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Lots of changes to report this week. But, this Eagle loves change, ya know. It's another opportunity to explore creative ways to adapt, shift, transform, and transcend. Another opportunity to explore one's bliss. Thank goodness nothing is permanent, LOL.

I will be working remotely from home for a while, or until Gov. Inslee decrees it is indeed okay for offices to operate at full capacity. Technically our small little Engineering firm takes up the whole 5th floor of a historic building downtown. There are only 14 of us. We all did the math (not too hard to do in an engineering firm), and we could stay open with all of us there.

But, as one of the partners put it - "we understand the intent of the 25% capacity option is that whoever can work from home, should work from home."

And, then there is one among that 14 who is especially vulnerable, because she takes immune suppressants to treat MS. She never knows what her white blood cell count is at any given moment and the number of cells she has to fight off infection takes more dips and turns than the wildest ride at 6 flags.

I didn't work from home last time. We furloughed me for a spell while I collected unemployment, which worked out perfectly. And, I made sure to stash enough money in savings in case this might happen again.

The firm paid for my medical insurance the whole time I was furloughed.

This time around, one of the partners said "let's hook the front desk phone up from your home, get you set up on VPN - we're going to have you work remotely."

And, so far (knock on wood) - it's going smoothly. But, I need to be hooked up to the VPN. That journey begins tomorrow.

I'm not sure why we didn't do the temporary furlough this time other than they wanted to ensure I received full pay. But, it was hard not to note the lines of worry across their face while we waited for the part to arrive that would allow me to take the phone home to set up.

In short, they wanted me out of there because they were afraid I would catch Covid. The numbers are substantial enough around here that it's risk to my health becomes real in a way that none of us including myself wants to see.

Note: Engineers by design are not "emotionally" expressive creatures. They will never say, "I'm worried about you, I don't want you to get sick..I want you to be somewhere safe, taken care of, so I know you are okay."

Engineers are "do'ers. They make the plans, design workarounds, get what's needed...and then everything will be okay. LOL

I will miss those boys and I know they will miss me. They're damn frat house slobs when I'm not around to manage some order in that office. And, I know dang well not a single one of them will sanitize those surfaces the way I do. I told the second partner, "I'm afraid y'all will catch the flu the first week I'm gone!" He laughed, and said "you're probably right".

I also instructed each of them they will need to be my eyes and ears. I can't sweep through the office and see what needs to be ordered, replaced, or stocked up on. I will need them to let me know the minute they see something we need.

I don't know that they will, but sometimes if I say it firmly enough, something sinks in.

So, now for the adaptation. And, this...this is definitely a little divine intervention on the universe's part.

I do about 3 walking circuits a day when I'm at work. One in the morning right after the para-transit drops me off, one in the afternoon, and the last one is a short walk home when the bus drops me off. It doesn't seem like much, but with all those circuits and steps I get walking around the office - I can clock in about 14000-16000 steps/day.

Basically, we're just going to take a similar schedule with a few tweaks and implement it at home. After breakfast - I take a 20 minute walk around my neighborhood (which, is gorgeous because we're situated in the woods out here), another 20 minute walk at lunch, and a 23 minute bike ride on the recumbent at the end of the work day.

Workout days remain the same, but I will be able to save time because I don't have a 40 minute bus ride each day before I get home to work out. In fact, since my gym is only a minute's walk (literally) around the corner to my suite, I can start getting ready for my workouts about and hour before shift ends. I may even be able to start warming up before the work day ends!

Saving this kind of time will allow me to get to bed earlier, and allow this body some much need recovery time and a little less sleep deprivation, which is exactly what I've been focusing on!

The activity level may still be less than before, and if I need to readjust caloric intake to compensate then it can definitely be done. But, we're going to see how this works. And, of course there is always room for further adaptation...always :-)

Other than that, life continues...and, I have to confess I am thankful for these changes. It was making me a bit nervous to show up this past week. My last WBC count was really good. However, it's been known to dip steeply in a 3 month period and we're coming up on 3 months since my last blood test. We really don't know what my status is right now. Although, thankfully I did get a flu shot!

Thanksgiving is when I'm couching my surplus day this month. We have no further increases. Actually, I think for the time being - this girl has finally hit maintenance cals. My weigh in this morning has me at 112.4 and the moving average on my happy scale has me at 112.4. Dare I say - we have found the sweet spot at 1890 cals/day. I'm completely okay with this and frankly overjoyed I can eat that much to maintain this weight.

In the meantime, we just continue to get those muscles swole, LOL! Have a wonderful blessed week, everyone. Maybe, I'll catch you sooner than next weekend since I have a bit more down time. Take care and have a wonderful Holiday!
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55 Сторонников    Поддержка   

Wowww what amazing beauty 
22 ноя 20 написано членом: Prescious 1
Great post Egull❣️Engineers are supposed to be dispassionate problem solvers but really aren't deep inside. Glad they're looking out for you but check the SKU numbers carefully bc one transposition of digits could lead to ordering kegarators instead of AA batteries for those enterprising frat boys! Have a great Thanksgiving🦃❣️ 
22 ноя 20 написано членом: sk.17
My best to you! Stay healthy. Stay safe. Stay strong. ❤️💪🏻 
22 ноя 20 написано членом: wifey9707
Fantastic and fit!!! You look great, and I know you are strong enough to figure out this new path forward. I have to say I am glad you will be off the bus and close to home for a while. I didn't know you are from here! Thankfully our infection rates have been pretty low compared to much of the country, but it sure is going up and no reason to take risks if they can be avoided! Take care! ❤️❤️❤️ 
22 ноя 20 написано членом: melissatwa
I look forward to your weekly posts. 💕🦅 
22 ноя 20 написано членом: GibJig
You have AMAZING arms! 👀 
22 ноя 20 написано членом: lonniehuffman
Love that you work at an awesome place with awesome people. They should be able to get you setup so that clients will never know you are not physically there. I have been working from home for almost 20 years, and my #1 suggestion is to bring your office chair home with you if you can. I am down in SW WA, and sadly our numbers are on the rise as well.  
22 ноя 20 написано членом: jazzylittleone
That was enjoyable to read! Have a happy Thanksgiving and so glad things appear to be working out perfectly for you. 💓 
22 ноя 20 написано членом: davidsprincess
What a great attitude! You go, girl. Hubby and I live in Astoria which is also seeing increasing cases. I have extended family in Portland where Covid is rampant. Everyone is doing ok so far. We all hunkered done. Stay safe 💪 
22 ноя 20 написано членом: Chow moore
Wonderful everything is working out for you. Especially having a great team looking out for you. They definitely are showing how much they care and making sure you have a steady income. Awesome arms. You rock! 
22 ноя 20 написано членом: kattay
a seriously uplifting post in a time of so much change 
22 ноя 20 написано членом: Joelmel
excellent post and looking freaking awesome as usual. always impressed.  
22 ноя 20 написано членом: HeBrewZ
you look great and glad you get to work from home. stay safe and strong  
22 ноя 20 написано членом: carol655
Glad to hear that you’re working with a good crew, and you are looking great! 
22 ноя 20 написано членом: TomLong
22 ноя 20 написано членом: -Diablo
Stay safe and you look great! Our state is decreasing all attendance in public places by 25%. He is ready to have a stay at home order in place...we shall see.. 
22 ноя 20 написано членом: Diana 1234
Thank you, Diana, hebrews, Carol, kattay, Chow, Melissa, wifey, and Joel - the current pandemic provides a great "why" for continuing to be as healthy and strong as possible for sure. I don't know that we're going to hit a "stay at home" order, yet. But, anything is possible at this point. We're not in the red in this state, but our numbers are rising rapidly. And, considering the attitude I've observed of others regarding the holidays - it won't surprise me if those numbers rise even higher after Christmas. And, thank you Tom - they are a good crew to work with. They do drive me batty, sometimes but I do love and appreciate them very much :-) Thank you, DP and David :-) I'll be honest there is not a day that goes by when I don't petition the universe to help me remove all the obstacles from this mind that would keep me from being healthy, vital, and able to earn enough income to be fed, clothed, sheltered...and most importantly to take care of the little fur baby, Billy Flynn & my Mama of course! :-) It's a lot of demands to put on the universe at large, but thank goodness the universe is an infinite and generous teacher and can carry the load of this wayward student ;-) And, Jazzy - you weren't lying about the office chair suggestion. I'm actually sitting on the lazy boy, which one might think is more comfortable. But, I have sciatica down both legs and already propped a firm pillow at the small of my back for firm support. Unfortunately, I'm not in a position to bring an office chair home. It's not that the partners won't let me, but I don't drive or have a vehicle that will fit it. But, the pillow is helping. Thank goodness for an abundance of throw pillows in this house! LOL. And, thank you Lonnie! That is always hands down, my favorite compliment! Thank you, Gib. I'm thankful to you for reading them. I know they're loaded entries, but a lot can happen in one week - especially, these days! LOL And, SK - you just reminded me of our battery supply. I know they're good for triple AAA's and double AA's - But, I may need to order some more of the bigger kind. And, you're right on the money - engineers are not that deep! LOL! It's been an interesting experience for them as well to work with this Art's and Humanities major who happens to be a former international humanitarian and a practicing Buddhist to boot! But, apparently they like the thrill, because 4 years later, here I am. To be fair - they have also provided some much needed stability, space, and peace to this gal's life. I honestly don't know if I could have made the kind of healthy lifestyle changes that needed to be made without the simple freedom and space they allowed me to do it in. Heck, when I came home from the hospital with an MS diagnosis in 2017 and a walker - it was the former retired owner of the business who bought me a walker I really wanted that was cherry red and much more suitable for getting around in. The partners and other engineers assembled it for me :-) I don't have to use that walker anymore, I have pretty designer canes now. But, I am thankful it's there if I need it again :-) And, thank you precious - every muscle in this body just blushed a little ;-)  
23 ноя 20 написано членом: Egull1


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