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WARNING: This journal may include nerdy stuff... :)

Good morning!

It's 6 AM on a Saturday morning. Damn inner clock! I've been up for a couple of hours. Wife and I are watching movies. On our new TV. In 3D. And it's frickin' awesome! lol.

We really didn't want to go as "all-out" as we did, but boy are we glad we did.

We originally wanted to go with a Samsung TV, as it matches our tablets and my new phone, but the sales dude talked us out of it, and with very good reason. Samsung is pretty much the only company who will stick with the so-called "active" 3D system, and haven't switched to "passive" 3D. The difference is basically that acive 3d has electronic glasses, that has a shutter in them that will control the two images for you. The passive system has glasses identical to what we see at the movies - which means that we can use the glasses that we've bought for that purpose. Another good point is that the active glasses are no-go for people with epilepsy, as they can cause attacts. And even if you don't have such issues, they still strain your eyes a little more than usual, so "they" don't recommend use for more than 2 - 2½ hours per sitting. Passive glasses have no such limitation, though after a few movies you CAN tell that your eyes get a little tired. So we ended with a (relatively) High End Philips Smart TV. Internet, Youtube, Facebook, Online Radio, Games, Weather and Traffic, and Video On Demand. Nice.

Quality wise I see absolutely no difference. It loos absolutely amazing. Our old TV was HD compatible, and in 32" I thought it looked pretty good. Small screen as we bought it for a small living room. High Definition looked satisfactory, I thought. That is, until be brought home this 47 incher. Damn. Wow. I am amazed with the picture quality, it's really something else.

Anyways, enough of that. How did I do on the diet?

I did well!

I stayed WELL within RDI, and had NO snacks. Nothing bad in my food at all. I ended up having a pita bread (or rather, half the bread) with lettuce and chicken breast. I had my usual breakfast, adjusted to be an omelet instead of boiled eggs (basically just adding 3 grams of olive oil).

My buddy Helewis had a little comment on yesterday's journal that prompts me to talk a little about the town I live in. She suggested that I would could go with grilled fish for lunch. Which is a great idea. Trouble is, it's not an option.

I live in a small town in Denmark. It's the fattest town in Denmark. If we want to buy vegetables, we need the supermarked, which has a very limited selection. We do not have a green grocer. None. Zip. However, we DO have 8 pizza/kebab houses. And that's just counting those in walking distance from here. Sure, there are other restaurants. Those would be ridiculous expensive places for a quick lunch. A lunch there would easily cost us 20 US dollers per person. Not feasable to do on a regular basis.

In shourt: It sucks.

The solution, that I have found to work for me, is to go to the pizza/kebab houses, and have a salad with either chicken or tuna. Those are the ones that are bearable with no dressing. Sometimes I will have them in a pita bread if I feel like a little more food. It's pretty easy to register, easy to decipeher (I use the "mixed salad" as my choice of food in the FatSecret app, and then add what I think might NOT qualify in the 11 cals per cup), and pretty tasty.

I lost 100 grams since yesterday. Not a lot, but not a gain - and I did drop 2.7 kgs yesterday. I was sick, wen't to the rest room a LOT, and I was most likely low on everything because of that. So it's absolutely no surprise that I am not much down in weight today. More will show tomorrow, I'm sure.

On a side note, Wife is down 1.7 kgs in two days. Nice. She only has a few kgs that she wants to drop, so if she plays her cards right, she'll be there in no time.

The afternoon today will be spent rockin' with Burnin' Live. We're slowly starting to get things together. If we're doing alright, I might post a video or something tomorrow. No promises though.

Today, I'm thankful for:
- New TV! :)
- 3D!
- Finding awesome "Winter Warmer" coffee to take home. Having a nice cup right now.
- Awesome wife, agreeing that Awesome TV was needed, instead of going too cheap and getting something already outdated.
- Wife.
- Wife.
- Wife.

I hope your day gets to be AT LEAST as awesome as mine. And mine will be pretty awesome! Life is good!
91,6 кг Потеряно до сих пор: 63,4 кг.    Еще предстоит сделать: 6,6 кг.    Следовательность диеты: 100%.

1599 ккал Жир: 65,19г | Белк: 116,37г | Углев: 134,93г.   Завтрак: Ketchup, Brown Sugar, Turkey Meat (Cooked, Roasted), Egg, Olive Oil. Обед: Mayonnaise, Bacon Bits, makrel, rye bread. Ужин: chicken soup. подробнее ...
Потеряно 0,7 кг за Неделю


So you get all those things from your TV? 3D TV is still a relative new thing over here in Africa. Where I live on some days I don't even have a 3G signal.. 
25 ноя 12 написано членом: Ryan75
Your new TV sounds great :-). Not being able to get a variety of fruit and veg, must be a challenge... I love my veg... And we are attempting to grow bits in our new greenhouse (only spinach and salad lettuce at the moment). I have only bought 2 lettuces, in the last 6 months - and we eat it most days... Saved loads of money :-). Next year we will be growing tomatoes (my absolute favourite), courgettes, peppers, runner beans (another favourite veg - we have been growing those, for the last couple of years), cucumber, bok Choy and whatever else is 'expensive' in the supermarket that we like ..... Have a great afternoon rockin :-) 
25 ноя 12 написано членом: Sk1nnyfuture
Yup - we get all that from the TV. Pretty neat. Of course, the challenge is to remember that it can ALSO be used for exercise. Xbox Kinect, and workout DVDs. :) 
25 ноя 12 написано членом: kingkeld
And Ryan - I had NO idea you were in Africa! I took you for an American, as most people here are from the US. That's pretty interesting. :) 
25 ноя 12 написано членом: kingkeld
ha ha! Cool TV. My buddy and i have been checking them out and for now its a luxury for me. Decided to buy myself a Benchpress set instead.Maybe next year once i reach my goal i'l treat myself to 3D. We not that primitive here in South Africa lol Our DSL is now 1mb/s so we r getting there slowely...!  
25 ноя 12 написано членом: Marty70
Ooh, I need a new TV too! I need to do my research! Someday... Good job on the diet pal, and I know how it is having to adapt to your surroundings for eating. Its tough sometimes when the people in the goodl old US suggest we eat only organic free range chickens.  
25 ноя 12 написано членом: posterchild66


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