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Good morning!

I could feel it the moment I opened my eyes.

"There is no weight loss today". Boo.

It's strange how I can literally tell whether I am lighter or heavier, even before I get out of bed. And lo and behold, the one pound I lost yesterday have creeped back on.

This is NOT according to plan. I was supposed to drop like 4 kg today to reach a new low! yeah, right. :)

I did good yesterday, though my food plans changed a bit throughout the day. I had all my water, I did all I'm supposed to do, I ended up at 1600 calories (of up to 2100), and I had a little cake but remained in control!

At some point I had BAD cravings though. I managed to keep them under control, though, and was able to move on. These happened much later than the time I had the little cake, and I don't really think they're related. I sincerely doubt it.

I do, however, think that the cravings and the water gain might be related. Of course, I can't know this, but it could be something to stay aware of in the future. Just to notice if there is a connection.

I'm not gonna worry about the gain. I had a lot of food (volume and weight, not calories) and that's gotta weigh me down some, and fluctuations in water still comes and goes. I'm not gonna worry about it, just move on and keep doing good.

Anyways, it's gonna get worse when I weigh in Sunday. :)

Tonight is the infamous CHILI NIGHT!

It's gonna be a lot of fun. Scorching hot fun!

We're gonna be five guys digging into the world's hottest peppers in different variations. It'll be as regular peppers, as sauces, as BBQ, as mustard, even as potato salad and beer! It's gonna be chili ice cream and it's gonna be chili chocolate and popcorn too! :)

There is NO CHANCE that I'll stay within RDI today, but it's okay. I have saved up calories all week for this. I'm prepared.

We're having the gettogether at a friend's house near Copenhagen, and I'll be spending the night there. Tomorrow morning, I'll be getting on the train to Copenhagen where I will meet up with Wife and Daughter, and we'll head to Bakken, the world's oldest amusement park.

We're gonna have a fun day there - the weathermen tells us that we pretty much piced the perfect day for it - and we're most likely gonna have a traditional "Bakken"-lunch there. Either fried pork with new potates and parsley gravy or BBQ ribs.

We're probably gonna get on a couple of rides, and probably gonna stuff ourselves silly in ice cream. :)

...and THEN it's back on track.

I'm actually relieved to learn that I do NOT have any plans for Saturday next week. I need a break from food. I need a break from indulging.

I really want to be able to stay under the 80 kilos, and I know - KNOW - that I'll be back to the 84 kg when I weigh in Sunday. I'm pretty certain of this. Then it's back to doing what works and what I like, and keep going until I'm where I wanna be. I'm looking forward to it. Living life and having fun is frickin' stressful! :)


So, what's the plan today?

Well, I'm at work already. I was here at 5:45 AM, in order to be able to leave early without losing comp time.

I'll be heading out around 10:30-11:00am, straight to the gym. From the gym I will call my buddy who is going with me tonight, and he'll meet me when I'm done working out. I need to at least hit the gym before I go - there will be no time for an hour walk today. I hope I'll get the mileage in through the day anyways. I might not make my goal of 10,000 steps though. It's okay. I'm sure I'll compensate somewhat tomorrow, and the following days. Again, having too much fun is stressful. I like my regular days and habits as they keep me in check.

I'm gonna make sure to have fun though. Don't worry about that! Great food, great company, CHILI! What's there to NOT like? :)


Something awesome happened yesterday.

Late morning yesterday, Wife and I went to meet our new physician. She's Norwegian, and really nice. We just spent a few minutes there, Wife was getting some medicine refills, but we got to chit chat a little bit.

Then, later, I was working at the gym. Suddenly she and her husband comes in, simply because they heard about the gym, and because they heard of "this one guy" who lost a lot of weight and was sharing his knowledge. They were curious to hear who it was.

I just handed her my flier, and she started LAUGHING! She just couldn't believe that it was me!

So, she asked if she could take a few fliers, as she had a few patients that she would hand them to. I gave her a whole stack. I can print more. :)

This is the 2nd time that doctors have been more than just a little interested in what I'm doing. What an awesome feeling to know this. Now I just need for her to send some business my way.

Also, they both (they're both doctors) LOVED the concept of the gym. I'm gonna teach them the system next Thursday. That's gonna be a blast, and a little intimidating too. I'm gonna teach two doctors how to work out! I wonder what questions they're gonna ask?!? :)


Today, I'm thankful for:
- Friday!
- Chili Night!
- Weekend at Bakken!

Life is good!
80 кг Потеряно до сих пор: 75 кг.    Еще предстоит сделать: 0 кг.    Следовательность диеты: 100%.
Набралось 3,5 кг за Неделю


05 июл 13 написано членом: Limogi
You have an awesome day/evening planned and you know you can totally eat til you burst and then be right on track. It may take up to a week to get rid of what you eat today but you know it will come off if you follow your plan. Isn't it brilliant? To know you can eat when you like, from time to time, and then can get right back on the horse and all will be well. I think its great to know I can get off an on the wagon, without falling off and having it run over me. We are rocking this new lifestyle. Enjoy. And I think its fab that doctors are recommending you and recognizing your achievement. You are in a good place in life my friend. Don't forget the added benefit of all those hot chili's too. You will get a good plumbing workout too - lol. Enjoy! 
05 июл 13 написано членом: sarahsmum
Missing your journals. Hope you are having a ball 
07 июл 13 написано членом: sarahsmum
Doing good. :) Journal coming up either later today, or tomorrow morning. :) 
07 июл 13 написано членом: kingkeld


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