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18 апреля 2024

16 апреля 2024

This unusual post is to help me get back to a real place. My body is so far from the norm it won't likely help others very much. But I need to do it to help make me see what I need to face and fix it. So, I apologize up front if I wasted your time. This was a lousy food and exercise week. I have daily goals to regain my health one day at a time...

My first most important goal is to stay under 1500 mg of Salt each day. Doctors' orders. This past week my daily consumption was sometimes double and once even triple that amount. Holy water gain Bat Man! Thats INSANE. This is ultra hard on my heart. It makes all the prescribed diuretics and potassium pills I take almost pointless. This morning, I woke up with pain in my chest and running down my left arm. I took two aspirin and have Nitro at the ready. So far, I feel much better. This ridiculous unforced error must stop now.

My second priority goal is to exceed 30 grams of Fiber each day. This past week I averaged only 10 grams and didn't achieve my goal even one day. This is required to maintain gut health. Gut health is required for every other health, nutrition and weigh loss goal. I didn't eat my beans. No black, garbanzo, lima, black eye, etc... None, nada, zip, nothing. Time to get back to basics.

My third goal is to eat less than 13 grams of Saturated Fat each day. I averaged 26, double. I only made this goal on two of seven days. I not only picked the unhealthy fats most times this week, I went the extra mile and ate even more of them. So, I did myself the double favor of not getting my good Omega's plus added plenty of extra bad to my body. Got to get back to eating SMASH (Salmon, Mackerel, Albacore Tuna, Sardines and Herring).

My other lesser important goals didn't fare any better. I didn't exercise even once.

Oh-well. Can't change the past. Future plans always seem to wiggle away. Can only choose in this moment. It's a new week. Lots of new moments to live better choices.

30 марта 2024

I don't weigh very often. It's been two and a half months since my last weigh-in. It's a big ordeal for me to weigh. Three people are required to pull it off. It takes me (to operate the Hoya lift buttons), my two teenage sons (to operate three scales each), and my wife (to record all our activity. I wanted to be sure to weigh this weekend.

This weekend is a major goal reached for me. Two years ago, this weekend I was in the hospital and was told by a doctor there was no way I would live another two years. I had gone through pneumonia, two surgeries and COVID before landing in the third hospital for the fifth time in the previous two years. Somewhere in all that turmoil I had managed to acquire congestive heart failure that didn't play nice with lymphedema and caused me to quickly blow up to 650 pounds (my hospital intake weight).

I was nuts. On 6 liters of oxygen, I still registered less than 80% and watched cartoons dance on the walls oblivious to where I was at. My wife was told I would not likely survive, and she should start making arrangements. Over the next 10 days they pulled 125 pounds of fluid out of me with intravenous diuretics and a catheter. A few days later they were convinced I could transition to diuretic and potassium pills so I could go home. I checked out of the hospital weighing 525 pounds.

I was blessed. The attending physician when I hit the emergency room was a family friend from Church. My wife had sit his children when he and his wife (both doctors) had to work those crazy 12 and 16 hour shifts those young doctors work. Because of this he would tell us when he would switch between doctor and friend mode to give us his honest thoughts.
At checkout he gave me three months to live. He said I should get everything in order that I could to reduce the burden on those I love. I ask if I might survive a year. With much reluctance he said maybe. So, I argued for two years. He just shut me down and said, "No way".

This is two years later. I'm still here. Major goal reached. I've lost another 90 pounds on top of the original 125 making a total of 215 pounds down. I went from daily visits at home with Doctors, Physicians Assistants and Nurses upon getting out of the hospital to one about every six weeks. My vitals amaze them. O2, BP, kidney, etc. are all normal or doing much better than expected. Many prayers prayed. Many prayers answered.

In the past two years I have seen my youngest daughter graduate, my middle daughter get married, and the birth of my seventh grandchild.

Next goal: I want to see my two youngest sons graduate.
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197,3 кг 97,5 кг 106,6 кг Достаточно Хорошо
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09 февраля 2024

My 16yo is sporting some fairly impressive stitching front and back of his shoulder. He asked me in a quite concerned manner how they were going to remove the inside stitches (I alleviated his fears). He has seen the Dr. and the PT twice each. Doing well. Hs has a long long way to go. It will be another six weeks before he is allowed to lift 5lb.

My 17yo worked at Habitat for Humanity his first-time last weekend. His boss ask what he did for the Judge to send him there. He answered it was his mom that suggested he give it a try. He is interested in starting a 2yr journeyman carpentry program this summer. He wants to become a general contractor.

Today, both boys worked up the courage to ask a pair of girls who are friends to the homecoming dance on Saturday. This was both their first time to ask a girl out. They both got turned down. But they were quite pleased with themselves that they had the courage to ask. We are mostly late bloomers in this family. I married when I was 40 and their mom was 29.

My 21yo and new grandbaby are still doing well. Sent some socks and a day crib. Online shopping is great when separated by state lines. One small mention on the phone and it's on its way.

24 января 2024

Please pray for my children.

While my 16yo son was in weightlifting class earlier this year his arm came out of its socket. Having the personality he has, he just picked it up and put it back together with his shoulder. But his coach overheard the other students ewws and gasps and turned in time to see it happen. That was that for weightlifting class this year. Friday, he got the surgery to repair his shoulder so his arm will stay in its socket. The surgeon scheduled him for physical therapy for today. Didn't happen. They called and canceled saying they were overbooked. The surgeon was surprised at that, so he called around. Seems the manager at the physical therapy facility was on a scheduled personal vacation. So, the surgeon decided to visit the PT office in person. It seems the workers booked no new appointments for this week, then canceled as many old appointments as possible, and decided to treat the week like a substitute teacher week. After considerable arm twisting with the few people actually in the PT office, my son got rescheduled for Friday. Guess that was the first someone the surgeon trusted would be in the office. What is happening with the workforce these days?!?

My 22yo is expecting her first child (my 7th grandchild) in two weeks. On Saturday her BP shot up to 180/96. They double-checked it with a family nurse. Her husband drove her over an hour to the nearest medical center from their very rural home. They told her it was the weekend. They didn't want to pay to have someone come in just to look at her. Then they sent her home saying to try again during the workweek. What is happening with the workforce these days?!?

Yippee Ki Yay-Изменение Веса

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