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17 августа 2020

Вес: Потеряно до сих пор: Еще предстоит сделать: Следовательность диеты:
169,8 кг 6,2 кг 79,1 кг Плохо
Набралось 3,4 кг за Неделю

08 августа 2020

08 августа 2020

Вес: Потеряно до сих пор: Еще предстоит сделать: Следовательность диеты:
165,5 кг 10,5 кг 74,8 кг Достаточно Хорошо
Набралось 0,9 кг за Неделю

07 августа 2020

Ok Joy I hope you read this one as I had an AHHA moment today. There is one thing I know for sure (really 2 things) my knee hurts like a bitch and the solid cramp in my left calf leads me to not walk like a normal person. 2ndly the pool is not doing that much for me and with the cooler nights happening the last two days I couldn't work out in it cause it was so cold. But Dr. appts. for the knee and vascular have been made and will be happening in the next 3 weeks.

Sooooo in the meantime I REALLY have to kill it with diet. I will continue to move and do what I can (and that includes a little lifting) but these next few weeks I have to lose some weight with just better and smarter eating.

So Joy I don't want you to be offended but I think this thing that yo and I are doing has to be done with a different approach with me. If I'm the kind of person that spends $750 I want to make sure I have something to show for it. This is not about you, it's about the process. I do better with a coach and a cheerleader than I do with feelings, handouts, etc. I know what yo are saying right now "oh Deb we just started" and you are right. But I find myself being motivated mostly by this Apple watch and trying to beat you and Teresa during the day and also knowing that you see me and I'm not moving like I should, makes me more accountable and that is THE BIGGEST THING I NEED.

I don't want this to take up more of your time but we may be able to cut our weekly sessions a little bit. This is going to seem a little more pain in the ass for you, but you can ignore most of it. I like texting about what I'm doing and what's going on that very minute. Having more direct communication more often is what drives my train. And when I text you , you don't have to reply or anything it's just me knowing that I'm reporting and it makes me feel great cause I'm more than likely reporting good things. I know not all can be good, but I learn this week bantering back and forth with my pal Teresa in Texas that I was more motivated to stay on track because of the contact. Am I making any sense.

I don't want to throw you off what you do cause hell you know your job better than me. But I know me and if I'm going to stay this path and not have another 4 day melt down I need to be held more accountable. We can talk about it on Thursday, but I wanted to write this down now that Was thinking about it. I'm beat and I'm headed to bed, but just wanted to get this out of my head and to you :0) Cia

06 августа 2020

Ok so FUNK has gone away mostly and Saturday-Tuesday was a very bad stretch. I was so angry that I lost two job prospects that were shoe in's and all because of this fucking virus. I haven't been that mad in a long time and I beat myself up by ordering a pizza, having donuts and cake.

I did so good for over 30 days and I totally feel off the wagon. This is how I get when I can't control certain things that are happening to me. So I latch on to things I can control and that is food and I stuff my face. I was so depressed Tuesday that I slept all day, never left the house and even skipped out on my mom's Bday dinner. I just didn't want to see anyone and all I could do was cry and punch and throw things.

With 63 coming up and the way the world is right now with jobs I am more scared than ever. I can't live on SS right now and I'm worried about my well being for the future. I have no partner, kids or any one to leann to take care of me and that scares the shit out of me even more. I know getting healthy right now can change that outlook but it's the whole "GETTING THERE" process that is so hard right now to even look ahead.

But I felt better yesterday and killed it with activity (SEE APPLE WATCH) and I will continue to do so today. It's always been a roller coaster and I don't know why I think this time would be any different.

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