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In the month since our daughter died, I've been binging and gained about 8 lbs. Even though I'm still intermittent fasting for about 16 hours daily, I haven't even weighed for several days. Yes, I've wanted to write to you beautiful people here that have supported me, I'm so down about our daughter, and my 86-year-old husband that gets mad at me all the time and even threatens me physically from time to time. He is not assaulting me but since he took all our money, locked me out of our home, poured 5 glasses of water on me, and asked me to move out of the home we've lived in for 52 years, sometimes I feel worn down. I keep remembering last year when he grabbed me by my clothes around my neck and threw me around, the letter I received by private message from one of our FatSecret members. I see her giving support to other members and is on here a lot, but even though I was 79 years old at the time she didn't cut me much slack about me trying to take care of my disabled husband since we don't qualify for Medicaid and he is pretty robust and still drives and does yard work. I'm in worse shape now with my grief, bad back, and painful sciatica. This is my choice to try to finish my course with honor. I'm much more beaten up emotionally now and still sleeping on the couch after 5 months since he also locked me out of the bedroom. I don't want a court fight, nor do I want to abandon him. It is and was then too late for me to make a new life for myself. I'm going to put her letter of March 7th 2021 here that she "FS Private Messaged" to me. How can I complain with her letter still ringing in my ears? Sometimes we don't know how much we can hurt another with our words. Thank you Lord, that You are carrying me. And I pray for this FS gal that sent this to me and hope she doesn't have tragedy in her life.

"Snowwhite: FS is probably not the best place for writing abuse journals. It isn't clear if you are reaching out for help or if you're just whining (again). That's harsh, but the only other possible conclusion is that you yourself are severely mentally ill and that you actually get your jollies from getting abused and then getting cooing attention back from others. Healthy people have boundaries and leave spouses who hate them and that are actively trying to drive them out. They reach out to others not for pity but for strategies and tips on how to divorce and protect yourself and your assets. You appear not to be trying to fix your problem, but rather to wallow in it. And that can annoy and disgust other people here, who are trying to support others who actually want help fixing their problems (like overeating)."

"It is just my opinion here that you are using the bible and your religion as an excuse not to leave. Perhaps you are riding it out until he finally dies, or perhaps you would rather live with an asshole who despises you than live alone or with a family member or a good friend. One thing is for sure: he wants his house to himself, and is probably wondering how far he will have to take the abuse for you to finally get the f*ck out. Divorce would have him paying you alimony, his pension, half his retirement, etc., and you would definitely be the winner on that front. So if you are willing to risk being killed or sent to the ER, by all means stay with him, since both of those options will also enable him to get rid of you. Otherwise, the next time he's hospitalized, move all your stuff out of the house, empty your joint bank accounts and get an attorney. Either way, you'll need to find a better website than FS to get help (or endlessly complain)."

Less than 5 hours later she sent me a second message with more of the same but including a different website I should use to complain. Of course, I will not reveal her identity, but just ask that you pray for her (and me) too.

29 Сторонников    Поддержка   

I could guess who this was. She’s done the same to others. Report her snowwhite to admin before anyone else gets this garbage in their inbox. It’s vicious and total bullying. Praying for you. ❤️🙏 
06 дек 22 написано членом: wifey9707
Oh Snow!! This is so cruel. I am shocked that someone would feel entitled to be so hurtful and demeaning to another human being. You have to do what is right for you, only you have to live with your choices. I have been wondering how you are doing and watching anxiously for your journal updates. Please know that you are lifted up in the prayers of others. Hang in there and keep us posted. I wish there was something I could actually do to help, but listening and sending positive thoughts is all I have to offer. 
06 дек 22 написано членом: rhontique
Just focus on the messages we all sent in the public forum. I too have an idea who it is but just know most of us are sending you prayers and support.💜🙏 
06 дек 22 написано членом: Diana 1234
Report her. You are helping others by doing so. She is telling you about herself, not you. If people don't like, or are triggered by, what is posted, scroll on by. Wishing you peace, snowwhite.  
06 дек 22 написано членом: jengetfit123
I agree with Jengetfit123, report the person sending you inappropriate messages. Only you know what you need and can tolerate. Best wishes for your continued safety in your grief. 
06 дек 22 написано членом: abbadabba
FS may be about logging food on the surface, but the forums are here to give and get support from others who are in a similar boat. Eating and emotions affect each other, so it can be helpful to talk about both. If your harasser is reading this - stay in your lane and leave the talking to the big kids, ignant.  
07 дек 22 написано членом: Sarg0n
Snow, I am so sorry you have been so cruelly harassed on top of all the heartache you have been dealing with. I too wonder if this is the same person who seems to think she is the be-all know-all of weight loss and “healthy” living and that it is her job on here to make condescending remarks and criticize people who are being brave enough to share their struggles, diet- and otherwise. Clearly this person has never learned the lesson about walking in someone else’s shoes. Holding my tongue because this is about to become a 3-page rant. Please know we care about you and your family, Snow. 
07 дек 22 написано членом: RhumbaGirl
I'm so sorry. about all of it. I don't know what else to say. Prayers for you. 
07 дек 22 написано членом: Katsolo
I am so sorry that you were harassed and are thinking of it in the midst of your grief. People’s emotions affect their diet; and vice versa. FS members that can’t provide constructive comments should skip reading your entries. Maybe you should just delete any private messages unopened so that you don’t subject yourself to more pain? I know that sometimes curiosity can make a person open a message that is most likely hurtful; but this person has burned you twice so maybe hit “delete” or block them? 
07 дек 22 написано членом: karen40.poole
I always think how awful it must be, to be that mean-spirited person. Just think, to wake up every morning with that blackness in your heart. Snowwhite, I am holding you in my heart every day, I cannot imagine the pain of losing a child. May God's grace sustain you in your time of sorrow.  
07 дек 22 написано членом: shirfleur 1
I’m so sorry for your loss and for the suffering you continue to go thru. You are a brave woman to be there for your husband. I’m sure there has been many good times in your years together as well as the bad. Prayer for you both ❤️ 
07 дек 22 написано членом: CrysIrle
07 дек 22 написано членом: cindylynnwho
I've thought of you often these last weeks. I am still keeping you in my prayers 🙏 ❣️ 
07 дек 22 написано членом: 2melons
Thank you all for your wonderful support. 
07 дек 22 написано членом: Snowwhite100
Sorry for the loss of your daughter, do you have anyone you can talk to about her? Like memories or the things she enjoyed?Someone once told me that that worked for them during their grief. I hope you find some peace.  
08 дек 22 написано членом: BeauxS
I don't know if you have thought about this with everything that happened, but what happens to the money now if your husband died? I know at once he said it all went to your daughter, but now that she is gone I hope you can figure out a way to get your money back. Like I said I don't want to come across as only thinking about money, just want you to be ok if he dies. 
08 дек 22 написано членом: Sara7200
Thinking about you. 
15 дек 22 написано членом: bearnoggin
Sorry for your losses both daughter and husband some people need to be mean to others to make themselves feel better about themselves but truth is hard to get over the loss of a child I know from experience but one day at a time you will get better you have God keep reading His word. Plus keep reaching out to FS here we will help where we can even if it to cry with you pray with encourage you. So look at 1 thing you can do for you do it mark a calendar when you do it see yourself make a small improvement it will help. Like maybe exercise your arms or if you’re sitting exercise, your legs, anything like that is better than nothing. Do one thing you know you can do do it for yourself and know we are here for you. Praying 🙏 
15 дек 22 написано членом: FireQueen57
Dear Snow, I know it must have been a rough Christmas without your daughter this year. Holding you in my heart. 💛 
29 дек 22 написано членом: shirfleur 1
And by the way Snow, if it were me, I would put the name of that bully out there along with her poisonous message. That might make her think twice before sending such messages to someone else who might not be as strong as you.  
02 янв 23 написано членом: shirfleur 1


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