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28 мая 2012

I have not been on here in a long time. I've completely given up on trying to lose weight. I was doing great and now I find my habits to be worse than they ever were. I will eat and eat and eat to the point that my dad feels the need to tell me to stop. I need to get back to how I was last summer. I need to exercise like I was and I really need to start dieting. I want my body back! I'm too young to worry about this. I want to develop healthy habits that will keep me around super long.
Goals for the week:
*Lose two pounds by Sunday
*Only eat around 900 calories a day
*Run 30 minutes and walk 30 minutes a day (Tuesday-Sunday)
*Do 10 pushups when you wake up, 10 pushups after lunch, and 10 pushups before bed.
*Do 100 situps when you wake up, 100 situps after lunch, and 100 situps before bed.
*Get diet pills
*Work on wii fit and wii Pilates 5 times Either/Or Do 5 workout videos
*No candy, cake, or anything sugary like that. No juice. Keep red meat to a minimum. ABSOLUTELY NO POP or juice, ONLY WATER. Try and eat fruit and veggies only, no breakfast, salads for lunch with low fat or no dressing, and low calorie meals. one snack a day, things like special k granola bars would be good.
*If you find yourself doing nothing and sitting on the couch, get up and workout or do something productive.
*Whenever you go up or down the stairs, squeeze your stomach muscles the whole way.
************************THINK BEFORE YOU EAT.**************************

22 июня 2011

Today was okay. I had leftover chinese for last night and that wasnt as much calories as i thought it was which is a relief....i had a fruit snack, and some pretzels, and a couple glasses of milk. Me and noah went for a walk after i ate so that burned off a little of the calories i gained but not much. i only have 83 calories left to eat for the day so i think i will just skip out on dinner and anything else tonight. i am only 'allowed' to eat 1500 cals in my diet but im trying to keep it at 1000. new rules:
only healthy snacks-fruit, low-fat jellow or yogurt, etc.
ONLY drink water or 0 calorie drinks.
no fast food.
salads for lunch only.
limited to 2 snacks a day.
no breakfast.
healthy or low cal dinners.
tomorrow i am going to a pool party with my friends. hopefully i look okay in my bathing suit.....and i WILL not eat anything while im over there. i will take some watermelon and grapes with me as a snack and get a bottle of water in a vending machine and i will walk there and back instead of driving. the only thing is is that im going there at noon and not coming back until atleast 4 so i will get a little hungry for lunch. maybe ill make a salad and bring vinaigrette dressing with me for lunch. ooh we'll see if i can follow these rules. hopefully i can! wish me luck!(:

20 июня 2011

Over the last couple of days I visited my family and some friends. Me and Emma spent Friday together and played racquet ball and then swam, and afterwards we split a soft pretzel- no salt- with cheese. For dinner we had chicken, grilled asparagus, corn, and mashed potatoes. On Saturday, I visited my uncle/aunt and met their newborn baby. They have an outdoor pool so we swam with their 1 year old, my uncle, my dad, and my grandpa. After we swam for a couple hours we had dinner. I had four ribs, and some beans, and an ice cream cone that I shared with the one year old/and my brother. On Sunday I visited my uncle and my other grandparents with my brother and my mom. We swam for the majority of the day and then had dinner. I had a Turkey hot dog, some macaroni, and potatoes. I felt that I did okay over the weekend (other than the fact that me and Emma did have a lot of candy while we watched a movie on Friday night..-oops) and I did a lot of outdoor activities with my family/friends to burn off the high cal/carb foods that I did eat. Today I think I have done good, I will be taking Noah for a walk after he finishes his nap, and we might swim too so that will burn most of the calories from my extra pack of Ramen noodles that I ate today. I am super sick (sore throat) so this morning instead of having breakfast I had milk and honey (heated on the stove top) which tastes great and feels amazing on your throat. Good day!

16 июня 2011

About two hours ago I saw a doctor. Not only did he tell me what I was eating was unhealthy (Really? Cause all I've been drinking is water, and I've been eating unbelievably healthy for a couple weeks now)... He told me that I was not eating enough food, and that I needed to have more fat in my diet. I think that is absolutely ridiculous. Let me say here and now, that I am only 14, about to turn 15, and all I was planning on doing this summer was babysitting and volunteering at a local farmstead, and hanging out with my friends, but now my parents are threatening to send me to rehab. I feel like they want me to eat a whole freaking box of donuts and that's all I can do to satisfy them; to shove my freaking face with unhealthy foods like a freaking pig who doesn't care if they're fat, who doesn't care if they walk and their legs rub against each other so much that they 'chafe' or whatever it's called. I LOVE having space between my arms, having a solid stomach, having arms that don't FLAB OR JIGGLE. Because I don't think ANYONE would EVER want their bodies to JIGGLE as they walked. So my parents are watching every single freaking move I make, which is so ridiculously frustrating considering that I have been working HARD for my body. It isn't even bad! I've been doing it for two weeks tops (dieting) and in the beginning of the week they said and I quote: Oooh I'm soo proud of you! This is going to be so healthy for you! And now THEY ARE FREAKING OUT BECAUSE THE DOCTOR SAID IT WAS UNHEALTHY. the dumb stupid FAT doctor who doesn't know his nose from his ass. UGH. So now instead of 800 calories, I'm going up to 1500. jesus! I wanted to LOSE weight this summer, NOT GET FATTER. fml.

15 июня 2011

Today was a good day. I am now home and I am not planning to go to the gym but instead do a couple hours of dancing on dance dance revolution (I know its old but I miss it haha(: ) ....I did not stick to my 400 calorie diet and I do not plan to because I was thinking today and I have decided that I will stick to 800 because it is a little bit healthier (not by much) because my recommended calorie intake is 2400. 800 is not even half of that but 400 is just not enough! So hopefully this will make me feel better and have more energy!!(: Today for dinner I had pretzels and a tuna sandwich. I feel that I did very well resisting high calorie snacks and foods and sticking to my diet today!!! I only had 580 calories today so if I do get hungry later tonight then I will have 320 calories for a snack! Good day.

Brianaa-Изменение Веса

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