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One day OFF. One day back ON. Now on my 2nd consecutive day back OFF the wagon. I have no self-control. I want to eat everything all the time - not because I'm hungry, but just because I WANT it. I had a Magnum ice cream bar last night. Don't think I've ever had Belgian chocolate before. It was very "creamy" tasting. The PBJ's are nice and crunchy. The Diet Coke is so nice and fizzy. I think it is the sensory things about the food that draws me to them - the texture, taste, smell, feel. Or, maybe it's all psychological. Regardless of the REASON, the fact is that I'm not where I'm supposed to be. Rethinking Keto altogether. Is there a Diet Plan where you can eat as much of you want of ANYTHING you want to eat? A magic weight-loss pill? (I've tried many that were total failures.) I must admit that I feel more "depressed" when I'm OFF-PLAN. When I'm sticking with it, I at least have a feeling of accomplishment and pride somewhat. Now, I just feel defeated and like a failure.
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Have you tried skipping breakfast? I find if I eat in the mornings then I’m hungry all day or want something all day. Meal planning was key for me! Plan meals a few days in advance and prep what I could. Make it easy to just grab and more work if I wanted something else. I always saved some calories for a snack. If I didn’t plan one in I’d go nuts then binge. 
21 авг 20 написано членом: peeperjj
The closest I've come to finding the plan you want is to not restrict. Eat in moderation. Mostly decent choices but enough fun stuff to make it doable forever. Stop making things forbidden. Eat a little today knowing you can eat a little more tomorrow. You don't have to eat it all in one sitting because you think you can't have it and need to start fresh the next day. You can do it! So torturing yourself. Eat the food, move your ass...easy peasy. 
21 авг 20 написано членом: davidsprincess
I have struggled with my weight for years, reaching an all-time high of 307# several months ago. I have tried Keto several times over the years with moderate success at the beginning, followed by frustrating stalls and then bingeing on the foods that were "off limits". Maybe a different approach might help? I use 16:8 Intermittent fasting with my eating window between 12pm and 8pm. I count calories and no food is forbidden. I also exercise by walking as is possible usually 5-days per week. I pray for you to find what works for you. Do NOT expect perfection on any plan as we are all only human. Put one foot in front of the other and get back onto whatever path you choose. Best wishes to you and you are not alone in your struggles.  
21 авг 20 написано членом: shiny50
Dear Debbie, I feel your pain and I can identify with what you're saying. There are some great suggestions here! Keep trying them all and see which one(s) work for you. AND ... yes, there is a diet plan on which you can eat whatever you want and as much as you want. I found it many years ago. I think it was called the Cheater's Diet. Seriously! LOL. You have to follow a fairly restrictive diet six days a week but then on the seventh day you can have whatever you want all day long. I was on it for a short time, learned some things, then came back to reality. Good luck! And listen to shiny, dp, and peeper. :-) 
21 авг 20 написано членом: Lincoln Lady
don't give up and remember tomorrow is a new day.  
21 авг 20 написано членом: Trish 54
I understand that feeling. I walked over 4 miles yesterday, ate about 1200 calories and the scale said I Gained 2 pounds. Had to let that go. You need to ask yourself why you are eating. There is a reason that food is your comfort. It is satisfying a need and want that is beyond physical hunger. You can discover what it is and deal with that separately. Food needs to primarily nourish us physically for health reasons. You can do this. You can be good to yourself and reward yourself outside of food. That is not to say we have to forego all food rewards, it just means we have other rewards we can use more often. ❤️🙏 
21 авг 20 написано членом: Telios
“So stop torturing yourself. Eat the food, move your ass... easy peasy” 👏🏻. Now this here ⬆️ #facts Someone else mentioned not “entering into a downward psychological spiral”. I agree. When does anything positive come from negative thoughts? The mind is very powerful. If you think what I’m reading is that you “can’t and you won’t”. Yes you can and yes you will but YOU have to decide to succeed. I also love the magnum ice creams. I’ll eat 3 vegan bars if I buy a box but hell then I’m nearly done with my daily kcals. 🤬 So I won’t torture myself and I buy a single one and move on in life. Since when does one ice cream bar determine my success? Anyways I’m done because I know how this may come across. You got this if you want to bad enough! 
21 авг 20 написано членом: Lowkeylife
Eating healthy is the hardest part for me too. I plan my dinners out and stick to the menu.  
21 авг 20 написано членом: lettygaylor
If you've been doing keto, perhaps that's the reason you want to eat everything. There is no magic diet where you can eat what you want and not gain weight. Instead of dieting, I would recommend that you go on a calorie deficit of 300. Eat all the nutrients you need, grains, protein, dairy, veggies, and fruits. And walk for 1 hour a day. You just gotta face your problems, there is no magic pills to help you.  
21 авг 20 написано членом: shintensei
have to develop new habits, takes time and effort. keep your focus on the goal. You'll get there if it's important 
21 авг 20 написано членом: PZOWIE
And I believe that if you focus too much on food in a day, you will be more prone to eating it. So I suggest that you also focus on other things like your hobbies or interests. 
21 авг 20 написано членом: shintensei
One meal a day is working for me when KETO did not. You can eat pretty much waht you want within reason for one hour a day. 
21 авг 20 написано членом: bssutton27
You can have anything you want, but..... just not as much as you would like. Portion contol is the bottom line for long term success with whatever WOE you choose.  
21 авг 20 написано членом: kclab
I have a binge eating disorder. Once I start it's almost impossible to stop. its psychological, due to early childhood trauma. I completely understand the overwhelming urge to EAT!! Even when you're full!! It's hard. But what I found that has helped me a TON is this.... WATER. I drink about 16oz before I eat. I drink while I'm eating. Then I drink more when I'm done. it gives me the "super stuffed" feeling without the calorie overload. I flavor my water throughout the day with fresh lemons and cucumber, mint, strawberries, and whatever else I want. I keep watermelon in my fridge for night time attacks. And I drink before, during, and after even with just watermelon. I am also a recovering addict. But binge eating is the hardest thing I've ever attempted quitting. I KNOW that urge!! Try the water tip. It will get easier as your body gets used to not eating past certain times, certain amounts, etc. I wish you the best of luck!!! You can do this!! Also, everyone slips. But you have to catch yourself and get back in line!! One day of binging is alot better than 7!! 
21 авг 20 написано членом: MommaDukes86
I am a food addict, binge eater. I have gone to 3 fast food restaurants in a row, by myself, just so people wouldnt know how much I was ordering for just me. I get it! But its all mental, how we think about things. I saw a Chris Powell interview that said something like "Why is it important to keep your word to other people, but not to yourself? How many times have you promised yourself that you would make this change? Why do you not value yourself enough to keep the promises you make to yourself?" Thinking about it that way helps me because the taste of something yummy only lasts a few minutes and the guilt of letting myself down, again, lasts a lot longer. You can do this, for you. 
21 авг 20 написано членом: crm22415
Try a few days to eat under 30 g of sugar and a portion of 1g per kg of your weight of protein. The reason you are craving all these things may just be you lack protein. Could be could be not but research more and try. It helped me as I was the same and then just a few days made a huuuuuuge difference 
21 авг 20 написано членом: newyork10024
hi I'm doing the intermittent fasting 16:8 and I eat whatever I like but in portions I cut out all pops I limit my juice intake and sugar intake I snack on fruits and vegetables but if I have a craving I don't deny myself I just don't over endulge in it but I find with the way I eat I don't have cravings hardly at all I'm making this a life style I thought I couldn't do it but I'm very comfortable with this my body be ready every day for the fast to start don't think about it just do it 
21 авг 20 написано членом: Larnez
90% of losing weight is psychological. I k ow if i drink alcoholic anything i want sweets. So may that's a trigger in my mind 
21 авг 20 написано членом: wholefoodnut
You will be able to get back on track Debbie. We all need a break once in a while, and then we can try harder again, It is not failure to take a break and is nothing to be ashamed of. Indulge, enjoy the indulgence, and then get back on track!  
21 авг 20 написано членом: Texasgranny6
Hang in there Debbie. We all have set backs...  
23 авг 20 написано членом: liv001


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