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Well folks, like I, and several others on here say, log it regardless of whether you like it or not! It keeps you honest.

I got a pretty bad spider bite over the weekend and ended up at the Dr to get it fixed up. STEROIDS are my NEMESIS! I can look at prednisone and gain a pound, when I take it I gain quite a few pounds! No, I haven't been eating bad, I just don't lose fat when I take the darn things... I'll finish them tomorrow, so this weekend I can concentrate on melting back down.

It's Thursday! We're almost there FS Family!
133,2 кг Потеряно до сих пор: 21,0 кг.    Еще предстоит сделать: 19,8 кг.    Следовательность диеты: Достаточно Хорошо.

595 ккал Жир: 37,75г | Белк: 48,14г | Углев: 15,40г.   Обед: Red Onions, Rudy's Half Chicken, Cooked Broccoli (Fat Not Added in Cooking), Cooked Cauliflower (Fat Not Added in Cooking). подробнее ...
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Melt away bro. 
09 ноя 17 написано членом: chesgreen
Gosh, I'm so sorry to hear about the spider bite. Did it hurt? Was it a Brown Recluse? Prednisone causes me to gain also, but it works and is very inexpensive. I hope you continue to feel better. 
09 ноя 17 написано членом: Scalewatcher3
I never felt it until it was swollen and full of gunk. The Dr is 99% sure it wasn't a recluse because there were no signs of necrosis. Feeling a LOT better in the bite area for sure! @Ches, melt101.exe has been activated! 
09 ноя 17 написано членом: crankybuzzard
it will come off fast!! I just know it!  
09 ноя 17 написано членом: cherik1
My son and I were east and we had one of those Recluse spiders in the hotel, I was sleeping and my son was trapped in the bathroom! by the end of the trip my son made is sound like the spider was 10 ft tall and holding the door shut... lol. I am sooo glad you are okay!! 
09 ноя 17 написано членом: cherik1
at weight watchers the catch phrase was..."BITE IT WRITE IT"! 
09 ноя 17 написано членом: sandraparker
Cranky...I know for me...I hate to log when it's bad news...but I really appreciate your intergrity. Because for me, if I log when it is bad...I will keep logging till it gets good...and I am no longer a quitter! Hat's off to you!!!! Happy Thursday.  
09 ноя 17 написано членом: Judyrose1997
by the end of the trip my son made is sound like the spider was 10 ft tall and holding the door shut... THAT IS FUNNY !!! 
09 ноя 17 написано членом: Jipper500
Oh I hated what steroids did to me! BTW there is a great remedy you can use for any kind of venomous bite (well, not snake, but you know what I mean.) I'm very allergic to bees, wasps, hornets, spiders, yeah yeah yeah, and my former brother-in-law was the head of his EMT crew. He told me to mix unflavored meat tenderizer with water, to form a paste, cover the sting with it and then a bandage to hold it in place. It is made with papaya extract, which is a natural anti-venom remedy and it WORKS. I have seen big welts go down flat in an afternoon (we now use it at camp for my littles.) 
09 ноя 17 написано членом: Elizabeth_V
@Jipper500 I thought so too..lol :) 
09 ноя 17 написано членом: cherik1
Elizabeth.. thanks for that hint. I have to carry an epipen because I am so allergic to bee stings... Have never had to use it, but it's there just in case.. 
09 ноя 17 написано членом: dboza
Just want to post a positive note that you can indeed lose weight when on steroids. I take prednisone every day for the rest of my life for anti-rejection and inflammation and I am losing weight here. Not fast but consistent. Being diabetic I need to have carbs to keep my sugars in line but I mostly get them from veggies. I'm on 1300 calories per day and with portion control and extra protein I am losing. Never thought I could between the steroid and insulin. It's a challenge but it's working so take heart my dears. You will lose!! :-) 
10 ноя 17 написано членом: Katrina121
Thanks for the support and hints folks! If all goes as planned, I'll be under 290 by Monday morning and definitely before next week's weigh in. Mostly water I'm sure, and this weekend I have BIG plans for some logs I gathered that are around 90# each. LOTS of heavy lifts, draw knife work, and sanding coming up! So, serious workout from working in the shop. Gotta get some Christmas gifts/orders ready. 
10 ноя 17 написано членом: crankybuzzard
A spider bite...😨😨😨 omg, these are moments when I am glad to live far away from dangerous animals - hope you're feeling better! 🍀🍀🍀 
10 ноя 17 написано членом: Viviace
That's a relief.  
10 ноя 17 написано членом: Scalewatcher3
I. Hate. Spiders. 😂😳🕷 
11 ноя 17 написано членом: Jenibeann
we have poisoness spiders here. i try to stay clear of them. i hate steroids too. just know weight gain will come off. hang in there. 
15 ноя 17 написано членом: mbh456


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