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My husband is in the hospital with Sepsis, an infection that has traveled to the blood. His particular danger is that he has a lining in his Aorta in his abdomen and his Carotid artery from 2 aneurysms (a balloon) repair surgery 7 years ago. Typically an infection in the blood goes right to those linings, settles there, and you never get rid of it. They have called in a vascular surgeon to evaluate surgery to replace them, but that is not an option. He is 84 with heart failure and not a candidate for surgery. He also has COPD, Emphysema, sleep apnea, kidney disease, high blood pressure, had 6 TIA's in October and November, has memory loss, etc, etc. etc.
Today they are doing CT scans. This is his 5th day in the hospital and of course, I can't go in to see him. He is used to me being and staying with him in the hospital. This is the 4th time he has been in the hospital in 9 months. For anyone that reads this and is a praying person, I would ask you to please pray for him, especially for his salvation. I want Heaven for him more than anything.
Next month we will have been married for 59 years, and I'm very emotionally dependent on him. We are loners, mostly by his choice so don't have much of a support system. I don't visit my sister because of the Corona Virus and the distance. She got out of a nursing home since the virus started. His sisters are gone. Our daughter lives the next state over and has stage 4 cancer. Our son was killed by a drunk driver at 20.
Of course, I am scared of being alone with this bad back of mine. I know the Lord will sustain me, but I'm still scared of the emotional pain. The last time I wrote I mentioned my husband went to the store and wouldn't wash his hands. It sounded like he went shopping for me. No, he was just tagging along with me. I so appreciate the support and prayers given. The one individual that said to get rid of the jerk doesn't understand how old he is or disabled at this point in our lives. And of course, how could they if they didn't read previous journals of mine. Yes, he can be a jerk, and worse, but I love him and am dedicated to finishing my course with honor. I promised, “for better or worse”. Those promises don't mean much to everyone. I picked him, that was my mistake. And no, he doesn't hit me.
If I was a “better” person, and more mature, I would have handled our problems better. I have been very co-dependent. Now, I am just trying to finish my course and practice forgiveness. Even in the Lord's Prayer, we ask the Lord to forgive us our debts, “as” we forgive our debtors. He forgave me much more than any forgiveness I need to give another. Ephesians 4:32 instructs us: Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as Christ God forgave you. I work at that. Thank you for your prayers.
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Prayers 🙏🏼 
10 июн 20 написано членом: valerieleigh
God bless you ma’am , I will be praying for you both . Trust in the Lord with all your heart ! 
10 июн 20 написано членом: JCFitlife
Oh my goodness, I am so, so sorry. It is written many times of Our Lord's great forgiveness so have faith in that. I don't know if you are Catholic but we believe that the reciting of the Chaplet of Divine Mercy is very powerful in asking God to forgive our sins. and those of others. The Pope ado granted an indulgence for this time when humanity is suffering. If you want the info on this, let me know. I too pray for my loved one's salvation more than the removal of their earthly hardships. 
10 июн 20 написано членом: mamasue46
Praying for you and your husband  
10 июн 20 написано членом: fogirl
10 июн 20 написано членом: Tim9111
Awwww Snow White.Saying prayers! XO I understand the fear of being left alone. I think about that for myself and I’m young and very able. But I wonder if a tragedy came my way, what would I do? I love my husband and can’t imagine my life without him. Run your race and be faithful, forgive not only him, but yourself. You’ve been faithful for 59 years. That is amazing and commendable in this world where divorce happens if someone burns their spouses toast. I too committed to better or worse. You are an example to all women to mean what your marriage vows say, or don’t get married at all. ❤️🙏❤️ God bless you and keep you. I’ll definitely keep praying for your husbands salvation. 
10 июн 20 написано членом: wifey9707
Sending many prayers. I pray that your husband finds God in this time of need. Will keep both of you in my prayers, our God is a mighty and marvelous God. Do you have a Church family that you can reach out to? 
10 июн 20 написано членом: Ravenseyes1959
Lord in Jesus Name, help my sister and her husband. Lord talk to him during this time. Lord only you know the heart, only you know if we are ready for eternity. Lord talk to him and help you make his peace with you. Lord if it be your will raise and recover him to full health. We know that all things work for the good of them that love the Lord and are called according to his purpose. We thank you... for all things .. We praise you for what you have done and what you are going to do. If you deliver us or not we know that you are able. In Jesus Name.  
10 июн 20 написано членом: daione
Isaiah 26:4 Trust in the Lord for ever, for the Lord God is an everlasting rock. 
10 июн 20 написано членом: TerrorOfDemons
“Let nothing disturb thee; Let nothing dismay thee: All thing pass; God never changes. Patience attains All that it strives for. He who has God Finds he lacks nothing: God alone suffices.” Saint Teresa of Avila (1515-1582). 
10 июн 20 написано членом: TerrorOfDemons
Prayers are being said for you and yours. 🙏💛🙏 
10 июн 20 написано членом: dboza
My heart goes out to you, I will keep both of you in my prayers, may god bring you comfort during this incredibly difficult time. I wish I could hug you and tell you that things will get better. I am sending you very warm wishes and prayers, God is so close to you and your husband right now, have faith that your husband will always be with you here and in heaven when the time comes. ❤ Lean in to God he wants to hold you close. Bless you. 
10 июн 20 написано членом: seashelli
Praying for you and your whole family dear friend. 
10 июн 20 написано членом: TerrorOfDemons
Praying for you 💖 
10 июн 20 написано членом: newnamewhodis
I'll keep you and your husband in my prayers. If you ask for good with faith, it will be granted. 
10 июн 20 написано членом: metamora
Snow white -- I get it! I am so sorry that you can't be at the hospital with him. After 59 years of through thick and thin it just means that we are there for our partner warts and all. At this point when things are their bleakest is not the time to change how you interact. I am glad you are looking ahead to a time when he may be gone. As hard as it is, he is not likely going to live a lot longer whether he comes through this time or not. You need a plan for yourself. You mentioned your lack of support system. Maybe dust off some old time friendships and reach out via telephone to people you loved and trusted. Start thinking about how you will deal with day to day needs - financial, daily routines, etc. Maybe start 'practicing' now as you are alone while he is in the hospital. The fact you reached out here indicates that you want human contact. That is good. All my love and support. Take good care of yourself! 
10 июн 20 написано членом: 59Carol
Praying for strength, love and light for your husband, you and your wholefamily. 🙏 💝 
10 июн 20 написано членом: Angelena65
Praying for you. Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. 1 Peter 5:7... 
10 июн 20 написано членом: peacebstill
I am new to the program, however, Sepsis is not good to start with and with his underlying conditions, regardless of the past, prayers are with you. 
10 июн 20 написано членом: Dancerbabe
♥*¨*•May The Lord bless you and keep you. May The Lord shine His face upon you and be gracious unto you. May The Lord lift up His countenance upon you and give you peace•.¸¸♥ 
10 июн 20 написано членом: rhontique


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