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I'm actually inputting yesterdays weigh-in. It doesn't happen often, but on occasion, especially after a hard workout I will come up a little more on a Sunday.

Sundays are usually the day I hit my lowest "low" of the week. When this happens, I just input the "low of the weekend".

Note: I only weigh in on Saturdays and Sundays.

This morning - I weighed in at 113.8. Yesterday was a low cal day, so the gist of this is water retention due to soreness & inflammation.

To that at end, it looks like I've lost a half-inch around my waist and have gone from 25 1/2 --> 25 inches. Really, it's more like 25 1/4 to 25. It's been heading towards the 25 inch mark for a bit.

The Happy scale app has my average hanging at 113.5, so we're holding steady and since I lost another 1/2 inch around my hips back in early fall. It's safe to say the pound I've gained since increasing cals is indeed, muscle.

For the first time, I can really tell. It's not just the increase in muscle around the abdomen, glutes, and arms - it's also the loss of fat. When you're sitting at the 18% body fat range - it becomes less challenging to notice when there's been fat loss.

Either way, I love the results! :-)

Speaking of muscle soreness, I also forgot to mention in last week's entry that there is new exercise I've incorporated into Friday's workout. And, boy oh boy - it's a doozy. I've decided if anyone ever wants to discover what muscles still need to be developed - the "sumo-deadlift" is an excellent one to add to the repertoire. Especially, for ladies like me who have very undeveloped muscles in the inner thigh region.

...and this is what I've learned since doing these.

My glutes, quads, arms, and core are in nice conditioned shape. But, that inner thigh region is very literally sorely lacking. And, I was only using a 26 lb. kettlebell!!!

To be fair, the inner thigh muscle on women is usually the most under-developed part of our bodies and actually contributes to a great deal of knee issues that ladies often incur later in life.

That inner thigh muscle, along with quads and glutes helps to keep one's knees in alignment as it moves back and forth in the knee joint. When that inner thigh muscle is weak, it impacts one's gait and can throw that knee joint off of alignment, which of course impacts a whole lot of other things not to mention the wear and tear it causes on the knee.

This has been the case for this girl's knees for many years since college and after taking too many spills, one was able to actually hear the "clickety-clack" sound of my knees when I flex them back and forth. The Doc's advice back then was to do some wall sits and develop the inner thigh.

I just assumed all the leg circles I was doing with the leg weights were helping to develop those muscles, but if I contemplate it - that exercise really works the abductors, glutes, and flexors. It doesn't really pack a punch in the inner thigh region...

Not like a sumo-deadlift does...HOLY COW!!!

Part of it is definitely in the stance. As one is bringing that weight back up - with feet spread only about 2 ft apart, they don't have any choice but to use those inner thigh muscles to create enough stability to do the lift.

Needless to state - I'm definitely keeping up with them.

But, it burns...my oh my does it burn. LOL!

Anyhow, next week's weigh in will definitely be higher. We have another surplus day coming up on Christmas. Skies the limit, but unlike last Thanksgiving, I will make sure to weigh and measure food and portions this time simply because I want to know how much I'm actually ingesting.

Other than that, there's not much to report. I do want to post a follow up to the recovery methods I incorporated a few weeks ago regarding the CBD/melatonin supplement, the massage gun, and the new alarm clock that actually uses LED light to wake me up instead of an alarm.

But, for the time being I will just wish all of you a very Merry Christmas/Holiday. May every single one of you be blessed with an abundance of love, warmth, and light this season. Take care - and I will leave you with a "face to face" transformation pick.

97lbs difference between these 2 picks. The first was taken back in 2016, and the second was taken last week.
51,4 кг Потеряно до сих пор: 43,8 кг.    Еще предстоит сделать: 0 кг.    Следовательность диеты: Достаточно Хорошо.
Набралось 0,2 кг за Неделю

48 Сторонников    Поддержка   

You are looking great. Always an inspiration. Thanks for that section about inner thigh muscles. That was helpful 
20 дек 20 написано членом: liv001
I will be doing those today. I am checking youtube for tips right now 
20 дек 20 написано членом: liv001
Looks great!!! 
20 дек 20 написано членом: brendadb_
Liv - just be careful. You're going to feel a bit like you've been riding a horse for a little to long! LOL...I started with 3X10. But, if you feel you need to do less then start small! 
20 дек 20 написано членом: Egull1
Great transformation!!! Thank for the info on inner thighs! I have knee problems, am older and I know my inner thighs are underdeveloped!!! Not sure I can do those sumo deadlifts but I will look them up and give them a try! You're always so inspirational! Happy Holidays to you too! 
20 дек 20 написано членом: bearnoggin
20 дек 20 написано членом: moopie321
Great info, analysis and transformation. Good work! 
21 дек 20 написано членом: TomLong
21 дек 20 написано членом: ruthe1213
What a transformation! Do you also cardio? 
21 дек 20 написано членом: JivaQi
Thank you, Jiva! And, yes I do cardio as well. In fact, based on my fitbit data, I invest an equal amount of time to both cardio exercise and strength training. I couch in two 25 minute walking circuits a day and a 23 minute ride on the recumbent bike in the evening, with the exception of Tuesday (which is a 45 minute ride at a very high resistance level). Thursday, Saturday, and Sunday are devoted to weights and resistance training. Including warm up - strength training sessions can last up to 90 minutes. So, all in all its 50/50. It needs to be stated I worked my way up to all that over the past 3 years. I don't recommend or suggest anyone just jump into that amount of activity unless they start out slow or are really compelled too! LOL. @Tom, Bear, ruthie, moopie, Drag, Liv, and Brenda - Thank you!!! It's hard to believe what can change and transform in just a 4 year period 
21 дек 20 написано членом: Egull1
You go girl 💪💫 merry Christmas 2 u and yours 🎄💫 
22 дек 20 написано членом: CharlieLovesChaplin


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