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Good morning, friends!

It's here! :)

My packages arrived yesterday! Talk about a nice and wonderful early Father's Day! :)

In case you're wondering, today (Wednesday) is a national holiday in Denmark, and today is also Father's Day.

Anyways, my packages came in earlier than expected. In one was my Fitbit Flex. I have been waiting for what seems to be ages for this to arrive.

So far, it seems pretty cool.

It fits comfortably on my wrist, and it looks pretty nice, I think. It's not too "loud" or takes too much attention.

I'm still trying to work out minor adjustments to settings such as step length, etc., but it seems to register things pretty accurate. At least as much as you can expect any gadget to do. I am sure they will never be fully accurate, but they give a great estimation of what we're doing.

Today I will take it for a walk, and let it walk hand in hand with Endomondo on my phone, as well as actually counting some steps in my head. I want to get it set up so that my real life steps fits with what the Fitbit Flex estimates, to get my distances right.

I'm simply planning on putting on Endomondo, as it gives me a warning the moment I have walked a full kilometer. I will at that point make a note of the number on the step counter in my phone app, and as I start walking, simply start counting. When Endomondo says I have reached a kilometer (it measures this using GPS, so I don't think it can get much more accurate), I will make a not of the step number I got in my head. This makes me able to calculate how long my steps are. At the same time I will note the steps counted by the Fitbit Flex, and see how accurate it is doing plan and simple walking.

I assume this will be a one time deal that I can base future settings on.

The Fitbit Flex comes with a nice "dashboard" on the Fitbit Website, where you can see your accomplishments for the day, set goals, etc. Very neat.

Of course, I didn't meet any goals yesterday, as I didn't get the thing going until later in the day and thus missed both workout and my morning walk, but today is another day. I am counting today as Fitbit Day One. :)


Speaking of exercise...

Wife DID join me going to the gym yesterday. She actually liked it, I think. She was very surprised that her legs - where she mostly has pain - weren't hurting afterwards. I am so happy they didn't. She could REALLY benefit from the training but I know she is scared that it'll hurt her more than help her. Still, I am convinced that it WILL help her.

It's really nice to get to go with her to work out, though I do know that I will miss doing it in the mornings. It's no biggie though, it's a small sacrifice to do if this helps HER health to be better.


It's very early in the morning. 3:37AM. On a day off from work. What's worse is that I have actually been awake for a while.

Actually, the Fitbit Flex states that I have slept 5 hours and 43 three minutes, with a few restless times and three wakeups. That sounds about right, and that also explains why I am awake. I think I simply had enough sleep - and of course the fact that I was dead curious to see the stats on my sleep this morning! LOL. I know. Nerd. :)


Oh, and you're right. The other package. More tinker toys for my bass. This is actually really cool, this one.

This is a multi-effect pedal. It basically simulates the sound of other effect pedals, so I can do a LOT of things to change up my bass sounds in pretty much any way thinkable (and unthinkable). It simulates 52 famous pedals, and sounds just like the real thing. Some of these original effects will cost you up to several hundred dollers (PER EFFECT) if you go buy them as individual pedals. Here, you get the whole thing for $99. Not a bad deal. You can even run four effects at a time, so in a way you get four pedals all in one. Man, I love modern technology.

And, of course, my step son pointed out: "Looks like an Atari". :)


So, today is a day off from work. What's the game plan, then?

Nothing much, really.

I'm think quite some time will be spent at home watching tv. This is not optimal for me, as I really want to test the Fitbit. I really want to see what it can do.

I will be going for a walk, obviously, to get the steps figured out. Wife will be joining me, so today MIGHT not get to be the day that I get the count right. I'm not sure. Maybe I should simply go spend the ten minutes doing it before I walk with her? That might be a solution, actually. Didn't think of that until right now. This way I can go walk/count, come home and set it up, then go walk with her and compare results afterwards. That might work.

We are going to pick up a package at the post office too. I'm curious what it is, as we don't know that we've ordered anything that hasn't arrived. Time will tell.

And, of course, I will be spending an hour or two messing with my bass effects, see what it can do. I am dead curious to get it started. It's been sitting on my desk patiently waiting. I haven't even had a chance to turn it on.

This will probably be my first mission after I write my journal. Wife is asleep and probably will be asleep for several hours still. It's a good time to bring out the bass and the headphones.


I did good on my calories yesterday. I had an allowance of 2150, and I ended up having 1780. It wasn't hard at all. It was good food all the way, and I even joined Wife to have a tiny ice cream. She made me do it! Forced me! I swear! :)

I know I'm not supposed to have ice cream on weekdays, but I saw that I would have plenty of room in my RDI, so I figured no damage done. I felt in control, and I was in no way in the risk zone of wanting more. It was good.

The result is that I am down 1.2 kilos since yesterday. This is of course some of the Post Indulgence Weekend weight gain that is coming off. I have 900 grams more to drop, and I will reach a new low. I know more will come. Will I reach 77.0 by Saturday? I have four days to do it - it COULD happen. We'll see.

When it comes to food, today might be a challenge. It's a sit-down kinda day, and I know I will want to snack.

Many times, days like these are easier when I simply don't allow myself ANY fun. Just say no. Because of this, I am seriously considering simply making today a Low Cal Day, unless Wife has made plans.

I can do it very easy, simply having a soup for breakfast (60 cals), home made potato salad for lunch (150 cals). This leaves 400-450 calories for dinner. Enough to have a very reasonable meal as we normally do them. I just might go for that. The jury is still out, though.

So far, I am in no way hungry or in any rush to get to eat anything. I just need some water.


Today, I'm thankful for:
- Father's day!
- Fitbit Flex!
- Bass effects!
- A day off from work!
- Morning coffee at 3:30AM. Sure, I'd rather be sleeping, but it's all good. I like my mornings.

Have a great Wednesday! Life is good!
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Good morning, it is after midnight here on the East Coast of the USA. Our Father's Day falls on the third Sunday in June, Mother's Day the second Sunday in May, no holiday here until July 4th and then Labor Day in September, but I am retired already. I do spend hours a day writing so I guess I will work doing that till I pass on. I do need to get something to get me moving - I joined a gym, but it is a mile and a half away and I don't drive. Allergies have wiped me out for ten days. I rinse my nose and it helps. Your English is excellent for a person from Denmark. I am rare for an American as I know another language fairly well - Spanish. I enjoy music too but don't play any instruments. American radio music now is diluted, in the 1970s to 1980s it was all new almost, now 90% of it is music from years ago. 
04 июн 13 написано членом: GlennM
Glenn, why not simply start with walking to the gym, then consider if you want to actually go in and do more? 1½ mile can be walked in about 25 minutes. That and back would be about an hour's worth of exercise. It's a great start. :) 
05 июн 13 написано членом: kingkeld
Happy Father's Day Keld!!! I am very happy to hear your wife enjoyed her time working out and I hope she does continue to join you. You are such a wonderful inspiration even to your family. First your daughter now this. :) Life can't get much better. 
05 июн 13 написано членом: iamachristianjesusfreak
Yes, Kingkeld it is a good idea. I have walked there or back a few times. It does take about that long and the weather is nice. My allergies were so bad the past ten, eleven days but are easing up. In winter it was a pain as often the sidewalks weren't shoveled, but there is no excuse now. My back bothers me at times with the arthritis but the best thing is to move. The allergy issue kills pain elsewhere in one's joints for some odd reason. It is a thirty minute walk with the hills around here. I can take the bus down at least and then walk back, or walk each way and not even go to the gym, the library is right near there too. Happy Father's Day! 
05 июн 13 написано членом: GlennM
It looks very nice in the photo and stylish too. I have even bought a few bracelets - but your idea to get one that can be used. I probably should invest in a pedometer. I am reaching the stage I need little else now, which is a good place to be. I want a weight bench for my apartment's computer room and in August I can buy it. The gym then will only be for the pool most of the time. Have a great holiday.  
05 июн 13 написано членом: GlennM
GlennM, just seeing what the Fitbix Flex is doing for me in one day is really impressive. It motivates to reach goals - I highly recommend it. You set a goal (steps/distance/calorie burn), and you can see your progress through the day. It makes you push a little harder to reach your goal. I love that idea. Sure, it's more expensive than your average five dollar pedometer - it's $99, but it's also decorative (or, at least less ugly than a pedometer), and you don't forget to wear it as you only need to take it off while charging once a week.  
05 июн 13 написано членом: kingkeld
Can't wait to hear how you get on with fitbit flex.... I'm still looking at the shine... Wish they'd hurry up and get it out. 
05 июн 13 написано членом: Sk1nnyfuture
Thanks Kingkeld. I can get it in August. I will order it online, it sounds like fun and it looks nice too. I have a few copper bracelets for arthritis. I will look online to see where the best place is to get one. I don't know if it is out here like Sk1nnyfuture mentioned. It must be... 
05 июн 13 написано членом: GlennM
I'm jealous about the fitbit flex. The device I have has both a) a monthly membership fee for the site and b) a super noticeable arm band that stands out. I haven't been using it and drawing attention to some thing on my arm is just annoying. I also can't justify spending more money on another device. Can't wait to see how it works for you! 
05 июн 13 написано членом: Bkeller1023


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