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Good morning!

A new low! Sure, it's just 100g down, but it's still a new low. Truth be told, it's maybe less, because the scale was kinda iffy about reaching the low, but it did without me provoking it.

So I'll take it. A loss is a loss is a loss. :)

Yesterday went without a hitch again. This was my 3rd Low Cal Day. There were no real issues, though I have to admit that I felt like a snack in the evening.

This I could have fixed if I had kept a few calories away from dinner, and just put them for a late evening snack. Trouble is, I didn't. I had a nice, large pita with a nice chunk of meat and lettuce and it was delish!

I got through it though, and had no issues.

I was really tired last night, and since Wife was already asleep on the couch missing the movie, we decided to go to bed early - around 8 pm. Remember, though, that we get up at 4 AM every day, so 8 isn't all that early in my world.

Whether the tiredness comes from the very low calorie intake - remember I went way too low on Tuesday, something that I wasn't supposed to and didn't plan - or if it was just because I've had a few bad nights, I can't tell. It would be much too early to see a pattern. I know that I slept like a rock last night, and that I feel great this morning.

I have no real hunger, and I haven't eaten breakfast yet. I made my plate as usual, and normally I'll be eating around 4:45 am or so. It's now 5:25, and I have that same plate sitting here next to me, waiting. I figure that since I'm not really hungry, it's a good exercise to wait and get comfortable with my next meal sitting here staring at me. It honestly doesn't bother me.

This is what the fasting days are teaching me. I don't need to eat at a certain time. I don't get all jittery when I can't have my meal at a certain time - and I don't over eat when I finally have it. That's a GREAT thing to learn. If I had only learned that ages ago, I wouldn't have had to be here in the first place. lol.


So, I'm down 100 grams. It's interesting, as I had kinda hoped for more, after another fasting day, but I'm sure my body can only release so much in a day. Besides, I had a 2.4 kilo drop two days ago, and I haven't gained after, so there's that.

A quick look at my fat percentage shows something interesting. I think I have the largest day-to-day drop I have ever had - 1.2%! This - as I have indicated before - shows me that there IS a fat loss, even if the weight didn't really change much. This is what matters, much more than the weight. It's nice to see.

I'm almost 3% fat down since I started this a week ago. This would indicate something like 2.7 kilos of fat gone, depending of course on all the other factors around it. It's not a steady number, and it's not one that I think I can count on just like that, but it sure is an indicator that things are going in the right direction.

I'm wearing a t-shirt today that I have been putting back in the closet quite a bit lately because it was getting uncomfortably tight. Well, it fits. Sure, it's a tiny bit snug, but not so snug that Wife rejected it when I asked her if it was okay to wear.

I also start seeing my body being a little different, actual visual changes. All this since I started being serious about losing weight again, one week ago. This is crazy.


So, today I start my "normal" days. I'm curious how this will affect things. I will have three normal calorie days and an Indulgence Day over the next days, and then be back to a Low Cal Day on Monday.

It's gonna be a significantly higher RDI every day, and I'm curious to see what's gonna happen to my weight. Obviously, it's gonna go up some, especially after the Indulgence Day. However, the normal days will still see a nice calorie deficit, so there shouldn't be any gain in fat.

This experiment is so interesting for me. I love seeing how we can affect our bodies. How we can control it. How we can manipulate it.

Now, if only I could be just as interested when it comes to exercise! LOL! I would really like that, but it's just not as interesting to me.


Today is cake day at work. I gotta be good there. I do have PLENTY of calories that I can spend there, but I know how hard it is to stop after I start. I think my goal will be to maybe have some of the fruit that is usually served too, and leave it at that. I don't wanne ruin my project, and I don't want to end up binging.

I think it's all about having mentally prepared before I go on that break, and already having decided what I want to eat. That makes it easier. Visualize before, and simply pull through. This is not necessarily easy, especially with 20 people raving over awesome chocolate cake! LOL.

Today, I'm thankful for:
- New low!
- Fatpercentage of 18.7%!
- The strength to simply wait having breakfast.
- Morning coffee
- A nice cold glass of water in the morning. Best water ever. Every day.
- Fitting into my "FLASH!" shirt. :) Oh how I missed it.

Have a great day, buddies! Life is good!
89,5 кг Потеряно до сих пор: 65,5 кг.    Еще предстоит сделать: 4,5 кг.    Следовательность диеты: 100%.

2136 ккал Жир: 60,83г | Белк: 99,18г | Углев: 289,91г.   Завтрак: Swiss Cheese, Rye Bread, Sliced Ham (Extra Lean), Egg. Обед: Lettuce Salad with Assorted Vegetables, Chicken Breast, French or Vienna Bread (Includes Sourdough). Ужин: Frankfurter or Hot Dog, Cooked Pinto, Calico or Red Beans (Fat Not Added in Cooking). Перекус/Другое: chocolate, cocoa powder, kakaois, Bananas, Tangerine. подробнее ...
3311 ккал Упражнение: Сидеть За Рабочим Столом - 2 часа, Сидеть - 5 часа и 40 минуты, Спать - 8 часа, Ходьба (Умеренная) - 5 км/ч - 20 минуты, Стоять - 8 часа. подробнее ...
Потеряно 0,7 кг за Неделю


Good to know you're still feeling happy with the low-cal days - I think the next week or so your daily numbers will be very interesting. I'm following eagerly... 
12 дек 12 написано членом: Earthlady
As am I, Karen. It's gonna be interesting to see. I figure I will gain simply from having more food in my system, but I should still lose some weight due to calorie deficit. I should be down around 700 every day except Indulgence day that will rise it 700, unless I put in extra exercise. So, without exercise, I should be down around 2000 cals over the rest of the week, Thursday to Sunday.  
13 дек 12 написано членом: kingkeld
Whoop for the t shirt fitting.... And double whoop for the fat % drop. Interesting, how you are learning you don't need to be controlled by the clock / routine, rather than going with, when you are hungry. I used to guided by hunger, rather than the clock... But since DH has retired, that has changed (he is very much a clock eater, although is getting better). I am trying to alter that now.. Thanks for reminding me again... I need constant memory jogs on this. 
13 дек 12 написано членом: Sk1nnyfuture
UPDATE: Food reactions. I had my breakfast late, by choice. Normally I eat around 4:30- 4:45 or so, today I ate at 7. I was hoping it would help me not get hungry for lunch. And it worked, but lunch came around regardless, and I went to eat with Wife. We had sandwiches, and they were reasonable. Not INSANE amounts of bread, and nothing else in it but chickenbreast, lettuce, tomato and jalapeños. Nice, at around 550 cals. I still have 700 calories left. It's still cake day, but I will only eat fruit. I went to check on Wife's baking, and what she is doing doesn't really tickle my fancy, so it'll be easy. I do, however, feel an urge for sugar after eating that damn sandwich. I suppose the carbs in the bread are kickin in. That sucks. I'll just suck it up, and ride it out. It's another hour until the break and I'm very determined to go get an orange or banana, hang with the gang (and explain yet another time why I'm not eating Wife's cake) and just enjoy the company. Cake free. :) 
13 дек 12 написано членом: kingkeld
Is cake day every week???? I'd cave for sure. How I LOVE CAKE!!! Interestingly I didn't lose an ounce from after low calorie day 2. Interesting I too was VERY tired last night, but, again, like you, I am up at 4 to 4:30 every morning for work so who knows. Onward dear friend!!! Stay strong in your cake fast!!!  
13 дек 12 написано членом: madaboutmoose
sounds like your doing something right.i love fitting into previously too tight clothes.great feeling of accomplishment! 
13 дек 12 написано членом: rockytu
Rockytu, it's an awesome feeling. The feeling of accomplishment. And of course, as I go by the day - the shirt fits better and looser, after stretching to my body. Not bad.  
13 дек 12 написано членом: kingkeld
And yes, Moose. Cake day is EVERY Thursday. IT's tough. lol. Wife makes the best, most sinful cakes. So much chocolate! lol. It's pure evil.  
13 дек 12 написано членом: kingkeld
Your job sounds fun - wife cooking, cake - terrific! I can hardly keep my eyes open today - only got 6 hrs. sleep. Thanks for the play by play. :) 
13 дек 12 написано членом: Neptunebch
WOW - new low? That is fantstic. You are awesome with your "mind control" - proud of you. 
13 дек 12 написано членом: HCB
Congrats Keld - I like thinking about celebrating 'a new low'... I can just imagine the celebration when you hit 'rock bottom' LOL ~~~ such a nice new way to think of phrases, isn't it. You know, I'm not an exerciser either ~~ I AM researching treadmills and as soon as I quiet the OCD in me that I'm buying the right one with adequate warranties blah blah blah I'm going to get one because I do know and have experienced that 'great feeling' people write about here when they exercise. The other day when I was testing a treadmill at the resort I was pushing myself 'Bella, just do 10 mins...' but then I noticed I did 12 and the OCD in me said 'well you can't quit now, you have to round it to 15!' (yeah, OCD, what a trip) and when I completed that the song Mony Mony by Billy Idol came on and I was like 'oh, I so have to walk to THIS' but who knew the dang song was 6 minutes long! I made it but was never so happy to hear that song end in my life.  
13 дек 12 написано членом: FullaBella
Good going fella. Still try to do a bit of exercise even if its only a 10 minute walk. Try not to break your rdi on your up days.  
13 дек 12 написано членом: jonnybadback
WOOHOO for a new low!!!! I never figured I would be an exerciser but I have really started enjoying the way I feel when I am done. A little sore and a little tired!  
13 дек 12 написано членом: wichitaks
I really wanna do more exercising. I really really do. However, I keep not doing it after all. Damn me. I try though. On occasion I do. lol. I'll get there, step by step.  
13 дек 12 написано членом: kingkeld
Hey Keld, the trick to workout is doing something that you enjoy very much, so you feel like you are having fun and not working out! To me it works perfectly to go climbing, or swimming or dancing. Or walking long enough to have a good ice coffee, on summertime :) try to involve people you know and find a way to have fun together whileworking out! There are many fun sports out there :)  
13 дек 12 написано членом: Lizzie983
Lizze, I appreciate your input, and I know it to be true. Trouble is, I have absolutely ZERO interest in workouts, sports, and any other physical things like that. If I exercise, it's a matter of finding the lesser evil. I don't like working out, period, and even less with other people. It becomes bearable when I put on head phones or watch tv along with it. I guess a full life as the fat kid put me off those interests. It's very frustrating. I have tried a lot of things, and there are literally NONE I have tried that I find fun. I find some less frustrating and less annoying, and maybe more doable, but never fun. :/ So sad.  
13 дек 12 написано членом: kingkeld
...and in my view, there are NO fun sports out there. lol. We're very different on this issue. :) 
13 дек 12 написано членом: kingkeld
So, I just did an evening weight in. I'm at 91.5. I usually drop about a kilo overnight. I will definitely have gained weight tomorrow, as expected, not the least because of Wife's awesome beans AND dessert. It shouldn't be a fat gain though - I'm WELL under RDI, and VERY WELL under my calorie burn for the day. Let's see what the damage is tomorrow. Life is good no matter the number.  
13 дек 12 написано членом: kingkeld
Boxing? And I feel so behind- Ive been off of your journals for a week and im so lost... what are you doing with this high low cal stuffs?!!? can i have a quick debriefing?  
14 дек 12 написано членом: NewSarah!


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