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Today I had a cute moment with my co-worker. She's actually one of the partner's at the firm I work at. She wears at least a size 6, around 5'5 and a petite little thing. She has a beautiful figure and I like her fashion sense.

Living in the Inland Northwest requires a specific kind of fashion sense that must also adhere to the demands each season brings. It's not that it doesn't snow or get cold anywhere else in the country, but we're still rugged and wilderness bound enough to confront elements I never had to think twice about when I lived on the east coast.

A few clothing items I have spent some considerable cash on since I began maintenance are winter clothes and fleece coats. I'm not ashamed to say, no expense was spared. I've invested enough in North Face, REI, Marmot, and Patagonia to have some stock in the companies! It's nice, because I can finally wear their sizes. And, frankly this has been one of the few winters in a very long time when I felt genuinely warm because of these items.

One of the coats I bought is a nice fleece by Patagonia. It's a raspberry red and very warm. When I bought it, I considered it a donation to the company, because they donate millions to land management, wildlife refuges, and other climate/conservation causes. We're developing fast out here in the Northwest, but we do love our wilderness. It's not as wild as Alaska, but no less breath taking even if the elements can kick your butt once and awhile.

Today, my co-worker finally confessed she loved my raspberry Patagonia and wanted one, too. I told her why I bought it. She agreed Patagonia is a pretty amazing company. So, I told her where to go on the REI site to purchase one. She confessed, she liked the raspberry color I was wearing as well. I told her to get it, and I didn't mind at all if we were twins. LOL. I told her, "you probably wear the small. I got the medium, because someone in the reviews had said to go ahead and pick it true to size." In fact, I was actually layering mine today with a thin hoodie underneath.

Right before I left, she came up to me and said,

"can I try yours on real quick?"

"Of course", I replied and took my coat off so she might try it on.

Well, low and behold - it fit her perfectly!

I was floored, and yes I still say she's about a size 6 (I'm a size 8). Even if we're the same weight, she's taller, which affords for some slimness.

But, still this brain was shocked.

It also made me realize this mind still doesn't see itself as small as it really is...it still identifies as a large person. A couple weeks back, I was taking off my other winter fleece I got from REI. It's a medium as well. As I was laying it on my desk, I saw the M on the clothing tag signifying the size as "Medium". My brain instantaneously thought, "Oh, I can't wear that size, I'm too big" Even though, I had just taken the dang thing off this body!

These are some of the weird mind trips a person will go through if they've struggled with excess weight their whole lives.

I understand why this thought came to mind. For years, it has been automatic to think these things when buying or purchasing clothes. How many times had I gone into a store and started looking at sizes first, before I even considered style just to see if they even carried XL's or 2XL's.

I've learned to expect and accept these freak out moments. We think the body is slow to release weight. Rest assured my friends, it is actually the mind that takes quite a while to adjust. Now, I learn to meet these moments with kindness, love, and compassion. We set so much of our identities around having excess weight. We don't say, "I have fat on this body", we say "I am fat". This is absolutely ridiculous if you think about it.

None of us are our fat anymore than we are our hands, arms, or legs. Excess weight is a component of what we carry, but it IS NOT WHO WE ARE. I've never seen a gravestone to date that said, "Here lies this person, they were fat."

I do hope our society stops "self identifying" this way, because it does create challenges when we hit maintenance. I've had folks admit to me they were so freaked out by their own transformations, they sabotaged themselves and gained the weight back. I understand it's an insecure time.

I was able to let go of the fear when I realized what was happening and that this mind was simply struggling with an old identity until it is able to reconcile with where it is presently. It's not the only time in our lives we struggle with changing identities, and I now realize it's a wonderful opportunity to get to know the girl I am right now.

And, right now this girl loves the fact that she has released enough weight from her form to have access to clothing styles she really likes, that keep her body warm when she needs it.

As for anyone who is reading this who identifies with "being fat", I'm here to say you're wrong. I'll tell you exactly what each of you are

You are…

a beautiful, loving, phenomenal being with the infinite potential to weave any tapestry your heart desires.

end of story.

32 Сторонников    Поддержка   

What an amazing piece. Thank you for sharing it. When I lost a great deal of weight many moons ago I found re-acquainting myself with my body to be one of the most difficult pieces. I was walking in a mall and noticed a person coming towards me so I moved out of their way only to realize it was my reflection in the mirrored column. When washing my hands at a public washroom and glancing up at the mirror being startled feeling like I didn't recognize that person. Often when trying to speak to other people especially people in my WW group they had a hard time understanding how hard it was to re-integrate the 'new' body shape into my vision of myself. You are right. It is an important piece we must accept or it is way too easy to gain the weight back. For the record, this gain was not triggered by that aspect however it is something that I am braced for happening this time around. Once again thank you for your articulate sharing! 
09 фев 19 написано членом: 59Carol
Hi!!!! Was waiting to see your post so I could say something about my week of maintenance...it’s been going so well. Loving the extra food and was about to lift heavy! Hmmmm interesting but shows fuel is great right??!! After day one the scale started going up...and every day up...but I didn’t panic. It’s expected right?? But today there was over a pound drop, my week maintaining ends tomorrow. How do you read this experience? Please Egull, your input? I’m pleased... 
09 фев 19 написано членом: wifey9707
As usual, an amazing post and so true! 
09 фев 19 написано членом: Horseshu1
@Carol- I sometimes wonder if body image is something this mind will always to some degree have to work on reconciling with. My mother, like me dealt with excess weight most of her life. She's maintained her 115 lb loss for 10 years now and tells me she still has those moments when her mind identifies with that old script. On the other hand, maybe those moments where the mind hiccups and has to be aware of what it has become is also a good opportunity to remember that transformation is possible at any moment in our lives when we're open and ready for it. @Wifey - Congrats - That's absolutely wonderful!!! it looks like the maintenance break has been successful! If the pound drop represents a "new low", that's okay, you didn't fail maintenance, LOL. You can always take note, and increase cals by about 1% on the next maintenance break. If it's not a new low, then I have to say, welcome to the beautiful world of natural and normal bodily fluctuation! ;-) And, also the reason why we use "weight ranges" in maintenance rather than one number. Now if you want to really capitalize off of the scale data - you can start taking note of what days your lows/and or new lows appear (assuming you're ready to go back into deficit cals). You might discover they appear in and around the same days of the week. In fact, you may see a very specific amount of weight you fluctuate by before your weight drops once again to a low/and or a new low. In the first half of this journey, after 6 straight months of weighing myself first thing in the morning, without clothes, and after I went to the bathroom - I discovered that I gain 5-7 lbs of water weight and un-eliminated waste from Mon evening - Friday. For, whatever reason, Friday afternoon on until Monday morning - I drop all those pounds and come back to a low/and or new low Sunday and Monday morning. This has been accurate around 96% of the time since I started this journey. I only recorded weekend weigh-ins on FS. The only times it shifted happened if I inserted a maintenance day before a Sunday or Monday morning weigh in (i.e. more food equals more water retention and waste). What surprises me, is that my body still does this on maintenance cals! I do zig zag my weekly cals. And, to be sure my lowest cal day is indeed the day before my first weekly weigh in. However, that being said - this body is still dropping up to 5lbs of water and waste weight between a Friday and a Sunday morn. It pays to give some attention to the rhythms of our body's fluctuations. It does actually have a pretty darn predictable pattern. Anyhow, by just studying the data of my weigh ins, I was able to predict on what days my new lows/and or lowest weight of the week arrived and now I only weigh-in on those days. This of course also hinges on a consistent approach to one's diet. @Horseshu - I was thinking of you when talking about the elements, given we're both Inland Northwesterners, lol.  
09 фев 19 написано членом: Egull1
Great info. I’ll kerp you posted as I journey on!  
09 фев 19 написано членом: wifey9707
Thanks for that! 
10 фев 19 написано членом: jamorgan
I love it! Same here, it took me time to realize that I was not longer size 1-S , my wake up call to lose weight was when my size M was already too small for me, and after losing the weight it took me time to recognize my size again. Now I can buy shirts without trying them on.  
10 фев 19 написано членом: Keilin_4
Oh yeah I still cannot wrap my brain around of the fact I’m a 00, I don’t see myself thin...I’m not. But I guess I am. I notice the weight loss but when people call me little I think they are playing around 😳 I know I am cause of the size, it’s confusing and sometimes I do overthink this 😳🤯 i feel healthy and better than ever, I try to focus on that  
10 фев 19 написано членом: rosio19


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