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Going to my primary care physician this morning to find out if there is a supplement or something I can take to get me out of this funk. He will be shocked that I've gained FIFTY pounds in a year! Hopefully, he'll have some magic suggestion that will flip a switch in me and get me back on track. Things have been pretty bleak lately! Fingers crossed.
100,0 кг Потеряно до сих пор: 17,5 кг.    Еще предстоит сделать: 32,0 кг.    Следовательность диеты: Плохо.
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31 Сторонников    Поддержка   

Wishing you all the best my friend! 🌈 
24 фев 20 написано членом: shirfleur 1
Thinking of you, and I hope your visit with the doc is productive for you.  
24 фев 20 написано членом: juliejbird
For you... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p219uqKAHVc 
24 фев 20 написано членом: designwebs
You're in my thoughts. I wouldn't count on a magic pill, but we're here for you, good times or bad, know that you can just reach out. One of us is always around to talk you down. 
24 фев 20 написано членом: jeannieselby
I began taking a very good raw based multivitamin with probiotic for women and it has helped immensely getting me out of my funk. 
24 фев 20 написано членом: AC2020
I agree with others. No magic but just a consistent way of life. No diet drinks or soft drinks, that alone will take off 10 lbs. You seem be caring and I think you might get overwhelmed with life issues, which is understandable. Reach for small goals, you will have better success. Exercise everyday, even walking or whatever you can do. Keep a journal as to when/why you reach for those "forbidden" foods/drinks Make realistic changes, don't try to do it all at once and most importantly, pray for guidance and forgive yourself when you stumble. Best of luck, I support you!💜💜💜🙏🙏 
24 фев 20 написано членом: Diana 1234
Sorry that it isn't going well. Hopefully you can find something to help! 
24 фев 20 написано членом: katies71
hope you start to feel better. Diana1234 that was wonderful advice 💯💞 
24 фев 20 написано членом: deesplayname
Hope you start feeling better. I just started again still not making some of the best choices. but staying within calories.  
24 фев 20 написано членом: loisdrake
Concur with there being no magic pill, but maybe a workout partner or group would help keep you honest with the moving around which will keep the serotonin pumps going better than trying to weather this dark storm on your own? Similar to what you do here. Maybe start a challenge or find someone in real life? First step is the hardest. Glad you're seeing the doc. 
24 фев 20 написано членом: Katsolo
If I may - I'll be saying a prayer that you get answers - I've had to be pretty aggressive and proactive in getting answers, and I'm still dealing with "we just don't know what to do" with limitations of insurance coverage, etc. I was diagnosed last year with hypERthyroidism... which means I should NOT have GAINED weight, but slowly since 2004 I've gained an average of 8 to 10 pounds per year! I've ignored it for way too long, and now the battle lines are drawn between me and my rebellious body! First thing was to get my thyroid back in balance, which did NOT help with the weight gain no matter WHAT I've tried... so I gave up and gave in to my "normal" food habits. Now, I'm back to keeping a journal on here of everything I eat (no cheating/lying to myself) and getting off my miserable butt to move... can't expect to get back comfy in my body if I don't get off my keester first! I even went so far as to invite my endocrinologist to view my food intake here and boy howdy has that made me feel accountable for everything! I'm just getting started again, so I'll weigh at the end of this week, fully expecting I won't see anything move on that scale, but it's how I FEEL that matters most! Getting out of the funk was something I totally related to and found out part of my funky attitude is resulting from my pesky thyroid!! Stay the course, get the answers, and try to do one thing positive for yourself every day! 
24 фев 20 написано членом: trulydivyn725
Good luck with the doctor. My twin was anemic for 16 years before a specialist found out why and finally put her on a super dose of vit b and folic acid. She says the folic acid is the one that she feels when she misses a dose. She says her limbs get heavy and she just can’t with anything at all. 
24 фев 20 написано членом: lilandria_s
I pray you figure it out friend ♥️♥️♥️ I really do ♥️ but you are standing in your own way. More water, more movement. You made the FS challenges💪💪 you so can do this Debbie!! You know you can. You have done it before 🤗 We saw what you can accomplish!!💪🙌♥️♥️You matter!! Life is going to happen. Remember your goals. You can keep your diet soda☺️ I keep my Diet Pepsi it brings me life with the delicious bubbles. Water first. Get back to YOUR challenges, even if you need to lean on all those you inspired to do them day in and day out. Nothing magic about this. There was no magic when you got well below the 200’s like what 170?!?! Girl!!! The magic was you. You believe in you again 💜💚 
24 фев 20 написано членом: jcmama777
turn it around and get back on track. take care of yourself because you are important and deserve the time you invest in yourself 
24 фев 20 написано членом: deborahkerr
Hope it went well Debbie 
24 фев 20 написано членом: liv001
Sorry Deb, wishing you the best. Sometimes meds are the culprit. Take care of you. I've also been in some kind of funk and trying to pull out of it.  
24 фев 20 написано членом: wholefoodnut


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