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I'm back, sorta. Things have been very up-in-the-air lately. After two failed refrigerator delivery attempts, we finally got the new one IN and set up on Wednesday (after a full week of chaos). The one I HAD selected was too big to fit into the house (wouldn't fit through doorways). Of course, we didn't learn that until their SECOND attempt to deliver it. The first time, there were a couple of small scratches on it, and the delivery men said they couldn't leave it here because it would void our warranty (false - they tried to RE-deliver it the next day, and found that they not only could not fit the new one IN, but couldn't fit the old one OUT except through a back entryway that had a giant shelving unit in it. So, I had to go and select a DIFFERENT new one, which is a little bit smaller than the one we had, but at least it works. I had to throw away quite a bit of food from having had to take it all out and sit it on the counter THREE times (two of which were unnecessary). Now, we're looking for a stand-alone freezer, since we don't have enough freezer space in the new one. I have a choice of getting a freezer (if we can find one in our price range) or getting a new dishwasher (which broke down about three weeks ago). Since I've been doing pretty well on keeping the dishes washed by hand, I'm leaning toward the freezer.

All that being said, I've not been doing very well with all the stress and up-in-the-air-ness of the whole situation. Back to drinking totally Diet Coke again. Not a sip of water in about a week. Back to eating whatever, whenever.

The only way I will accomplish my goal of losing 60 pounds by June 27th, is if I get a miracle from God. I've come to the conclusion that there is NO WAY I can make it in time, logically and in my own strength. At first, this was upsetting to me, but now I've accepted it. It is what it is, and I feel powerless to change the situation. Right now, I need to focus on just getting back on track and heading in the right direction, however long that takes me to get to where I want to be. I've done it before, and I can do it again, I just don't know (or much care) how long it will take me.

I'm over 300 Notifications BEHIND, and the only way I can deal with that is to just forget about all that I've missed, and start right now to get back on track with keeping up with everyone. Sorry if I missed something important. I'm not ignoring anybody or mad at anybody. Nothing personal at all - just slacking off, and trying to ease back on track in the least overwhelming way I can do it.

Sorry this was so long - that's what happens when I don't check in for a week!
106,4 кг Потеряно до сих пор: 11,1 кг.    Еще предстоит сделать: 38,3 кг.    Следовательность диеты: Плохо.
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48 Сторонников    Поддержка   

Oh boy! Frustrating for sure! Now the frigid behind you, breathe and focus on you! Baby steps! You will get there! I so understand on notifications being backed up and missing stuff! I gave up FB for Lent and just got back on yesterday...fills like homework! LOL! Have a Sunshiny Day! 
09 апр 21 написано членом: Javadali
Life happens. No big. You know exactly what to do. You're my role model. Flush it. Focus forward. Focus positive. Let's go! #getserious #mindset #grindtime #stayhungry  
09 апр 21 написано членом: jimmiepop
So sorry for your troubles. Main thing is taking care of yourself. 💛 
09 апр 21 написано членом: shirfleur 1
Nice drop!!! 
09 апр 21 написано членом: John10251
So glad to hear from you Debbie! I've been wondering...I think you may find just 'letting go and letting God' will help immensely on your journey. Take the pressure off and try to get back to feeling good, the rest will come 💖 
09 апр 21 написано членом: Rckc
WE are all here to support you! 
09 апр 21 написано членом: HCB
Sorry to hear about the refrigerator fiasco. And I think you are correct, letting go, relaxing it the best way to achieve our goals. It may not be when we want them to be but God has a way of letting things happen in his time not ours. God bless.  
09 апр 21 написано членом: PrairieRains
Oh Debbie.✌️Rest. Deep breaths. Then- Come here. Check in and just handle what you positively have to face ...just one day at a time. Just keep coming here. Godspeed and take time for yourself. All the stuff will settle. So until then, Walks are nice. Naps are Great! 😎🤣 Oh yeah...I had a similar choice to make myself once/ Definitely go for the FREEZER. I went upright 22cubic ft. and never looked back🤣 Love and miss your posts! 
10 апр 21 написано членом: Judyrose1997
was a bit worried about you since i havent seen any posts glad your back and with us again. freezers are where its at easier to stock up on good buys when you see them  
10 апр 21 написано членом: Hooligan2
👏👏👏👏 Congratulations on your loss. We live in a very old house, the doorways are a nightmare to deal with and our street is small so deliveries are a huge nightmare!! Instead of being excited in getting something new it is always a nightmare.🙃 Have a Happy Saturday Debbie!🌺🌸🌸 
10 апр 21 написано членом: Shrewdness
We love you Debbie and want your very best. I'm sorry the frig. was such a hassle, and vote for the freezer for you since I am used to washing all our dishes by hand. You know the one thing you need to cut out first. Before you were able to cut down little by little. My husband has been studying leaky gut and he is so surprised it affects our bodies so profoundly. Those artificial sweeteners are deadly in killing the friendly bacteria in our gut and then making us depressed. I love you no matter what!  
10 апр 21 написано членом: Snowwhite100
You have had to deal with a lot lately. Me I understand, And as far as getting where you need to go. Look. I'm with you on that. I think I sometime try to hard. But the thing is . I'm not giving up trying. If this makes sense. It is not hard taking the focus off what we have to do. It happen. Some people fare along great other not so great. I think it is those of us who are still working on finding that space that works for us and figuring out how to separate those thing that we have to deal with and those things that we need to do for ourselves. You have been a an inspiration to me since I've been back here. I've watched you. You may fall but you get back up. I'm still encouraged., I say do what you need to do. Take whatever time you need. Set your pace, do what works for you. You are going to be ok. We are all in this thing together. I've gain weight. But I'm not giving up. I'll just keep at it. and I hope you do the same. Hugs sent your way. 
11 апр 21 написано членом: ladytanker
Welcome back! Hopefully things will get back to normal for you quickly and you can focus on getting back on track. Back to the grind, back to getting a healthier you! 🤗🤗 
12 апр 21 написано членом: KAGrimm
Don't give up on yourself!! It is so hard, but you gotta keep on keeping on. You go girl!! 
12 апр 21 написано членом: rhontique


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