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Blood glucose levels and insulin, and not losing. I think I'm onto something thanks to adwebserver . I started checking my morning glucose and it's been a little high. 120. I thought it was the dawn phenomenon. then I started taking before and after food. yesterday my BS went to 110, not crazy but I don't eat carbs or very little. so the protein jacked my BS. the problem is. it wouldn't go down. 3 hours later still 106. Today, my morning BS was 109, didn't go down after being up a few hours. so I did the elliptical and got it down to 85. around 11 and i was very hungry but was doing an 18 hr fast. I ate less than a serving of pork rinds to stop my stomach from growling. Now my BS was 106 all afternoon up till 4pm. it finally dropped by 5 pm to 80. how bizarre. I guess this is classic insulin resistance. I think as long as I have high glucose , that means I'm pumping extra insulin, which would make too much insulin which might be why I'm so resistant to losing. Now I'm going to make sure my glucose stays under 90 if I can by doing the elliptical after eating. I always try to do one meal a day, but haven't the last few weeks. I'm always hungry and that high glucose might be what's messing with grehlin and leptin , or who knows, but it's another possibility. I'm doing really well this week. Only meat. whoohoo keto carnivore on.
82,6 кг Потеряно до сих пор: 21,8 кг.    Еще предстоит сделать: 30,4 кг.    Следовательность диеты: Достаточно Хорошо.

745 ккал Жир: 57,11г | Белк: 52,23г | Углев: 2,21г.   Обед: Kroger Pork Rinds. Ужин: Ground Beef (80% Lean / 20% Fat), Egg Yolk, Egg. подробнее ...
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Just be wary of the low spikes. High bs not good but low is even worse especially when exercising. 
24 сен 18 написано членом: Alnona
@Alnona - Yes 'hypoglycemia' is a serious condition that can develop from low blood sugar but @jenjabba doesn't plan to do any 5 mile runs like I do :) Also, in my case (everyone is different), my blood sugar is always raised using gluconeogenesis (the generation of glucose from certain non-carbohydrate carbon substrates). However, you need to have plenty FAT on your body for this. Some of the smaller people on this site should not try this.  
24 сен 18 написано членом: adefwebserver
@jenjabba - If I don't eat I never get 'truly hungry' ('mental hunger is a separate issue that I try to address with exercise and drinking Green Tea). I simply cannot eat breakfast OR Lunch and lose weight. I am sure most people can, but not me :( - - However, I can also drop 8 pounds in 7 days, so there is that... :) 
24 сен 18 написано членом: adefwebserver
those are great observations, did you check your glucose after your beef meal?? did it also rise?? as much as when you had the pork rinds?? the reason I ask is I remember a link you posted several months back about the couple that did this type of testing after having different sugar replacements. One did not get a bad reaction to one and the other went really high. It stuck with me. that got my mind thinking about your situation. What if the food you have a sensitivity to,, raises your glucose and you could test that way. Maybe it is the pork rinds causing the problem and not regular beef or beef fat. or the plain slo cooked pork I know you will have this week. just throwing it out there as a possible way to test for food reactions. Most folks have to deal with the dawn effect , but it really surprised me that your glucose raised after just a few pork rinds any time of day you ate. I know you are basically zero carb this week. if you are doing your omad this week too you will have a clean slate to test one beef only meal test, one pork meal only to test after your fasting all day. I know you have your pork ready for tomarrow!  
24 сен 18 написано членом: baskington
Normal blood sugar after meals is 90 to 140 in non-diabetics 2 hrs after eating. There is potentially some wiggle room on those numbers if you're over 50. So it seems to me your numbers are fine there, but your morning fasting sugar is high. I recall Jimmy Moore saying something about that - that if you're on keto or low carb diet your fasting sugars won't go as low as those of people on more standard eating plans. Maybe you can find information on this at Mercola's site. Jimmy is not a doctor.  
25 сен 18 написано членом: trackin64
I was reading about glycogen production in the body and its function - your body could be releasing the glycogen to off set the lower glucose levels which is why your BGL is elevated. I test evening and morning and am doing a lower carb regiment - I usually run between 80 and 100. I am also a diabetic with impaired pancreas function. I am going to follow you because this is really interesting as I also exercise a bunch and have periods of low BGL in mid morning after taking my insulin for the day. I wish you all the best on your adventure.  
25 сен 18 написано членом: tahoebrun
oh - I forgot - here is a link to the glycogen production and function - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glycogen  
25 сен 18 написано членом: tahoebrun
Tahoebrum. Do you have CGM, they really show you how you respond to food and exercise. I don't have one but my friend does. thanks for the input. But at some point it should have already gone down. I'm at zero and have been under 20 carbs almost always and I'm fasting today till dinner, and my BS IS just moving up. Now 12:30 at 106. NO, it's not that high, but it shouldn't be there. Bizzare. I'm super hungry stomach growling but holding off till dinner to keep with IF. I'M just trying to figure why I can't get my glucose under 100. My system isn't working like it "textbook" should. But I already knew that from my difficulty losing. Only thing now is potentially tookick insulin all day long. It will be interesting what my readings will be the rest of the week. 
25 сен 18 написано членом: jenjabba
what has you A1C level stayed Around? 
25 сен 18 написано членом: dennisnarc
pork rinds have very little protein right?? a handful to stop the gumbling tummy?? raised your blood glucose for hours and it would not come down. that is a puzzler. how much protein and fat did that small bite come out to? is it really the bite that caused the higher level or the work which opened the body functions up to release fat from your stores for your body to burn. I don't get hungry when I work out. Never have, it takes at least an hour or two after working out before I get those feelings it is time to eat. Now if I don't have breakfast and work out then I can feel like eating. I think I will try to get back into that routine. I debated getting a meter to test like you guys do and now I think it would just drive me crazy. I learned from your ongoing testing and trying to figure it all out. I have some built in signals that I am going to test. I would not have thought about it this deeply without your and adef's discussion. So thank you for helping me too 
25 сен 18 написано членом: baskington
baskington, they have a good amount of protein and they shoot up my glucose.  
25 сен 18 написано членом: jenjabba
Hmm Ok if I have low carb the day before, and I wake up with a Blood Sugar reading under 100, I can stay that way all day as long as I eat nothing that day (if I exercise it goes lower). I will have no hunger. If I eat that night, I can still lose weight the next day. - - I totally get what people are saying that it is an insulin issue not a Blood Sugar issue, but Blood Sugar is what I can easily measure. Also, for me, it has been a constant indicator. If I stay above 100 most of the day good luck losing any weight. If I stay around 120 'hello extra weight'. If I am 90 or lower for most of the day, chances are I will lose weight 90% of the time. 
25 сен 18 написано членом: adefwebserver
Following up - I do not have a CGM...I do finger stick testing before bed - (two hours post dinner meal) usually around 9:30pm and at waking which is usually about 5:30am. I am also on Metformin (sustained release). I agree that we are not "textbook" systems - I am learning that with frequent BGL readings that make me wonder "just exactly is my Pancreas up to" when I am not looking. It is a journey of trial and error and adjustment to see what works best. I too am looking for close to normal and stable blood glucose.  
25 сен 18 написано членом: tahoebrun
these tests aren't because I want to lower my glucose, I want to lower my INSULIN, which is most likely consistently HIGH because my glucose is high. And my cells are probably resistant and not utilizing the glucose from liver and muscles.  
25 сен 18 написано членом: jenjabba
lower glucose, lower insulin 
25 сен 18 написано членом: jenjabba
Sorry - not try to confuse the issue - I was following that point...I have to inject insulin because my pancreas is a jerk. Insulin control and glucose control go hand in hand for me. I am still learning so much on this topic because there a of ton of variables in this equation - hormones, alpha cells, beta cells, liver function and glycogen, delayed digestive system function, insulin resistance, kidney function. everyone has to play nice in there for things to work well. Then add how foods behave in my system which is probably different from you - so interesting and so frustrating.  
25 сен 18 написано членом: tahoebrun
Tahoebrun exactly! I'm following you! I was commenting on someone else's comment. Yup, so many variables. Since your pancreas is being a jerk, you need insulin. Oddly enough all my best friends in life have been diabetics, type 1 and 2 and I have a degree in health sciences, but that doesn't mean I know much lol. So I'm trying to figure out why my body doesn't lose weight like it should, and so with my pancreas, fully functioning, probably pumping out extra insulin, which is the fat storing hormone. And I believe the insulin sensitivity of cells is why my glucose is high. They aren't sensitive enough 
25 сен 18 написано членом: jenjabba
For what it is worth- my son is type 1 and there are times that a high protein and fat meal will still spike his blood sugar. It has to do with how slow or fast his body will digest the food. To fix this we do a wave insulin dose. 
25 сен 18 написано членом: kandyRN
KandyRN, YES, rate of digestion is another factor lol. And protein can cause spikes too. I have no food in my since 5 pm yesterday so I don't think protein is the factor especially since I'm zero carb now. but hey, maybe I have some wacky show absorption issue. I doubt it but our bodies are complex. 
25 сен 18 написано членом: jenjabba
Tahoebrun can I encourage you to read Dr Fung Obesity Code! Your carbs are high. I have a friend who is type 1 and she has cut her insulin from 100 to 30!!!!!! just by lowering carbs. if you had a continuous glucose monitor it can help you see what foods jack your blood sugar, and the less insulin the better the less swings you'll have. you've done great losing the weight. also if your have time, please watch Dr Fung 6 part series on diabetes. he's got a lot of interviews but find the series 1-6. It will all make sense giving you the tools to not need as much insulin and get healthy! thank you for your service! 😀 
25 сен 18 написано членом: jenjabba


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