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15 Hours Fasted

Unplanned refeed at almost exactly 96 hours. Got caught up in a project with #2 son. Very productive. Ended up cooking for him around dinner time. Always a mistake to be in the kitchen at dinner time if I intend to fast. Cooked for everyone, including me.

Tacos have become my new go to refeed food. Delicious. Satisfy all the craves. Reasonably healthful. Yesterday was glorious. Cooked up a few pounds of hanger steak in Jimmie's own cilantro lime chile sauce. Topped with grilled red onions and mounds of cheddar and then finished up nice and toasty in the broiler and slathered in my super secret homemade Chipotle sauce and house hot sauce. Knocked down five of those bad boys, which left me just short 2500k, under 100c and over 200p. Hard to quibble with that after a four day fast. Couple hours later I was craving something sweet, which I don't have in my house, so I whipped up a fried salami and cheese pannini on a brioche roll. Culinary genius, that. Also good for another 800k, 50c and 50p. Overall this was a pretty decadent, satisfying, and undestructive refeed.

Original plan was to fast until Monday's family dinner. That would have been 7 days total and a near record. Previous record is eight days back in 2018, but I went back and looked at my food logs for that fast, and most of those days I had a small (<100k) cheat each evening when I cooked dinner. That makes the 96 hours just finished a record in terms of compliance. Not that any of that matters. Both approaches will get me equally lean. The only things that matters are deficit and adherence.

Pretty pleased with the progress thus far, but struggling to get OK with the fact that realistically I am looking at an additional 12-18 day grind to get off this last 6# of fat. I 100% get that this is ridiculous. If I end my cut and launch my recomp on Monday, at 15%+ body fat, as I have been secretly contemplating, I will end up having to cut again a couple months from now. Alternatively, I can gut it out now for a few more days, get down around 13%, and then likely recomp my way under 10%. If anybodys actually reading this, apologies for all the mental masturbation. Guess I just needed to "talk it out" to get my head clear. Here are the resultant decisions.

1) THIS CUT ENDS AT OR BELOW 24# FAT. I know from experience that I can recomp from 24# to 18# fat and single digit body fat percentage.

2) NO RUSH TO FINISH. I'm giving myself the entire month of March to cut this last 6# of fat. Because I know it's not going to take that long, and because impatience is the enemy of success. I can launch a recomp April 1st, and be plenty sexy by Memorial Day.

3) CONTINUE ROLLING 72s. Cause it's torching fat at a record (for me) pace and don't fuck with success. Also and again, impatience is the enemy of success. I have been harboring this notion that now, since I've gotten on my fasting game, I can quickly finish my cut by simply fasting non-stop until it's done. Bullshit. I tried that before and went eight days. As previously noted, that was not eight strict days. I also piled 2 a days on top of the fasting, morning cardio and evening lifting. The end result was, literally, homicidal ideation in the 7 eleven over a plate of nachos, followed by a 10 day gym break and refeed during which I put on 20#, and which required nearly 30 days to reverse. It wasn't a fail. I ended up under 10% and in the best shape of my life, but the lesson learned is that consistency and continuous incremental improvement are the keys to transformative change.

Look good a little filled out. Comfortable in my body again. Super rested after a 10 hour sleep. Productive week last week. Happy to only be up a pound on the monster refeed.

Focused on food prep / household logistics this weekend, so I don't have to fuck with it when fasting/working next week.

Have a terrific weekend!

87,2 кг Потеряно до сих пор: 9,0 кг.    Еще предстоит сделать: 3,3 кг.    Следовательность диеты: Достаточно Хорошо.
Набралось 3,8 кг за Неделю

23 Сторонников    Поддержка   

27 фев 21 написано членом: chesgreen
@ches Appreciate you, brother. Have a terrific weekend.  
27 фев 21 написано членом: jimmiepop
"...impatience is the enemy of success" 👍🏾🙌🏾 
27 фев 21 написано членом: adefwebserver
I love tacos! You should have posted a pic! 😊 
27 фев 21 написано членом: bearnoggin


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