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Good morning! I'm sore from the kettle bell workout, but not as sore as last week. Getting stronger! I'm going to officially name Tuesday and Friday as strength training days, as I need two days a week for my triathlon challenge anyway. Today is going to be a walk/run day for the challenge, as my legs are sore as hell and I woke up too late to get to the gym for a swim. I need to get my official schedule set up. I'll add that to my to-do list lol.

The exam yesterday was hard! Way harder than I had anticipated. Unfortunately the instructor is not very good at her job, and all she really does is succeed in confusing the hell out of everyone. To study for the tests I make my own outlines of the chapter content and present it to myself the way that I would have taught it to my students. There was a small bit on different types of immunity that I studied repeatedly and I'm glad that I did, it saved my ass. I didn't understand a word that teacher said in lecture about T and B cells (I really don't think she knows what she is talking about, it's painfully obvious), luckily I got it when I taught it to myself lol. I got an A, 95.7%, but the class average was in the low 80's and more than a couple failed. Tough class, people need to take it more seriously. One particular woman who sits behind me is constantly complaining to me that we didn't go over this or that, or that the teacher is confusing her. She did the wrong homework yesterday and blamed the teacher... we are all presented with the same crap, what you do with it is on you. She drives me crazy, but she's the only person in class that talks to me so I try to be nice lol. The unit we just started we will be tested on next week, it's three chapters worth of information. WooHoo :)

Today I have to go to the grocery store for a few things, go on a long walk, and study for a quiz tonight. Trying to enjoy the day, tomorrow I will be working a half day before class, and I'll be working all day Friday. We are hoping for nice weather Saturday so we can go to the waterpark with the kiddos. I'll have to get to the gym early on Saturday lol. Juggling like crazy, it's a three ring circus here!

Curious for my weigh-in Thursday. I don't know what provoked the large drop last week. Was it the increased carbs, the strength training, or just the increase in activity due to the challenges?? That's the problem with weight loss, there are always so many variables. I have no idea lol. I've been lower carb since Monday, but it was a high carb weekend, and I have been moving like crazy every single day. We will see. I'm not expecting much, because history has proven that large losses are most usually followed by maintaining. On top of that I never know when TOM is going to show up, shouldn't be quite yet but I always flat line for a week or so before hand followed by a significant drop afterwards. I guess that's the good thing about sticking with your journey as long as I have, you get to know your body and your fluctuations extremely well.

Less than thirty pounds to goal, I'm ecstatic. My next mini goal is to be down to less than 20lbs to goal. My husband thinks I'm tiny already, but he might be insane. Then again, compared to where I was I guess I am tiny. I really need to be as close to goal weight as possible by the end of October for two very good reasons. One, my BIL's wedding. Remember? I'm going to look fly as all hell. Secondly, and probably more importantly, we are ordering our scrubs for clinicals at the end of October, and I don't want to have to pay to alter them if they get too baggy. I'm already super stoked that I have a size medium shirt for class. (we have uniform shirts we have to wear to class) Wonder what size scrub I'll be in. I have a pair of scrub pants from last year that are a large. They were tight on me when I bought them, and I was so excited to squeeze into a large, now they fall right off. Progress :)

Well this has been a long rambling journal , thanks for stopping in to read :) Have a great day!!

1412 ккал Жир: 56,16г | Белк: 103,80г | Углев: 115,60г.   Завтрак: Thomas' Light Multi-Grain English Muffin, Egg, Blue Bonnet Regular Margarine Sticks, 1% Fat Milk, EAS Lean 15 Protein Powder - Chocolate Fudge, Coffee-Mate Original Powder Creamer. Обед: Healthy Life Light Hamburger Buns, Roots Shredded Chicken. Ужин: Smithfield Pork Roast, Betty Crocker Butter & Herb Mashed Potatoes. Перекус/Другое: Great Value French Vanilla Sugar Free Instant Pudding, Dannon Oikos Traditional Greek Yogurt - Plain. подробнее ...

13 Сторонников    Поддержка   

So, in short, you screwed up the curve for the whole class, hmmm? LOL. Congratulations you .. and well done on redefining the studying so that it became clearer to you. I think you're pretty darn FLY right now... just know that. You are wonderful at this size, and another 20/30 lbs isn't the nirvana you think it will be ~ I'm so glad you enjoy this weight too. Many people wait until that final number to celebrate; you kick butt and take names every day. You're very inspiring. 
23 июл 14 написано членом: FullaBella
That's great that you've had experience in the areas you're studying now. Gives you a bit of a head start. There are jerks in every class. I have one in mine and she sits next to me playing games on her phone telling me she's on level 200 then asks me to show her how to do what the instructor is teaching. I'm sending a bill to the community college for services rendered. Take the tiny compliment. After we've been such big mama's for so long the lost tons, we are tiny compared to that.  
23 июл 14 написано членом: ClassicRocker
Awesome job lady!! What size kettle bell do you use?? I'm going to start making a home gym and looking for small items I can stick in it.... 
23 июл 14 написано членом: Socolova
Way to go Yolanda! I always had a hard time understanding why some people don't dig through the material more seriously. I was the only 4.0 student in my MBA class as well as my PhD program. I could not understand why anyone would not be because I thought the material was straight forward. But apparently the real issue was that i was serious about school and others were not always as interested in learning as I was. If you find that people don't seem overly friendly with you - well that is sometimes the problem with being the curve setter. Good Job!! 
23 июл 14 написано членом: alexzwk
Fantastic job on your test !!!!! 
23 июл 14 написано членом: SherrieC
Good for you, that's fantastic on all accounts, the workouts, the test and the scrubs! 
23 июл 14 написано членом: aggie95
You don't have to wait until someone approaches you in class to talk to them. Take the initiative, don't be shy. Everything is a lot more fun if you have someone to chitchat with. Some people just like to complain all the time and they are called emotional vampires. You don't need that in your life. 
23 июл 14 написано членом: snezica
When is your Tri? What distance? Are you on a structured tri training program? There's a great website out there called ontri.com. It helps you with a training program based on your experience level and distance. It worked great for me......when I was doing triathlon. 
23 июл 14 написано членом: Andy Big Daddy
I am inspired by you Yolanda and happy that you are doing so well. I agree with Snezica's comment I think you'll find your groove and lots of people will see you as friend and one to keep up with. Have a super day.😁 
23 июл 14 написано членом: LadyBea40
Great job on the A!! You're just a smarty pants! I'm with you our bodies are so crazy, you can do all the right things one week and see no movement or do all the wrong things and see a loss. But, you have a great handle on things and know that after a big drop you may see no movement, so you're prepared for whatever comes. You're getting so close to that goal!! 
23 июл 14 написано членом: mars2kids
Congrats all around... high test scores, getting stronger, baggy clothes, new sizes, and digging in to get what you want! You Go Girl!! 
23 июл 14 написано членом: kattay
Next time turn around before you leave class, ask her "you get that?" If not, she can see the Professor before she leaves for the day. That way she can not complain to you about it later on. Wishing you well on your training schedule, it definitely sounds grueling, get some rest. 
23 июл 14 написано членом: toppy24564


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