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Good morning!

Phew, so much to talk about about. Good stuff, bad stuff, and exciting news!

So, it was "just another Tuesday" here in Denmark - at least when it comes to food.

When I say "just another Tuesday", I am of course referring to the fact that the last couple of Tuesdays have been tough for me, and I haven't been able to stick to plan.

Same thing happened yesterday.

I did good MOST of the day. At least there is that. If only the scale would show numbers that agree with me.

Still, I have learned that scales and numbers aren't all. Right? It's also a lot about how one FEELS. Well, trouble is that I feel like crap.

"So, Keld, what happened?!?"

Well, it was actually a superb day.

Wife and I went to support Daughter in her very first job interview, her going in on her own of course, and us waiting at a café around the corner.

We were there around 10, and just had coffee. Daughter's interview was at 11. We just patiently waited.

At around 11:45 AM Wife declared that it was lunch time. It was fine with me, actually 45 minutes after my feeding window opened. I wasn't really all that hungry up until then, but I figured it would be practical to have lunch with her, and not be hungry at some point where we couldn't really get to eat.

So, she ordered the burger combo, I had a hambuger steak with a fried egg, potatoes and gravy. The food was good, but in absolutely no way satisfying.

Daughter came back after the interview, all excited. It went above and beyond well, to the point where she was almost crying with excitement.

They are interviewing one more girl for the spot today, but rumors on the jungle drums claim that this contestant is no match. It should be a done deal. They flat out told Daughter that she is the favorite. I can't imagine them thinking that unless they really want her.

So, we go out to look around the town afterwards. It's a new place that we haven't been before, so there is plenty to see, even if all there is a small shopping street.

At some point I feel like candy, and I even go check out a chocolate specialty store, but end up NOT buying anything. Nothing.

Time flies and we end up starting our journey home. We get on the bus, but agree to spend time in the next bigger city, where we're changing buses. I want to treat the ladies out for dinner.

Trouble is, it's too early. Daughter has homework to do in the evening, and we're all kinda tired too. We all felt like Chinese food, but there aren't any spaces open. They open at 5 PM here in Denmark, and it's only around 3:30 PM. Boo.

So, after looking for a place, we start going towards the bus, when we come by this little all-you-can-eat-sushi. Daughter LOVES sushi.

As it turns out, all-you-can-eat is not really all that much. They kept offering, but the hunger just wasn't really there all that much. This is probably good.

End result on the sushi deal: Good food, not too much of it, but at a ridiculous price.

And what's worse... it woke up the carb monster BAD. BAD BAD BAD.

The result was a couple of unplanned new delish protein bars, candies when we came home, eating 30 minutes past my feeding window closed and huge discomfort all night.

The discomfort resulted in a night of really poor sleep and the hardest workout I have done for a while. I felt like I had no strength.


I skipped the walk this morning. I wanted to do it, but it was a time issue. I have to save up some comp time to compensate for the day off yesterday, and I also plan on having the day off Friday.

So, I arrived at work at 6:30 this morning, after a super early workout.

I am already at about 4,000 steps out of my 10,000 goal, and as I am working at the gym tonight I am sure I will reach my goals through the day. I'll just have to take it slow, but keep moving. I can do that.


So, yesterday ended with a much higher calorie intake than I had in any way planned or expected. On a Tuesday. Again.

I wonder why this is.

Is it maybe related to the fact that I eat early dinner on Mondays, and that my fasting period then becomes much longer than most other days? Is it something with the relatively low calorie intake that I have on Mondays, which are also workout days? Is it related to all the good TV-shows we watch on Tuesday evenings? Or is it all pure coincidence? I don't know.

I know that some days I am simply too low in calories compared to my activity levels. It's hard to eat enough in proper foods. If I only eat proper foods, I rarely get more than 1,500 calories. It's a long way to reach 2,400.

2,400 is the RDI I get when I'm in "weight loss mode". My calorie counter gives me this number when I am heavier than my goal weight. Yesterday, I was at 82 kilos, goal weight is 80. Today I am 84.

The added weight doesn't really bother me. Not all that much. What bothers me is that I can't stick to my plan. That annoys the heck out of me. Really. It's not like it should be hard to learn to live with 2,400+ calories per day. I should actually go even higher if I am a little lighter, or if I just accept maintenance at this level. This might very well be my end solution. The trouble is, of course that I need to stay low in weight for my surgery, and for my well being. I already shifted my goal weight from 76 kilos to 80 kilos. I don't want to just up my goal weight every time things get difficult. Especially not if the trigger is candy. There is no excuse for candy! :)

I wasn't surprised this morning when I got on the scale, as I had expected weight gain. But something DID surprise me.

As my buddy Nimm pointed out the other day, when I have an excess intake of carbohydrates (I believe it has to be more than what is absorbed in the blood streams - the ones that go to storage as fat), they pull 3-4 times their own weight with them in water. This causes water fluctuations, and this fits the bill dead on from what I can see.


I have my new Über Smart Smartscale that tells me all kinds of things about my body. And this one claims that this is the changes over the last three days:

Mon - Tues - Wed
Weight: 83.6 - 82.4 - 84.3
Bodyfat%: 11.7 - 10.0 - 09.8
Muscle (kgs): 70.2 - 70.6 - 72.3
Calorie Burn: 3776 - 3787 - 3886
Water%: 64.0 - 65.4 - 65.6

This indicates that I lost a significant amount of weight from Monday to Tuesday, and gained it all back - and then some - for Wednesday.

The bodyfat% changes. It goes lower from Monday to Tuesday, indicating that with the weight loss is also fat loss. It then goes further down (by 0.2%) with the weight GAIN today, indicating that there is a fat gain - as 9.8% of 84.3 (8.26 kgs) is more than 10% of 82.4 (8.24) even though not a whole lot, 20g.

Looking at water: There water gain every day. The water gain along with the weight drop from Monday to Tuesday shows (in my eyes) that there WAS a fat drop. There should be, according to my calorie intake on Monday. It sounds about right.

The interesting thing is that there is also a large gain - 1.5 kilos - after my binge yesterday evening. This fits perfectly with the fact that I had too many carbs.

Now, here is the most interesting thing, and the one I truly doubt:

Muscle mass.

Supposedly, I have gained 0.4 kilos of muslce from Monday to Tuesday. Monday is a gym day, so I can believe that something maybe happens over the course of the day, as my body is rebuilding muscle tissue, but surely not a full pound of it. If that was the case, then I'd be Pure Rambo in about a month!

What's even more interesting is that I supposedly gained 1.7 kilos(!) of muscle mass during yesterday! There is absolutely not a chance that this is correct. If anything, then the water fluctuating is attached to the muscle mass. Maybe this is how I am supposed to read this?

I know that the water% and the muscle mass numbers are very connected. If you add them both then they'll be a higher number than my actual body weight, indicating that some of the muscle is water. Of course it is. We have always learned that ninety-some percent of our body is water - so if this is true, then muscle and everything else has to be partial water. Right?

So, I think I will conclude (until proven wrong) that there hasn't been any fat gain worth mentioning, that I am retaining water, and that the water sits mainly in the muscle mass. I think this sounds about right.

Phew. That was a LOT of thinking for 8 AM. :)


So, the last thing for today, before I let you go. I'm already impressed if you're still reading. I wonder how many ARE still reading? LOL. If you read this, please write a comment, to let me know. :D


Anyways, last thing...

I have my date - and my new goal - for my LAST SURGERY! WOHOOO!

I am supposed to show up at the hospital on December 4th, 2013. I will have surgery on December 5th, 2013. They are okay with my weight being 80 kilos.

This means that I just need to be about two kilos lighter on that date. This means that I can keep going as I am going, as long as I have a KEEN eye on everything. It's a goal in itself.

I gotta dedicate to NOT celebrating "Candy Tuesday" any longer. Candies are - if ever - for Saturdays. No other days.

I do think I am getting better at not going all the nuts. When I eat candy, the bag of candy gets smaller and smaller.

We buy candy from a small store next door (it's terrifyingly close to us), and they have a LOT of different stuff, from which you pick and choose, and mix your own bag. Obviously, the bags are made to look like there is a lot less in them than there really is - until you put it on a scale and have to cough up the dough.

I do make it a goal to go lower and lower, buying less and less. Just like building muscle in the gym, this is a slow process, but I do progress and see results. LOL. One day at a time here, please.

I'll get there. Now I have a new goal, and it's definitely accomplishable.


Today, I'm thankful for:
- Great day with La Familia yesterday.
- Realizing that Sushi is the Devil.
- Wife and Daughter!
- Understanding weight loss/gains.
- Early Workout!
- Morning Coffee!

Happy Hump Day! Life is good!
84,3 кг Потеряно до сих пор: 70,7 кг.    Еще предстоит сделать: 0 кг.    Следовательность диеты: Плохо.
Набралось 13,3 кг за Неделю


I always read your journals, although I don't comment very often. I like your 'nerdy' way of analysing. Awesome that you got your Date :) 
18 сен 13 написано членом: schmetterling34
i surf FS everyday just to read your journal it makes me feel like i'm not alone in this battle. Reading your journal is a great source of knowledge and the nerd in me loves your analysing of how this fat loss thing works!! 
18 сен 13 написано членом: qapl
I read to the end matey. Break in routines such as trips out are always hard especially if can't plan your meals. As for calories, I personally find that Fitbit seems far too generous with what it gives me, I find if I try to stick to 350-500 cals under daily allowance my weight stays pretty level. Not sure what the reason for this is, maybe people with huge weight losses have shot- metabolisms compared to others. 
18 сен 13 написано членом: OlsBean
OlsBean, there are a lot of theories about the shot metabolisms. I think some are pretty justified. Still, Fitbit AND my Über Smart Smartscale pretty much agrees on numbers. This is definitely noteworthy. I'm leaning towards that you are right. A Fitbit number minus 3-500 calories per day will probably be appropriate. And that should be a walk in the park regardless. I am hoping to soon get to a point where I will STAY at 80 kilos without too many crazy fluctuations, and that I can then simply find my level. I have been hoping for this for a year and a half now, but there has been way too many other little missions along the way - surgery, weight gain, weight loss again, and now muscle building. Things keep changing - and that's a good thing. I think it is what - long term - keeps me on my toes. My goal is to be strong, fit and healthy. Light in weight is becoming a secondary mission (though I have a more than KEEN eye on it, and still don't want to gain weight). This is another reason that I am REALLY looking forward to my final surgery. I want the weight loss and skin adjustment part of the journey to be over with.  
18 сен 13 написано членом: kingkeld
Yeppers... I read it. Always do. Don't want to miss any tidbits of info that will help me on my journey. One I didn't know about is what Nimm said about carbs/water. Interesting. Love this site. Love the knowledge shared by everyone. Tuesdays for you. For me, it's going longer then 5 hours for eating. I used to eat every 3 hours for the longest time, then changed diets (several times) and have difficulty now not getting hungry if I'm not feeding the growling beast in my abdomen. Then, when I finally get something to eat, it triggers a semi-feeding frenzy. Did that Monday and was grateful I had loads of fruit here. I need to pack something light when we go out. Especially for hubby who is hypoglycemic. Your scale. It would make me absolutely dippy. Comparing one day from the last. I would wind up turning it off and just asking for weight, thank you. When do you think your darling daughter will hear about the job? Let us know.  
18 сен 13 написано членом: ClassicRocker


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