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I stop counting for a while, period is back and I feel like I would stop recording until it's gone or whenever I feel a bit more motivated to check on the counting and all..

I think this time my period had bring along all this feeling of weakness, drop of self-steem and is pushing me hard towards laziness arms which are super comforting although I know she is not suppose to be the one :[ .. what's up other fatsecreters? do you have mood swings like these during those days? what about during season-changes? would be interesting to hear your stories ..
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push through! It's dificult when your in that place - but you have to do a little at a time to get though it. If you stop it will be harder to start again. You can do this! 
17 окт 16 написано членом: mamadavis
thanks mamadavis.. just got advised to start taking some vitamin D , I'll get some later today.. what do u usually do when your lower mood starts kicking in? 
17 окт 16 написано членом: 13dias
I go for a drive with the top down whenever I can to get the sun/vitamin D and to lift my mood! 
17 окт 16 написано членом: kpwcalories
Oh yes. my cycle time is a trip. the vitamin D will definitely help. you should have your dr. check your levels cause you may need more than you think. I was generally taking about 1,000 to 2,000 iud's daily and found out i needed to be taking about 5,000 iud's. made a great difference. I get SAD during the winter and so far, it hasn't gotten a hold of me once i went back to taking my st. John's wort. I use it for my depression so i'm not reccommending it for anyone unless they have an intergrated medical doctor or a good naturopathic doc. But it works for me. and when all that doesn't do it...i either read a really good book or grab my mp3 and turn it up high and play my favs. I'm a music junky. It that doesn't get it. I must really be feeling bad and i go to my old stand by...Lego! yep, i'm a legomaniac from way back. The concentration i have to use to create my projects just takes me away from my crappy moody self. It's great. lastly i talk to a friend or watch some comedy so i can laugh it off. I do all this so i won't gravitate to the fridge and eat. i also sleep cause during that time, i'm exausted allot. i take vitamin B complex for that and it helps, too. Feel butter, you deserve it. 
17 окт 16 написано членом: BPaula47
No comment? ;) 
17 окт 16 написано членом: Timg2500
oh yes.. I thought I was being ignored , but just saw kpw and Bp's , I put some loud music on and it helped! :) .. I'm forcing bf to go on a long winter night walk just right now as well :P.. let's see if he gives in , Is just loneliness I feel and I tend to push myself even lower when I get depressed instead of trying to get out, anyhow I'm trying to hear lyrics that could pump me up ..hahaha I feel so ridiculous telling you people my weird thoughts , thanks a lot for talking to me ..is nice :) 
17 окт 16 написано членом: 13dias
I just have to add that the lego thing is fantastic!!! ... Is so fun to be absorbed completely into building something, is like all your troubles go away and you can clearly focus on one thing only. I went for that late walk yesterday, it didn't last much since it was freezing cold! ..but it was a good reminder to focus in the simple stuff .. I'm going to make my playlist filled with happy music in your name dear BPaula :D  
18 окт 16 написано членом: 13dias
Yeah peri-meno is a thrill a minute - sweating with the windows full open..funsville. LOL Sometimes I watch a Comedy Special (a comedian who makes his show into a special) on Netflix - I find if I start laughing my mood just lifts up. I like talking walks in the woods and enjoying nature too. 
18 окт 16 написано членом: ny_shelly
I'm in the same boat today, I saw another post mentioning the monthly too, I think maybe the full moon got us! (I hope that's why my weight is staying the same even though I ramped up my dieting) I feel weak, bloated, swollen, sluggish, sad, overemotional and moody too. Even more so the last few days. I just let up on myself a little during this time and let my body rest if it needs it. I used to guilt myself for it but I've just decided to let it be. Go with the flow... LOL! There has to be a reason we sometimes get so tired when it's happening and maybe our bodies are telling us to take it easy for a few days and let us recover. 
18 окт 16 написано членом: TheVeggieMama
I'll give a look to the Comedy Special thing, thanks ny_shelly.. my favorite show is the impractical jokers, it hasn't fail me so far, it does improve the mood even if is kind of temporary in my case, sometimes I do the opposite, if i get sad or whatever I watch a good drama and then use the film as a catarsis :P 
18 окт 16 написано членом: 13dias
hey @VeggieMama, is nice to see that we are kind of going through the same thing.. maybe we are syncing? :D .. I totally understand the feeling.. I guess like someone was explaining some time ago there are normal up and downs and there is no point fighting those against the current , it exhaust you even more and at the end frustration grows.. what do you usually try doing to move out a little bit of the feeling? by letting the body rest you mean sleeping or is it some other kind of activity? 
18 окт 16 написано членом: 13dias
They say women sync up but this is crazy :-p When I mean I let myself rest I guess I just mean I loaf around as much as possible for a few days, don't get upset at myself for not exercising or neglecting a few chores. I'll lay around and cuddle with whoever is at hand and watch TV, sleep in longer, have a little sweet treat... that kind of thing. That usually seems to help me feel better. Of course we can't always lay around on the bad days, and those are tough on me at times. At least the busier I am the less I tend to eat :-D But then I feel wrecked once I get to bed. 
18 окт 16 написано членом: TheVeggieMama
Oddly I have never had emotional issues when it was that time for me, Though, I do get crazy cramps and ironically moving about and staying warm helps but in the colder seasons, they seem to be worse. If you are having issues with feeling weak try seeing your doctor make sure there aren't any issues causing it other than hormone changes.Or, try eating foods that have more iron and protein or take Iron supplements during that time, for a lot of women that time of the month can bring a temporary Anemia. Also try natural energy boosters or strive harder to workout, that workout could be a good boost for you also. 
18 окт 16 написано членом: TarahTotts
lol.. I like the "whoever is at hand" cuddling therapy! :D.. today I get to chat with peers and it did give me the strength I needed.. next week I will retake the counting and have a nice start, is amazing how can a bit of company can change your whole mood somehow .. if it doesn't work I will eat loafs of bread hahaha :D ..they say is wrong to search for comfort in food.. but if is for a little tiny while I'm sure it won't hurt ;) 
19 окт 16 написано членом: 13dias
I get same cramps katsyk... is mainly the first day 9nly, but still... is menstruation btch can get super painful..bf jokes saying I'm overreacting, but he has no idea how bad can it get, though, to be honest I can just take a pill and the pain goes away but I choose not to, just not to mess up with my system.. so the solution is right there but I like the complaining..anyhow, my 3 days of aunt irma visiting are soon over and I'm super glad everytime she leaves :D  
19 окт 16 написано членом: 13dias
4 days a month I do not even phantom exercise - I can hardly walk. I take celexa to keep the mood stable. Seasons don't bother me but there are 4 days a year I stay home in bed. The anniversary of my parents and siblings death. I roll with it because it takes too much energy to fight it. Be kind to yourself and just remember. - this to shall pass. 
19 окт 16 написано членом: PGM012197
I hope you are feeling better. Sorry to hear about the problems. I have lost my whole family, parents and sister. My two closest friends died in the last few years. I just talked to their son two days ago. Death is the most difficult thing to deal with in life. 
19 окт 16 написано членом: warrenwinter
wow @PGM , that sounds terrible, I don't understand what causes for some people to have stronger pain than others if is your constitution itself or if it can change by changing your diet. In any case, I'm glad you at least got celexa to relief the pain. Which sibling of yours passed away, if you don't mind the question?, was it a close one? hey @warrenwinter . I never imagine you went through all that on your own and somehow you manage to be so positive and cheering up all the people here. I also went through the death of someone that I love some months ago, it was peaceful and even now I feel it was the right time for him to go and avoid more suffering, I miss him of course, every single night I think about him, but there is no desperation or crying. I don't know how or why, I like to think he wants me to be that way and is like my internal strenght, as Facundo Cabral my favorite spanish poet would say: "you don't cry because I leave, you cry cause you are left alone" and so I feel he wants me to stay that way. I like to think that he was so busy so occupied with life that now he deserves a resting while I'll take his memory on into life. I feel like all those loses in your family had made you wise and understanding ..for instance I admire the fact that you don't get to absorb yourself on your thoughts but you try to reach out to other people, like your friend's son, whatever is your religion or non-religion whatsoever, I respect that inner humanity. 
20 окт 16 написано членом: 13dias


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