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Not an unexpected gain with all of the wake and travel food I've eaten over the last week. However, when doing my measurements yesterday, I've gained girth in my forearms, upper arms, and almost 1/2" in my legs over the last month.

I've been hitting the weights HARD since that is a stress relief for me, and it's starting to show a bit.

I'm back in the saddle for my WOE, and HOPEFULLY everyone stays healthy and alive for a while so I can continue.

On a side note, I see a LOT of new folks coming in to the site. Lets all remember, we all have a different WOE, and we all have opinions, lets be welcoming, but not come across as judgmental.

Next goal for me is 250, 26.2# away as of this morning!!! That will mark 100# down for me! I want that mark by May 16th!

Working for the weekend! Let's rock it!
125,3 кг Потеряно до сих пор: 28,9 кг.    Еще предстоит сделать: 11,9 кг.    Следовательность диеты: Плохо.

1029 ккал Жир: 67,01г | Белк: 85,69г | Углев: 21,05г.   Обед: Rudy's Half Chicken, Cooked Cauliflower (Fat Not Added in Cooking), Cooked Broccoli (Fat Not Added in Cooking). Ужин: Butter, Green String Beans, Baked or Broiled Cod. подробнее ...
Набралось 0,5 кг за Неделю

26 Сторонников    Поддержка   

Go gettem CB! 
25 янв 18 написано членом: chesgreen
Ches, I've found that throwing weights around and hitting a sack full of sand does WONDERS for the mind and body! 
25 янв 18 написано членом: crankybuzzard
Good job on the muscle development for stress relief CB! 🙋🏻Just don’t punch anything that punches back or will break a hand! LOL (I swear it’s a man thing! My son hit a wall to relieve stress and broke his hand. 🤷🏻‍♀️) Glad to hear you are back to your WOE. Take care!🙋🏻 
25 янв 18 написано членом: smprowett
good to have you back. Missed ya and Chesgreen also 
25 янв 18 написано членом: clay pot baker
@Smprowett, I learned a LONG time ago what NOT to hit, and I learned the same as your son did. LOL Clay, thanks for the good words... THe last couple of months have been a real challenge, but I'm stronger than the issues are! 
25 янв 18 написано членом: crankybuzzard
you are doing amazing!! keep chasing those goals you are so close!!  
25 янв 18 написано членом: cherik1


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