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I’m happy I lost but having a really low day. Custody battle and divorce is not natural. We aren’t supposed to have these feelings. All I want to do is sleep and eat today I’m so exhausted and just done. Cake would make me feel better for a little bit but it won’t fix my problems. I saw a picture taken of my yesterday and I hate it. I hate everything about it. My arms, my neck, my tummy. How did it ever get this bad and I’m still half way from the weight I used to be at my biggest. How so very horrible. I’ll be better tomorrow but today is just a very very low day.
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I am so sorry you are feeling frustrated. It can't stay the same way forever, though. You said this, so you know it, but would like to 2nd your motion that tomorrow will be better... 
21 июн 22 написано членом: unity1234
(((HUGS))) 💜💚💛 
21 июн 22 написано членом: shirfleur 1
Hang in there. One day at a time 💕 
21 июн 22 написано членом: SoftLife2022
I’m so sorry 😞!! Hugs 🫂 and positive vibes to you. 
21 июн 22 написано членом: shaymyers5
Hang in there… I’m five years since my divorce was final. self love will get you through and yes some days are difficult to get through but hold on for the new day. It’s ok to allow the low days but love yourself no matter what cause in the end you will always be there for you so love you. Wrap your arms around yourself and give yourself a big hug! And it’s okay to cry 
21 июн 22 написано членом: Ladysoc98
Been there! Understand. Sending positive vibes only. Ignore the idiots that tell you to cheer up! They don't know, or understand. While going thru my Divorce I managed to lose about 50 lbs. I didn't realize at the time, but the weight I was losing was all the stress and sorrow I'd been living with during the course of my marriage. If that helps you put your journey in a better perspective, glad I could share. You will come out the other side of this, regardless of the outcome, you will be free of one weight that's been holding you down! 
21 июн 22 написано членом: jeannieselby
not sure if you're a Bible reader but this scripture always helps me Psalm 94:19 neighborly love 
21 июн 22 написано членом: Jamalicia58
aww I hope you feel better soon  
21 июн 22 написано членом: buenitabishop
If you do not have a therapist yet, please consider getting one ASAP. Divorce is too hard emotionally to go through alone. I went for a lot of long walks in the evenings when I went through mine, just to physically tire myself and be around other people, if only to just wave hello or nod a greeting in passing. 💜 
21 июн 22 написано членом: JustBananas
So sorry my custody battle was a nightmare. take care of you.  
21 июн 22 написано членом: lmlawrence22
I am so sorry. Turn to Jesus. He loves YOU. 
21 июн 22 написано членом: Betsy Fink
you will have good days and bad days but things will get better  
21 июн 22 написано членом: cstrutz
I agree that counseling can be SO helpful, and the fact that you shared here today is a good sign. You have made so much progress with your weight loss and lifestyle changes... don't give up now💙 Fresh air and nature are also very good for the soul. Sending 🫂 
21 июн 22 написано членом: CrystalJo74
We are both feeling blah today! I've not been this depressed for a very long time. I read your post and immediately felt the need to reach out to you and tell you that it will get better. You are right, divorce/ custody issues are never a good feeling and I can see where you would be overwhelmed! Take a deep breath, take a minute to reassess, and turn to someone you trust and can talk to. You reached out on FS ( as did I) and take heed of what people are saying. You have support here. We are here for you! God bless you! 💜🙏💜🙏 
21 июн 22 написано членом: Diana 1234
I’m sorry 😞 Prayers for you. Sometimes a walk in the fresh air helps clear my mind. 
21 июн 22 написано членом: StormsGirl
hugs* just hang in there. sending love n prayers to you. 💕🙏🏼 
21 июн 22 написано членом: misChelle__
Yes prayers for you!! Hang in there and lean on God. It will get better. I get it,, went through the same in 2020. You will prevail 😄 
21 июн 22 написано членом: tonellie
Praying for you ❤️ Try not to be so hard on yourself. Divorce and custody issues are unnatural, you’re right and so hard to go through. Know you are not alone, no matter how it may feel, you have a whole community here you understands and supports you and you have a Father in heaven who is always with you. He loves you more than you will ever comprehend, trust Him. 
21 июн 22 написано членом: tsoto4
I am sorry, you are so right it's not natural and hard. My daughter is going through the same thing. Praying for you. Lean on those who love you. It is a day. One day at a time It can be stressful 😥 
21 июн 22 написано членом: Glorybeee
Things will get better,. 
21 июн 22 написано членом: gmarie504


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