that you both got up and watched old movies together- I usually just start working or read- have you ever seen any with riff tracks? Mystery Science theater 3000's are fabulously ridiculous.  
06 окт 13 написано членом: Katred12
Have you tried making a "pizza" with a flour tortilla - if you grill it slightly to make it crispy, then put some toppings on it - it tastes pretty good. I am not going to lie and say it is as good as a pizza make with pizza dough or bread dough, but it doesn't have all the calories either - anyway, give it a try. You can even roll it up - a bit funky! 
06 окт 13 написано членом: kazredhead
LOL KK... Your journal is turning into an "alternative" pizza blog.... Come on folks, any more suggestions. Let's give KK plenty of choices :-D 
06 окт 13 написано членом: Sk1nnyfuture
Hehe... as much as I appreciate the many choices, they won't fly on a day like this. For me, pizza is the one to be bought to be brought home. THIS is what I crave when I crave pizza. All the other ones are great suggestions for other days, but not a day like today. Besides, if I didn't go pick up a pizza, I'd have NO steps for my fitbit today. LOL 
06 окт 13 написано членом: kingkeld


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