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Lots has been going on with me – none of it good. My eating has been totally out of control. I’ve also been sleeping A LOT. I sleep, then get up and eat (nothing I’m SUPPOSED to be eating), and then go back to bed, then repeat. Today, I’ve had SIX chicken salad sandwiches on King’s Hawaiian Sweet Rolls, TWO BBQ’s with coleslaw on Martin’s Potato Rolls, THREE “Chicken Biscuits” (which are brown & serve rolls hollowed out, then the bread fried in butter and filled with the buttery crumbs mixed with cream of chicken soup and stuffed back into the shells and baked. I also just had TWO individual cups of ice cream with chocolate chips, pecans & coconut mixed in. Oh, and I had either potato chips or Cheetos with each serving of sandwiches. NOT my finest moments! I’ve been eating like this for the past several days.

There’s a lot of stress in my life right now. On Tuesday, I had to get the house ready and do all the cooking for a birthday party of 16 people.

On Thursday, I found out that we owe over $4 THOUSAND DOLLARS in Federal Income taxes (we’ve never owed over a couple HUNDRED before, AND that we have to start paying quarterly taxes, the first of which - $1,000 - is already due! It really knocked the wind out of me. My husband is the Pastor of a very small church and, though we get to live in the church parsonage for free and don’t have to pay for electricity, his actual salary is only $18,600 a year!

On that same day, I found out that my best friend, who has been in a mental hospital 16 hours away for over a MONTH is going to have to stay there indefinitely. I really MISS her, though at least we get to talk on the phone once a day now – for several weeks, we couldn’t even do that. I’m very angry because her father is controlling her life and her parents treat her like a child, even though she is 32 years old. It looks like she will miss my birthday in June and like I’ll miss hers in July. With the financial strain, there is no way I can afford to go to Florida to visit her.

I STARTED going astray before either of these things happened, though. I had decided at the end of last week that I was going to go back to full-on Keto starting Monday. First thing I did when I woke up was to eat a navel orange, and then another one. So much for THAT idea.

I don’t want to be this person – this out of control, “so what if I’m gaining,” BAD EXAMPLE of a person! I LOVED getting on the scale every morning and seeing it go down. I LOVED being a good example that could feel confident in leading my challenge participants to success. Now, I feel like an utter failure. I know this is only temporary, but I don’t see an end in sight. I need divine intervention! I need God to give me the WANT TO before I can even attempt getting back on track. This is the worst I’ve been since I came back in January.

Just typing about it makes me want to go back to bed, which I will do. Sigh. At least when I’m asleep, I’m not EATING! What I SHOULD do is go on an extended fast (like 3 days) to get control of my eating again. But, as of this point, I just don't have the motivation to even start it, much less stick to it. Oh well. I guess things will turn around eventually.

I still care about everyone, and am still trying very hard to keep up with all my Notifications and "Supporting" people's weigh-ins and Journal entries.

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You should start a GoFundMe page and put the link here. I would contribute and there are many people here who love you and are grateful for your support. 
02 май 19 написано членом: annerolfe
02 май 19 написано членом: Keilin_4
Oh Debbie, it sounds like an insurmountable wall of stress coming at you. I am so sorry for all you are going through. Especially missing your friend. I have felt that way before, thinking "so what if i gain, its not so bad" But its only further you have to fight to get back to where you are. I will be praying for you, pray that you get some way to get through this. And will pray you will get your motivation back. ^annerolfe is right, I am sure there are people here that would help out if you put together a GFM. xo 
02 май 19 написано членом: Pixie68
Sounds like depression not just stress,Do you have someone you could see about it?  
02 май 19 написано членом: sararatliff
Have u heard of EFT...emotional freedom technique. My husband & I took a class on it in our Fl senior community. I liked it so much, I took a second class on it. It is being used by therapists educators, special ed teachers, nurses, etc. U can look it up on line and watch free videos on how to do it and listen to discussions with those who have seen its effect on emotionally driven concerns. I think it will help u. You have been a true Godsend... an angel for me...I will pray for u while hoping u try this tapping technique. Cyber Hugs from Michigan Justdoit! Joani Z 
02 май 19 написано членом: justdoit!
I"m sorry you are going through a hard time. The below are just some suggestions sometimes it's hard to look outside your own situation, I hope things get better for you Hang in there and keep praying! 1. If you are not working and have free time you could find someplace that could use your help by volunteering. It has to be something that you like and you believe in. That will give you someplace to go and also get your mind off of food, and get you out of bed. 2. Perhaps there are some parish members that could and would help you out by giving you a short term loan to pay off the IRS. No harm in asking, people really understand and some of them may be in better shape and could afford to assist you. To some people 4K is not a lot of money and they may be very interested in helping you.  
02 май 19 написано членом: Little Red Fox
So sad for you. Sometimes life is just overwhelming. 🙏🙏🙏🙏 
02 май 19 написано членом: ddpen
I'm so sorry, I know how overwhelming it can all be. I've been spending a lot of time in bed recently too. Although "lucky" me, I can't eat things that are too bad...my body won't let me. I don't know if you have thought about seeing someone? You've had some big stuff lately and maybe just really talking it out could help? Your bestie is/has been unavailable to help you get it all out. I know I do better when my support system is present and it is too easy to just not get on the computer which means I don't have you guys either... 
02 май 19 написано членом: katies71
The tax situation doesn't sound right. If you don't work and your husband doesn't make any money, are you paying taxes on the value of the house or something? There are a lot of deductions for working clergy - good luck with the payments. 
02 май 19 написано членом: abbadabba
We are all standing with you in your time of need. Do set up a GoFundMe page, I know I'm not the only one who would love to help. Keeping you in my prayers. 
02 май 19 написано членом: shirfleur 1
I agree with abbadabba that income of your hubbys is considered being in the poverty level and especially if your not employed you shouldn't be paying anything some of our nurses here that are part time with a income of 30,000 to 35,000 who own housing and no children to claim will receive a refund.....something is incorrect imo… you really need to check that out. Debbie you are going through it now and its hard to see the other side of this and that it will be rewarding....its there... just have faith... also it time to get your strength back ...depression will try and take you over and your not the one to let it ...your a strong one ...xoxoxo;)  
02 май 19 написано членом: maxie4
The taxes can't be correct. Father, this looks impossible, but you are the God of the impossible, the great I AM, You reign over heaven and earth, we are trusting you for this. Quiet anxious hearts. You knew about this before it occurred. Thank you for the struggles of life that draw us closer to you and built our faith. We will praise you.  
02 май 19 написано членом: jan-e333
((Hugz)) The good news is that you are being forced to dig deeper into YOUR faith and the Joy is provides. So you will have to have a payment plan with the IRS or declare bankruptcy. Accept it, be grateful and move on. Your "Pride" may take a hit, but, isn't "Pride" one of the 7 deadly sins for a reason? Your "Diet" is taking a hit, but again we can be grateful you don't have a drug habit to 'relapse' to that could kill you. - - The blessings abound!  
02 май 19 написано членом: adefwebserver
Im so sorry for what you are going through! I will say prayers for you! 🙏❤🙏❤ 
02 май 19 написано членом: Diana 1234
So sorry to hear this news from you. You are such a strong person. Please don't let depression take a hold on you. Prayers on your way. 
02 май 19 написано членом: seniorme
Sorry to hear you're going through a tough time... but what you SHOULD do is get out of the house. Take a walk, visit friends, get active. Activity can help with those uncontrollable urges, when you feel you have to eat (AFTER eating your meal) try to distract yourself with a little activity. And maybe try a less arduous form of weight loss? For MANY, the keto diet works, but at the same time is so restrictive that when they go off it they lose control. One thing you do NOT want to do is put yourself down over it! Not a single one of us is perfect. We ALL have our ups... and our downs! So know that you are not alone. ;-) 
02 май 19 написано членом: Char Gets Thin
I can see why you are sleeping and eating. That is the way I usually deal with black clouds hanging over my head too. Please call the IRS! Those taxes really don’t sound right to me. Your income is not huge and you don’t even own a home. I feel as though something is mixed up somewhere. And if not the IRS is very good about making a payment plan that works for you. I know more than one person who has had to do that before. The changes in the tax laws got me too this year. I only make 16k at my job and then another 4-5k unemployment. I am seasonally employed. I got 60.00 dollars back federal and I usually get at least a couple of hundred. If it hadn’t been for state I wouldn’t have gotten anything. And I count on that toward the end of winter. I would check and make sure of that amount. Please don’t hide under the blankets and eat. It solves nothing ( I should know lol) and you will be so disgusted after things straighten out. Debbie I don’t know you but consider yourself hugged. You and your husband are in my prayers. 🙏🏻 
02 май 19 написано членом: Merrywinkle
well, stay strong 
02 май 19 написано членом: antongee
I've been there myself where the only comfort you have is on a plate. 8 years ago when we were homeless and my evil f#%^ing sister killed my dog I lost about 40lbs without even being aware i did. When things started getting better the weight crept back to where I was 222lbs! I am only 5'2". I considered weight loss surgery but all the BS that goes with it was too much. It was easier to just eat clean, healthy unprocessed foods. Since Christmas I've lost 26lbs. On my birthday my hubby took me to Buca di Peppo. Mediocre overpriced Italian food (and I cannot stand Italian food) with way too enormous portions. Their concept sucks, I would have happily donated all that excess food. But over the course of the week we ate it. I ended up in hospital on Easter Sunday with a glucose level of 446, dehydration and inflammation. That restaurant can go to hell. I couldn't even lie down to sleep for 3 days! So NO MORE!! Intermittent fasting has helped immensely, so has magnesium supplements twice daily and 15 minutes of cardio workout daily. Since the "pig out" I dropped 12lbs keeping the eating day calories at or under 500. I actually feel better mentally as well as physically. Food is not our friend. It will kill us if we don't watch out what we eat. And all the damn food commercials on telly don't help, so I wont watch telly unless its commercial free on Amazon Prime. Debbie, you are a gorgeous young lady. You will find your strength and the BS in your life will melt away with the pounds. Food is not comfort, food is uncomfortable. Love to you! 
02 май 19 написано членом: Janeth415
I'm so sorry to hear that. I understand the bad eating. sending prayers your way. 💜 
02 май 19 написано членом: DanaTastic


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