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03 июня 2013

Happy Monday!! Just got back from working out and I feel GREAT!! I'm having some issues with headaches, or extreme pains in my head if I move up and down to fast, so yesterdays workout was cut short. This just started happening last week when I did my first body pump class. Not sure what that's about. Going to go talk to someone about it today. No pain during zumba today, though, so that made me VERY happy. It doesn't happen all the time...it's the weirdest thing. possible inner ear issues? Maybe dehydrattion? Not sure. Will report more once I find out.

It's not stopping me from working out though. =) I put myself on a schedule for the month. M-W-F-Sat-Sun I'm doing Zumba. T and F and either Sat or Sun I'm doing Body pump as well. Thursday is my rest day. Going hard on the weekends because that's when I consume the most food. I'm also going to walk as well. But i don't really count that because I just like to be outside.

Anyway, going to get some groceries. Just wanted to check in.

31 мая 2013

Happy Friday! My scale is calling my name...but..I'm staying far, FAR away. I'm dealing with TOM, on top of STILL sore muscles...I know that scale will NOt be kind to me. Good news is, though, I'm eating really well and exercising sooo...I'm doing what I need to be doing. I think i will weigh myself NEXT friday...if I can make it that long. I just don't want to be discouraged...even though I don't think that will happen. BUT...just to be safe...LOL.

I have body combat and Zumba this morning. Looking forward to them both. I''m still a bit sore...but I think i should be ok. Today is my most fav zumba class...so I'm really excited about that. LOL. YESss...I'm THAT girl. Oh well. I'm sooo addicted it's not even funny. i even bought zumba clothes. LOL

Hoping I make it through the weekend without any major food issues. Weekends have always been an issue for me. I'm really going to try and stay on track...and I will LOg everything.

Ok, well time to get ready for my classes. I need to eat something to give me the energy I need to make it through both classes.

have a great day!

29 мая 2013

Good afternoon!! I'm SO sore today from doing body combat yesterday. =) I LOVE it though! I did zumba today and tomorrow I will do both again. i figure i will do body combat tree times a week and Zumba 5-6 times. One rest day. I really don't count zumba as really A LOT of exercise because I really love doing it and I'm totally adducted to the calorie burn it provides. I'm also going to incorporate some running in there somewhere. HOLY EXERCISE BATMAN!! LOL. I used to really HATE to exercise. But now...I'm becoming quite addicted. I guess there could be worse things to be addicted too. =)

I haven't weighed myself because I'm really sore so I know I have water weight. I'm going to wait until saturday. I usually like to do it everymorning just to track my flucuations, but until I get myself back under control...i think I'm going to try to keep it at once a week. I need to stop letting the scale have so much power over me. I'm also tracking inches lost. With so much exercise, my inches are falling more than the lbs. Which is GOOD....but I'm a 'need-to-see-the-scale-go-down' kind of girl....so hopefully I will see that soon.

I'm really going to try to blog at least once a day. I'm usually on MFP, but...I really feel blogging is good for me. Blogging over there isn't the same as here...so you guys are stuck with me. =)

My food has been good so for. Hoping to keep that in check. I know I need to compensate for all of the calories I'm burning...i still haven't found my 'happy place' for my cals...but I will.

Ok, that's all for now. Hope everyone has a great day!

28 мая 2013

SOooo...yeah. Not doing well. I have been thinking about blogging again a lot lately. I just really don't know where to start. My weight is so unstable. I keep flucuating between 245 and 255. I just can't seem to get below 245. On the upside, though, I'm really exercising a lot...which is GOOD because I'm eating like there is NO tomorrow. I'm going to try to reel it in today and really try hard to get back on track. I know what it is...my emotional eating is taking control of me ...AGAIN...and those claws are digging in deep.

I'm really having a hard time with my dad. He basically has given up on life and it's taking a huge toll on me. He won't do anything for himself, he won't leave the house, EAT, or really anything. Yesterday I had to lay down the law and tell him if he didn't start getting some activity I was going to unplug the cable box and hold it hostage until he did SOMETHING. I have offered to walk with him, I ask him every single day. He just won't do ANYTHING. He won't eat. He has lost a lot of weight that he truly didn't need to lose as he is already underweight. He thinkhs everything is a big joke. I just want him to TRY. He isn't DEAD YET. I'm just so frustrated with him. he relys on me for everything and then gets mad when I have to push him to do something. He doesn't appreciate anything i do and is so self absorded it's truly unbelieveable. He doesn't care about what I have going on, if he wants something or needs something, even if he could do it himself, I better drop everything I'm doing and do it. I just don't know what to do anymore. I'm so stressed out about him. I know this prob sounds really bad....but I'm the one dealing with this on a daily basis. I KNOW what he can do...he just won't do it. I just don't know what to do. =(

I know I;m the one in control of my eating and I need to find some other outlet for my emotions besides food. Exercise has become sort of an outlet for me, but it doesn't always work. ::sigh:: I'm just goint o keep pushing forward. That's all I can do. I can only do so much for him. He has to take control of his life and make himself happy. I'm NOT responsible for his happiness. right?!?!

I've decided to do a mud run the end of June. It will be my first one. I guess it's not a 'hard core' kind of mud run, which will be good for me as it's my first one. LOL. I've been running small one minute intervals and I'm really going to step it up this week. I have a friend doing it with me that's really out of shape, so we will be walking most of the way...but that's ok. This will be a HUGE accomplishment for me. Even though I haven't reached my goal YET, i have STILL lost over 130 lbs and I would NEVER have thought I would be able to do a mud run...let alone WANT to do one. So I'm really looking forward to it.

I've been doing Zumba every day as well as squats and other exercises. Today, I'm going to try a Body Pump class before my zumba class. If I like it, I'm going to start doing both classes. I love how many cals zumba burns. Hopefully this Body Pump class will help me with my strength.

I'm not even sure how many of you ladies still read these blogs. LOL. If you still do, thank you. I'm going to really try to make more of an effort to come here. MFP has become my site of choice, but this is where I started and sometimes it's good to go back to your 'roots'. =)

Today is day one.

28 мая 2013

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