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Measurements remain the same. I seem to be holding steady, which is a good thing.

One of the goals I am very focused on this year is recovery. At this stage of the game, I'm really beginning to see along side having the appropriate fuel, how recovery can play an essential role in hitting one's fitness goals and moving beyond them.

In Crossfit, there is this term consistently used called the "1 percenter's". The idea is that one's training is going to take up the bulk of what determines how fit someone becomes. However, the "1 percenter's" are those things that can determine who actually excels or wins the game.

And, bet your bottom dollar ---> Recovery comprises a few of those 1 percenter's. And, I'm beginning to learn just how significant those 1 percenters can increase gains in the gym in a very short period of time.

I have to say, the first 1% incorporated into my practice happened last March when I integrated cold water therapy into the daily regimen. For those who recall, I began using the Wim Hoff breathing method in addition to taking cold showers post workout.

I now take those cold showers daily regardless of whether I've worked out, only I run the water as hot as I can stand it for about 3 minutes before flipping the handle all the way to cold. I then stay under cold water (on both sides) for about 6 minutes. It really is quite amazing how this body has acclimated to it over the past year. I may expand on this more in a future post

And, yes it really has made quite a difference with regards to reducing inflammation and soreness. However, by the next day I can still feel pretty stiff and sore.

The second 1 percenter I incorporated was the Sonic Pro massage gun. And, on all that is holy that amazing wonderful device pretty much picks up where the benefit of the cold showers leave off. Mom and I pretty much use it daily now. And, I definitely make sure every part of this body is thoroughly massaged after a workout and before I go to bed. That device is the ultimate game changer. I don't even know if I want to refer to it as a "1 percenter" - LOL. It brings so much bliss, it motivates me to workout just so I can use it again!!!

I also want to state in addition to these measures, there is one day a week devoted to mobility. I couch it on an active rest day where I spend about 60-90 minutes rolling all the muscles in this body and follow it up with a session of Hatha yoga. And, yes I definitely count this as another 1 percenter. There's increasing muscle mass and then there's the art of making it functional. And, being limber and flexible is integral if one wants functional muscle mass - not the just the kind that lifts but the kind that can bend, too.

And, the very last and what I consider most challenging 1 percenter is....insert drumroll


And, to be frank in my case has been the most elusive. With the onset of Menopause in my early forties, an MS diagnosis, and having workout days couched later in the evening ---> sleep is much like an unrequited mistress. We catch up any chance we can get, but mostly dream about what we will do with our time together rather than actually spending time together if that makes sense, LOL.

And, yet when one reaches a certain level of fitness. There is no further advancement without it and that's just the reality. None of the 1 percent measures listed above mean squat if this body doesn't have the appropriate time to use them in order to "actively" recover from doing squats. This happens markedly in both deep and light sleep.

I personally don't prefer to use sleep aids because I feel groggy the next morning and I can feel it impact my workout. Melatonin became a non-option as it often gave me headaches when I tried to take it. However, Mama did some research of her own and discovered that one only needs about 2-3 mgs of melatonin. Most supplements will put in far more than is actually needed and this can have adverse effects like headaches. She purchased a supply that only came in 3 mgs tablets. And, this week I decided to try it out in hopes that it will genuinely help the quality and duration of sleep without the side effects.

And, low and behold...what do ya know?! No headaches, far better recovery, and some VERY notable PR's in the gym.

Last weekend on about 5 1/2 hours of sleep - I was only able to must a 286 cal burn at 7.4 miles in 23 minutes on the recumbent bike at level 18 intervals.

Yesterday, with a good nights sleep using all those 1 percenters listed above - this girl took it to a 300 cal burn at 7.8 miles in 23 minutes at level 18 resistance intervals.

That's a pretty damn good improvement. Soooo, yeah - I'm definitely going to be making recovery a marked part of this girl's fitness regimen.

However, I will be branching out of just using the Melatonin. There is a new product on the market called "beam". It's a mix of CBD, 3 mgs of Melatonin, and even has some magnesium in there. It's not cheap, which is why I wanted to try the melatonin on its own to see if this body was okay with it before I forked over the money too buy it. But, since I reacted so well I figured it was worth giving a shot. I also like it because it comes in a 0 calorie cocoa powder I can just mix in with some almond milk before going to bed. So, we'll have to see what comes of it when it arrives.

Either way, I'm definitely reaping the benefits of these 1% approaches and honestly I just feel a whole lot better. Like I'm finally beginning to genuinely enjoy how these "gains" make my body feel, not just show them off...ya know? LOL

Anyhow, I will catch up with y'all next weekend and hope everyone has a truly blessed week. One of the things I want to focus on this thanksgiving is what things I am truly thankful for that my "inner being" provides me. Every time I consider this question - I confess my eyes well up with tears and I just think...well, dang...I'm thankful for everything. I'm thankful for it all.
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33 Сторонников    Поддержка   

Such wonderful insights, Egull1! Love the comparison of sleep to a mistress-so true! Love to see you doing well and working hard. ❤ 
15 ноя 20 написано членом: Horseshu1
Good stuff and very interesting about the Melatonin. I stopped using it because it made my dreams too intense, and yes, the grogginess. 
15 ноя 20 написано членом: jazzylittleone
I am so interested in your results using the CBD and Melatonin. My son-in-law just mentioned to me that he is going to try it. Please keep us updated. 
16 ноя 20 написано членом: larilyn
love this read! thank you for sharing! have a wonderful Thanksgiving! 💜💜✌✌ 
16 ноя 20 написано членом: Ashbae007
There's a company called Charlotte's Web that makes an amazing CBD and melatonin gummy. I can'treally take melatonin because of intense dreams, headaches, and grogginess but this stuff works really well. 
16 ноя 20 написано членом: atriel2
I use Cbd oil as I have hip issues. It's amazing!  
16 ноя 20 написано членом: Diana 1234
Consider red tinted glasses that block blue light. Got mine from BLUblox. Worn 3-4 hours at bedtime and creates melatonin naturally. Great sleep every night. 
16 ноя 20 написано членом: migandmag
Sleep -- the elusive pot of gold. I had to move apartments to get the right atmosphere and environment. And it spills into other areas, too. My skin is looking great, I can breathe easier (I think there was mold in my old place), and it's quiet at night (new upstairs neighbors have a cat; my previous upstairs neighbor had 3 dogs that barked constantly). It all adds up to just feeling healthier, and makes me feel thinner and ready to face the day. I hope your new regiment works out -- keep us posted 🤗 
16 ноя 20 написано членом: JustBananas
Thank you, Just Bananas! Environment can definitely influence one's ability to have a good night's sleep for sure. And, thank you Chris {{big hugs}}. Believe you, me - it's all trial and error, but it's kind of fun to experiment, too. I think that is one of the biggest lessons I've learned from MS - to be open to a different way of "being" feeling and perceiving the world around me in a manner that just might help me grow and expand my potential...or maybe even transcend beyond it ;-) Thank you Migan - I don't know how I would feel with something on my eyes at bedtime, but I may look into it if the melatonin/cbd doesn't work. And, right on Diana! My mother and I keep liberty lotion on hand at all times. It's a very potent CBD lotion that has worked wonders for my mothers arthritic hands and my sciatica! Atriel - I did check out Charlotte's Web and was tempted to purchase her gummies. But, I decided on the Beam simply because it is 0 calories and Charlotte's gummies are 30 cals per serving. I'm one of those "opt for lesser cal" gals if I can help it. LOL. And, thank you Ash, larilyn, Jazzy, and Horshue. I got a email saying it was out for delivery today, so I will have to check in next week and let everyone know if its working! 
16 ноя 20 написано членом: Egull1


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