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Oh dear, oh dear. Yesterday did NOT go as planned, but at least there wasn't any bad damage.

It was Sunday, post-Indulgence Day. Both Wife and I had the munchies SO bad. For once, I gave in and went all the way. No excuses, just a fact. I'm super set on being back on track today.

Yesterday, it went all over the place. I started the day with the best intentions, and did good. I ate fruit instead of goodies (though I suppose fruits ARE goodies!), and had low calorie breakfast and lunch. It was going fine. Then, as the day progressed, the sugar hunger came to me full force.

Just as I discussed a little with Ryan75 and Jsfantome in some journal comments, the carb monster can be a rough one. It's about learning to live with it, I believe, not without it. But it doesn't mean that it can't be tough. I ended up going to the candy shop to get chocolate, just to calm myself down, and Wife talked me into pizza. Hey, at least we SHARED a pizza, and it was a reasonably good one. No extras, but a little cheese, lean ham and mushrooms. It was good too. It hit the spot.

Now, of course, I regret. I didn't drop some of the re-gained post-Indulgence Day weight, and my stomach feels terrible. I'm bloated, gassy, aching. Remind me again why we'd want to ever eat pizza? LOL.

These are of course the things that happen now and then. I regret doing it, I felt bad WHILE doing it, but at the same time it felt oh-so-good! I'm sure you know what I mean.

Today, I'm back in the saddle, full focus on the mission. I need to get back down to 77, get back to goal and do good.

I looked at my intake and burn yesterday, and they pretty much even out. No big damage done. I will, however, ensure that I hit the gym tonight, after a home/school meeting we have after work. In a case like today, I wouldn't go for the gym as I normally do this right after work. The meeting is more important than gym - it's about Daughter's future, after all, and that of course it essential. So on a normal day I would go do that instead of gym.

I have agreed with Wife that the plan will be Work, meet with her, go to meeting, walk back down to gym, she'll go start on dinner and I will go work out (take a walk on the tread mill) at the gym. I need to burn some extra calories to "forgive" myself. :)

Today I am thankful for:
- a punishment in the shape of tummy ache to teach me a lesson.
- No weight loss to teach me a lesson.
- No weight gain to not make things worse.
- Coffee! Salute!
- Having found Peter Jackson's productions diaries for The Hobbit on YouTube. I hope to watch those tonight. :)

Take care my friends! Life is good!

EDIT: I just remembered this photo. I thought I'd share.

78,9 кг Потеряно до сих пор: 76,1 кг.    Еще предстоит сделать: 0 кг.    Следовательность диеты: Плохо.

1230 ккал Жир: 31,04г | Белк: 95,84г | Углев: 138,33г.   Завтрак: Sliced Ham (Extra Lean), Egg, Kernegod Rugbrod. Обед: chili con carne. Ужин: Mixed Vegetables (Drained Solids, Canned), chicken breast. Перекус/Другое: Kakaois, Free Laekkerbar, banana, hard candy, Oranges, Grapes. подробнее ...
3250 ккал Упражнение: Ходьба (Оживленная) - 6.5 км/ч - 1 час и 35 минуты, Стоять - 3 часа, Ходьба (Умеренная) - 5 км/ч - 50 минуты, Спать - 8 часа, Сидеть - 5 часа и 5 минуты, Сидеть За Рабочим Столом - 5 часа и 30 минуты. подробнее ...
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1 до 20 из 24
Isn't learning fun? Sometimes the best lessons are the painful ones - until we forget them and do it again. Tomorrow is a new day and you've got the plan in place to kick it back in gear. Go get em! 
22 янв 12 написано членом: Dani_Suave
At the photo: Wow. just wow. I can't think of anything besides wow and a head shake. 
23 янв 12 написано членом: Dani_Suave
hehehe keld i really love that picture! why burning calroies before entering the gym? :) i do exactly know how you felt yestereday. i was starving for sugar, too. you're now back on track, and i know you can do it. look what you've already achieved! have a wonderful day, keld and i'm pretty sure you'll be on your 77 sooner as you think :) 
23 янв 12 написано членом: joelae
Ah Keld, now I understand. Great pic. You've done incredibly well. A day here and you'll be back on track. Good luck on the meeting about your daughter. I'm sure that young lady has a brilliant future ahead of her. 
23 янв 12 написано членом: Helewis
Sounds like me after a day at the pub (Which I did Saturday)! Well, you know what to do and how to do it, so pull up those bootstraps and get back on the horse. Love the pic too, not surprising. Reminds me of the movie Fat Head, where we don't let kids walk anywhere anymore.  
23 янв 12 написано членом: posterchild66
Actually, Keld, after the couple days I've just had (feeling hungry, munchies, going over RDI & feeling pretty much as you describe) it's good to know that you're human! You'll be back on track and getting to grips with maintaining and I'm sure you'll soon have that down to a fine art. 
23 янв 12 написано членом: Earthlady
On the positive... At least you didn't put ON weight... But, I can understand your frustration.... At least you are still in the right frame of mind to correct your "blip". Re the pix of your gym - made me laugh that they have ESCALATORS! isn't this one of the modern inventions, that has made us all lazy and obese? LOL. I stagger up and down the STAIRS at the gym I go to, before and after exercise LMAO 
23 янв 12 написано членом: Sk1nnyfuture
Life happens, we have to let it or we will go CRAZY! Carry on the mission at hand and kick ass to make up for your choices. Question- How do i change my start date/weight? Id like to make things accurate and dont know how to do it! I have a wierd blip on my graph adn it makes me a little nuts... 
23 янв 12 написано членом: NewSarah!
Sarah - go to "My FatSecret" and find "My Diet" on the right side, a little down. You have some options there. Be VERY aware that some of these just might delete your history. I have never messed with them, so I don't know what does what. Just be careful and don't say I didn't warn you. :) 
23 янв 12 написано членом: kingkeld
KK I just saw your Before and After - well done!!! What a huge achievement!!! I remember seeing that picture of the gym years back -hilarious!! 
23 янв 12 написано членом: triaby
Hope today it's a little easier to stay on track. :) Have a good one.  
23 янв 12 написано членом: just.keep.swimming
Love the pic. Thanks for being a normal person :-) 
23 янв 12 написано членом: petuniak
I so know what you mean about feeling guilty while eating things such as pizza. It is so weird to not eat those foods the same way again. I am happy to get those feelings b/c it shows me how far I've come and how I don't want to go back. I don't want to chow down on slice after slice without a second thought. I love the new me. I'm here to stay and so are you =) 
23 янв 12 написано членом: M.Trublu
Interesting. I don't feel guilty at all about eating "bad" things when I can get them to fit within my calorie count. I've had pizza several times in the last few weeks - it's all just a matter of trade-offs and portion size. The big change for me is that I get two slices of pizza, max, and it's always coupled with a salad. It's all part of striking a healthy balance. It's interesting to note, though that while pizza is worth the splurge to me, burgers don't seem to make the cut. Eating a burger out without french fries is missing out on a big part of the experience but together, they're a lot of calories. When I do eat a burger, it's a home-made one - smaller and on a reduced cal roll, minus the fries.  
23 янв 12 написано членом: gnat824
LOL about the picture!! Oh KK you are human. As are we all. I hope your tummy ache fades and you find today is easier to manage in terms of eating. It is truly an ongoing journey with none of us ever being "done" with learning about ourselves. I have no doubt at all that you will get back to that 77 and be able to maintain your losses, weight wise. Take care of yourself ... you can do this, you are doing this!!!  
23 янв 12 написано членом: madaboutmoose
Great picture, King!!! That would have been me a couple of years ago! lol Have a great day, and hope your munchie day hangover is better!! 
23 янв 12 написано членом: ctlss
LOL love that picture, it's especially funny since they are going to the gym! Don't beat yourself up over the indulgence, it happens! I had the belly ache after eating buffalo wings and beer battered kielbasa last night, it was my first time indulging since the holidays, it felt great at the time and horrible after. I started to beat up over it, but remembered the progress I have made and the fact that the "old" me would have made far worse damage. This isn't a perfect world - we have bad days at work, little spats with family, and eat the occasional pizza - we are only human! :) Hope you had a nice walk on the treadmill and a lovely dinner! 
23 янв 12 написано членом: Katiekinz
Gnat, I totally agree. I don't feel ashamed at all when I fit pizza, chocolate, candies, soda, anything else into my budget. Trouble is, I went 1300 calories OVER! LOL. it's all right. I burned off a lot today, feel slightly better (though still bloated) and have done awesome today.  
23 янв 12 написано членом: kingkeld
We are all human after all LOL....I know about the munchies, it is sugar for me....never liked pizza so never ate it...I am lucky there. But you look like a younger version of yourself...it is wonderful. Just all the fun stuff now of not being a fat person. Being able to do your shoes up and things like that :) such fun...skinnies wouldn't get that.....Love the picture....too funny I bet hardly anyone uses the stairs... 
23 янв 12 написано членом: Yvonne19
Don't you love that awesome gut-rot feeling when your body is just angry at you for what you ate?? Haha.. That picture makes me think about when people circle the parking lot at the gym to find the closest spot so they don't have to walk as far.. :) I guess it's justified in MN when we don't want to walk that far through the bitter cold and snow.. Hey, maybe those people are actually going up the "down" escalator in order to burn a few more calories before their workout... 
23 янв 12 написано членом: erika2633


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