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Good morning!

Hehe... yesterday was so much fun, and gave a few VERY different experiences.

We had our Christmas Dinner with the boss and the employees at our gym where I work part time. The gym opened one year ago, and it has grown enormously!

To celebrate, boss man went all out!

We went to a VERY face restaurant. We're talking $200 menu kind of expensive.

Never have I had food tasting this good and fulfilling before, and never have I seen this little on the plate. :) I'm glad I wasn't the one paying.

It was a great experience though. The food was damn near perfect. The flavors were amazing, the consistencies. I could get used to it, that's for sure.

Trouble is, of course, I'd hit starvation mode within the week.

Take a look at these pictures I took:

Starter dish. Half a potato for each. It's hollowed out, with a little mayo inside. The white thing is the rest of the potato. Also, we get ONE potato chip with an avocado/mayo dip here. :) Mind you, the dish here is for five people...

This is the first of the three courses. It's oysters and lobster tail, with a chocolate sauce (kind of like the Mexican mole, if you will...).

Main course was port. The meat from the jaw, a slice of tenderloin and one more, which I forgot what was.

"Christmas treats". This is the dessert - very chocolaty, ice cream-like dish.

What was very impressive with these dishes was that every bite had a different flavor. Every bite was an experience. Every bite was satisfying.

Sure, I didn't get more than maybe 120 grams of food total, but I was 100% satisfied. Then again, I didn't pay the bill. :)


It was freaky getting on the scale this morning. I had entirely too much red wine, and slept all morning, much longer than I usually do.

How often do you guys go to a company party with free food and come home all satisfied to learn that you LOST 5 lbs? :) That's what happened. I am down from 84.9 to 82.7 kilos today. Very nice.

The other numbers aren't changed all that much. Most of the loss is - as expected - water, and a little fat. I wasn't in too much of a calorie deficit yesterday, because of the wine we had, but I ended up at 2,000 calories for the day.

I had 155g of protein, and 30% of my calories came from fat. It was perfect.


Today, we're gonna go shopping. We're gonna go find a turkey for our Thanksgiving/Black Friday dinner. We're driving to a big market with a friend, so I'm not sure how much walking we'll get to be doing. WE'll see.

It's almost 11 am, and almost the time where I break my fast. It won't happen today though. I ate until MUCH later than 7 PM last night, and I really want to have my full 16 hour fast period. So I will wait as long as I can before I eat - probably until around 3 PM. Then I will still close my feeding window at 7 PM and be right back on track for tomorrow. I can still enjoy the same amount of calories, but I WILL try to go very low.

The whole point of going high carb and high calorie Friday was to get things going, so the coming week - starting today - will have to be going as low in calories as possible, with optimal protein and fat, and as few carbs as possible. This should nudge down the weight more, I think.

Only one way to find out.


Today, I'm thankful for:
- A FUN day out yesterday!
- NOT being hung over today!
- NOT having to pay the bill from yesterday's dinner! DAMN! It would be about $1,000!
- Wife!
- Coffee.

Have a great day! Life is good!
82,7 кг Потеряно до сих пор: 72,3 кг.    Еще предстоит сделать: 0 кг.    Следовательность диеты: 100%.
Потеряно 15,4 кг за Неделю


That food looks wonderful !! I'm sure I'd still be hungry after that though. :-)  
24 ноя 13 написано членом: shaz7140
:O)...congrats on the nice loss... 
24 ноя 13 написано членом: BHA
The food looked pretty. Interesting too. But all I could think was that I'd hate to be the one who had to wash all those dishes. Glad you enjoyed the experience.  
24 ноя 13 написано членом: ClassicRocker
I don't think a single one of us could eat so little every meal and feel satisfied. Bring on some more veggies or something. Lol. Glad you guys had such a great night. Killer weight loss too! 
24 ноя 13 написано членом: iamachristianjesusfreak
Oh, that sounds like an incredible experience, Keld. You got to eat like the king you are, and still lost 5 lbs!!! Unreal. Glad you had a blast. 
24 ноя 13 написано членом: Rob.c.weiss
Just curious how much I gain tomorrow. LOL. I'm sure this drop won't last. :) Like Draglist said, "whoosh"-effect.  
24 ноя 13 написано членом: kingkeld
While each course looks small it really looks quite filling when you put it all together and consider a sparkling beverage, glass of wine and cup of coffee with it; I'm drooling here :-) 
24 ноя 13 написано членом: FullaBella


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