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Good morning!

It is INDEED a good morning!

The sun in shining, it's the weekend AND I reached the weight loss goal I wanted to reach for the week!

Actually, I think I might have broke my own "weight loss record", dropping 6.4 kilos - that's 14 lbs! - in 5 days! Wow.

Obviously, we're not talking fat loss. We're talking WEIGHT loss. There's a clear difference.

This is all the weight I gained after last weeks' crazy antics, and I'm glad they're gone.

Now I just need to drop a few more kilos (3, actually) to reach the ultimate goal for my weight. And this time I won't lower it any further. 76 kilos is more then low enough for me.

Also, I'm coming very much to terms with the fact that I won't be at 76 kilos all the time, even if that's my goal weight. It's a weight I can "dip down" to on a regular basis, but I'm counting on sticking to being somewhere between 76 and 80 in general.

It's probably too early to say "never again 80!"

See, today is my Indulgence Day, and Wife and I will be doing a little more than we normally do, when it comes to food and calories. It's good for us, and it keeps the weight loss coming, and the mind sane. :)

That being said, I am not gonna go all overboard today. I'm not gonna get ANY candy. I have promised myself this. I will have my Indulgence Day, but I will also try to restrain myself a little, and try to make this about better food.

There will be meats, potatoes, veggies. There will be fruit. There will NOT be candy and chocolate.

For lunch, Wife and I will be going to the usual little buffet. It's not all bad. I can easily make this work, and not go crazy high in calories. It's all about choices, as with everything else.

Dinner is a Danish pork roast, "Flæskesteg", with greens, potatoes, gravy and red beets. It's super delish, and I'm looking forward to it.

I might buy a small treat of some kind for the afternoon, but it won't be any of the baddies. It's today's goal to not have these. Maybe I'll get a sugar free ice cream or something.

Today (and tomorrow) I'm not counting on reaching my exercise goals. I'm probably not gonna get even close. :)

It's okay, I'm WAY ahead on every other day the last many weeks, so I can deal with that. I think and feel that my body needs a little break. My legs are tired, and it's obviously from all the walking. I've taken 115000 steps the last week, so I'm WAY above the 70000 goal I've set. I think I can slack a day or two (and I probably can't resist doing a walk or two anyways).

Since we're talking steps, here are my stats from yesterday.

I did great yesterday, got my steps in, made my calorie goals and all. It's a good feeling, that feeling of accomplishment. Put that on top of the weight loss goal (or should I call it weight loss maintenance goal? It's not really "losing weight, as it's not fat I've lost), and I'm a happy guy today.


The trick for me - and where things often stay - is to NOT get all cocky about it.

I've seen it a million times, as I'm sure everyone else on here have. I reach a new low, or at least a GREAT weigh-in, and then I think I can do anything I like, then I pig out and then I gain weight. LOL. It's almost a routine, isn't it? :D


I do expect quite some weight gained tomorrow. First of all, my fat% is high, which indicated that I am probably a litte low on my fluids. I expect some of those back tomorrow.

That, on top of a couple of "solid" meals, I'm sure to have gained some weight tomrrow. The trick is to not gain 14 lbs again. :) If I have gained a couple of lbs, then I have no problem with that. It's all part of the game.


So, here is what Wife and I are doing today:


Actually, we're both very excited about this.

It seems like it's been ages where we've just had a Saturday where we don't really have anything scheduled. We're not visiting anyone. We're not having guests over. I'm not playing with any band. The only thing that might happen is going to the store. That's all. And we're all giddy about it! :)

We just need a day like this. I think we all do now and then, don't we?


Tomorrow will be nice and quiet too. I'm working at the gym from 8 to 3, but that's hardly work. I like hanging out there. Also, Wife will come work out in the morning.

So, today I'm thankful for:
- A weekend full of NOTHING!
- A nice, low weigh-in. Not a new low, but who cares. 14 lbs down in five frickin' days! :)
- Morning coffee, since I didn't have breakfast. I wanna save my calories for lunch!
- Spending time with Wife!

Life is good!

78,9 кг Потеряно до сих пор: 76,1 кг.    Еще предстоит сделать: 0 кг.    Следовательность диеты: 100%.
Потеряно 11,2 кг за Неделю


Morning..I just wanted to say how frigging proud I am of you...I don't often comment on your journals but I do read them..and you my friend are amazing...So glad you have a weekend of nothing..but spending time with your lovely wife...enjoy it...:O) 
13 июл 13 написано членом: BHA
Thanks, BHA. I truly appreciate the kind words. :) They mean a lot, and definitely motivates me to do well. Again, Thanks, and have a great weekend too! :D 
13 июл 13 написано членом: kingkeld
Not a damn thing - good for you. Glad you saw a weight drop. I agree. Cocky is dangerous. Been there done that! Your buffet sounds great and your easy day with wife. And your treat whatever it turns out to be. Chocolate is difficult for me too. I don't like dark only milk and it is very more-ish as in you always want more:) I will check on you tomorrow so be good :) 
13 июл 13 написано членом: sarahsmum
I AM being good. I have my day worked out - it's ending at just above 3500 if I have all I have planned, and it's in perfect accordance to my RDI for the day. :) SHOULD (and it won't) it slip, then I have a 2000 calorie day planned tomorrow. I can easily crank down the volume then. It won't be necessary, though. :D 
13 июл 13 написано членом: kingkeld


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