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29 июня 2024

And when all the dust settled I have gained 0.2 pounds. That is such a win!!

I weighed in almost two weeks ago. In that time I was at a music festival where I was cooking 7 hours two days in a row. The baker had AMAZING homemade baked goods. I am such a sucker for that kind of crazy! I sampled many of them and there was so much to sample! When I came home I was up a full 4 pounds. The damage that can be done in literally two days!

I have returned to eating 'normally'. Since coming home I have eaten on average a few calories below my top end of my calorie window. And I have managed to make the gain 0.2 pounds overall. Could have been so much worse!

This week is my last week before my big party! Not sure if I will be logging in next Saturday as I will have around 100 guests camped behind my barn. I will likely just go be a hostess! Next Saturday I am having a games tournament (horseshoes, darts, backgammon, Euchre, Crib), a pig roast for 100 people and a dance with my favorite Blues Band coming to play (they are travelling 300 miles each way!)

In the meantime I have been hard at it to get ready for it all. My decks are stained, the floor of my barn has been changed, gravel has been hauled and have I been mowing the lawn! My lawn is about 5 acres. My whole place is 10 acres and I am sure I am mowing at least half of it! We have been getting lots of rain (which we need) however it has delayed a lot of my outside stuff. Today I will do the last mowing until after the party. It is supposed to start raining tomorrow and keep raining until Wednesday. Then lovely weather Thursday to Sunday. Hope that holds!
Вес: Потеряно до сих пор: Еще предстоит сделать: Следовательность диеты:
96,0 кг 25,8 кг 18,9 кг Достаточно Хорошо
   Добавить Комментарий Набралось 0,0 кг за Неделю

15 июня 2024

The good news is that I am down three pounds this morning. The lowest this week was 3.4 down. Generally good. The calorie count was 85 calories less per day than last week and 25 calories above where I like to be.

It is disheartening to see that I am 24 pounds more than I was a year ago. I know all the 'reasons' why but the results are not what I am pleased to see. My pattern is to hold the line and then have a week of eating out in restaurants followed by holding the line. It seems like the weight shouldn't be as high however when I don't lose all the weight from the high weeks and merely maintain it until the next surge the cumulative result is to be 24 pounds heavier a year later.

I have been mowing and weed eating in between the rain. We desperately need the rain to stave off forest fires however sometimes it is inconvenient! I subbed a half day at the school, did an evening meeting that day as well as supervised a heavy console TV leaving my father in law's basement, the next day was a mowing day and a library committee meeting, followed by a heavy all day in town day (5:30am to 8:00 pm), then swimming and a zoom meeting and a school awards day and yesterday was digging up a grass section for 3 hours and just beating the rain!

Lots of planning being done for the two days I am lead for making brunch for 165 people at a folk festival and planning my own party that comes two weeks later! Looking forward to quieter days ahead in July.
Вес: Потеряно до сих пор: Еще предстоит сделать: Следовательность диеты:
95,9 кг 25,9 кг 18,8 кг Достаточно Хорошо
   Добавить Комментарий Потеряно 1,4 кг за Неделю

08 июня 2024

I gained 2.4 pounds this week. I was feeling somewhat hard done by and then I looked at my data for this week. It is so easy to think that I haven't eaten 'all that much' but when taken as a whole the picture is totally different.

I know if I eat over 1210 calories, I will gain.(I know that sounds low but I suspect that I count my calories low but consistently in the same manner. I have seen over time if I count my calories as I do and it is over 1210 then I gain. I make a point of not going less than 1185 calories. Perhaps the 'real' number is 1300 or 1400- I really don't know but this works for me)

This week I averaged 155 calories over that target. It is no surprise given that information that I gained so substantially. Each day it felt like a 'blip' and the next day I would be back on track. In fact I only once ate under 1210 this week. That is what I have to focus on - the facts. No excuses. The fact is I ate too much this week and it resulted in a gain. What was surprising is that I managed to keep the weight relatively 'down' the first while. I ranged in weight from 211.2 and the highest weight was this morning at 214.4- ranged over 3 pounds. Two days I actually showed a weight loss.

The plan for next week will be to eat within the calories. If I do, I know I will lose weight.

The Used Book Sale is completed and it went well. We had 300 people come through as compared to 200 in the last two years. We made about $1000 more than last year so that is good too. Other than that this week has been about planning my next two things - I am volunteering at our local Music Festival to feed the performers and main organizers (165 people) brunch for two days. I have met with the overall cook and know what to expect. I am planning for my big birthday bash for the first weekend in July (camping, live music, pig roast, games, etc.), had a major town day, lawn mower broke down and drove a total of 6 hours to get the necessary part, and mowing (yesterday was 4 hours on my ride on tractor- need another 2 hours to totally finish!)
Вес: Потеряно до сих пор: Еще предстоит сделать: Следовательность диеты:
97,3 кг 24,5 кг 20,1 кг Достаточно Хорошо
   (2 комментарий) Набралось 1,1 кг за Неделю

01 июня 2024

Quite a week this week with getting ready for the Used Book Sale for our Women's Shelter. This has occasioned a fair amount of eating out. It also means pretty constant walking and lifting of boxes of books! In the end, as the dust has cleared, I am up 0.2 pounds. Frankly I am taking this as a win! Restaurant meals especially when I am limited to the restaurant where I am setting up the books tend to be high.

Good strategies have been: eating a good breakfast before leaving, splitting my meal with one of the other workers and choosing a chef salad as I can control the dressing and it is 'real' food! Versus deep fried everything!!

Yesterday I put in 12 hours at the sale. We finished putting out the last 75 boxes and then opened for business for 4 hours! In those 4 hours we had 121 people come through!! We are in a small town so that number is pretty significant. People have been generous on top of the bags of books they have bought. $1500 made thus far! Today we have 6 hours of seeing. Tomorrow will be 4 hours and then done!

I tried to upload a picture but no luck!
Вес: Потеряно до сих пор: Еще предстоит сделать: Следовательность диеты:
96,2 кг 25,6 кг 19,1 кг Достаточно Хорошо
   Добавить Комментарий Набралось 0,2 кг за Неделю

25 мая 2024

This is a 2.4 loss from last week. Last week I had just returned from my trip to Portugal when I gained 7.6 pounds. Definitely didn't lose all of it! Didn't actually expect to since that has never been my pattern. At one point this week I was 0.8 less than where I ended up however the rest of the week I was higher!

I have been weighing my food and with summer coming on I have been out in my yard 2-4 hours daily. This has helped. Next week, however, I am spearheading a Used Book Sale in support of the local Women's Shelter. I will be working there 7 hours daily for 6 days. That means not much in my yard will be getting done!

I have started back to making meals and freezing them rather than buying premade frozen meals. Food is better and more filling. Presently I have 4 different meals and around 15 total in the freezer.

This week has been about picking up all the things that got dropped while I was on vacation. Lots of paperwork, getting my father in law's house cleaner for its sale, a presentation to a town council on behalf of the Shelter, planning for the book sale and my July party and yard work!!
Вес: Потеряно до сих пор: Еще предстоит сделать: Следовательность диеты:
96,0 кг 25,8 кг 18,9 кг Достаточно Хорошо
   (2 комментарий) Потеряно 1,1 кг за Неделю

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